

Friday, November 24, 2017

I Am A Bible Believer

I am a Bible Believer!

Are You?

Do you read the Bible?

Do You Pray?  Talk to GOD?

Do you go to church?

Do you believe what is written in the Bible?

The Bible says, You are healed by the stripes of Jesus.  Do you believe it?

The Bible says, You will be a lender to many nations and borrow from none.  Do you believe it?

The new year is coming and I have been thinking of what I should blog about.  I have a testimony that GOD wants me to tell to the world.  But how?

I decided I am going to blog about my daily life as a Born Again Christian.  I was born again in 2003.  I was Water Baptized in July 2016.

I believe that we are living in the last days, before Jesus comes back. 

I believe that the Anti Christ is alive and well in this world and the Implant, micro chip is the next step.

Christians are being persecuted throughout the world.  You hear nothing of this on the news. 

So this blog is how I am walking with GOD everyday. 

Satan is attacking me everyday.  Satan is attacking you everyday if you are a Born Again Christian.

We are in a fight in the spiritual realm.  This world means nothing, except to do what GOD created us to do.  We all have a purpose. 

2018 I will let you know how I am battling Satan and what GOD is doing in my life.

Are you with me?  Do you want to fight Satan in the Spiritual Realm and do what GOD called you to do?

We all have a testimony.  We all have a gift GOD gave us.

Stop listening to Satan and Start listening to GOD.

GOD choose us to live in this time.  GOD needs us to fullfill our purpose.  It might not be easy, but you are not alone.  The Holy Spirit dwells with in you.

Place GOD above everything and everyone and watch your life change in ways you never dreamed of.

GOD gets all the glory.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Greed One Of The Deadly Sins Black Friday

In the United States, it is all about Status.  What you have.  What you wear.  Where you live.

Black Friday started years ago.  The day after Thanksgiving, stores opened like four in the morning for sales that started the Christmas shopping season.

Now it starts Thursday afternoon, the day of Thanksgivng.

So first Americans stuff themselves with food, Gluttony.  Then Americans will go shopping with money they don't have.  They will charge items, thinking they are getting a good deal. 

No one thinks about the employees that have to leave their family on Thanksgiving to work, for people to spend money.

GREED.  GREED for the CEO's of the company.  Greed for customers who think they have to buy things for Christmas to impress others.

Shopping for Christmas gifts is for the buyer.  They want to impress whoever they are giving the gift to.

The Birth of Jesus has nothing to do with Black Friday or even gift giving.

People go into debt.  Exactly what Satan wants you to do.

Are you living in the flesh?  Why are you out spending money you don't have? 

What does that have to do with the Birth of Jesus? 

Think about this, before you run out, because it is black Friday, that starts on Thursday now.

Christmas has gotten so commerized, that Christ has been taken out of Happy Holidays. 

GREED, Businesses want your money.  Commericals are already on TV.  It is all about the gifts, the parties and the food and nothing about Jesus.

What are you doing this Christmas Season?  Are you going to get all stressed out to impress your family and want to impress your friends?  OR Are you going to look to Jesus and thank GOD for Jesus.  The reason their is Christmas.

People are more worried about buying gifts than Jesus.

People are more worried about impressing others, that remembering that Jesus was Born.

People have taken Jesus out of Christmas.

What are you going to do this Christmas?

Christmas is all about Jesus.

Gluttony One Of The Deadly Sins

Gluttony, any thing done in excess is Gluttony.

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States of America. 

Thanksgiving Day is based on the fact that when the Pilgrims who came to America had dinner with the Indians. 

Today, it has nothing to do with history or giving thanks. 

Thanksgiving Day is Sin.  Gluttony, one of the 7 deadly Sins.

People across America are not cooking in their kitchen. Cooking a huge meal, more food than will be able to eat.  Why do they do this?  Gluttony.

They eat until they are stuffed, go in the living room and then go back to eat more. 

I don't get it.  People say that it is about family and giving thanks.

Satan has made Thanksgiving a Sin.

People eat to much, and if you do not go along with this, you are an outcast, as if something is wrong with you.

I am a cashier, and all hear is women complaining that they have to go home and cook.  They spend hundreds of dollars for a dinner that most will get thrown away.

Thanksgiving has nothing to do with family or thanks.  It is a reason to eat to much.  It is that simple.

Something to think about.

I don't do Thanksgiving.  It is a man made holiday that only serves the flesh and not GOD.

How many people give thanks and think about GOD on this day?

My family never did.  It is all about living in the flesh.

Something to think about as you sit down and eat to much, don't give thanks and then complain how much you ate.

Your body is a temple for GOD. 

Live for GOD, and not for your flesh

Saturday, November 4, 2017

GO To Church

Tomorrow Is Sunday.  GO To Church

If you can't go to church in person, check these out online

Kenneth Copeland.

Jesse Duplantis

Real Life Church

The Holy Spirit

If you are a Born Again, then you have the Holy Spirit inside of you. The Holy Spirit is GOD.  That is awesome.  The Holy Spirit is to guide us, teach us and comfort us.

Then why are we still trying to do everything ourselves and don't listen to The Holy Spirit.

I attend church.  I serve as an usher every Sunday.  I still don't feel I am doing enough for the Lord.

What I learned recently that we all have a purpose.  GOD created each of us for a reason.  The Holy Spirit is suppose to guide and help us. 

So how do we know if we are doing the right thing?

I am always the odd person out.  I don't fit in with any group.

I joined a Bible Study Group and I just don't click with anyone.

I have never fit in with anyone.  I know that I am not alone.  Jesus will never leave me no forsake me, but as I sit at these Bible Studies, I just want to walk out.

Why I don't fit in with others:

1.  I have food issues, (eating disorders)  All these women do is talk about food, recipes.  I just want to throw up.

2.  I don't really connect with anyone in the group.

3.  After the meeting, I just leave.  I just want to go home.

I don't fit it.  I want to go to the meetings, but it is not for me.  I am not a people person.

So now I feel guilty and then go back to my old ways, thinking that I am stupid and worthless.

After I have a pity party I turn my attention to GOD.  I read the Bible and remind myself that GOD is in me.  Jesus is sitting next to me.

GOD loves me just the way I am.  GOD created me.  I am who I am, because of GOD.

It is a daily fight. If I yield to the Holy Spirit, then He will guide me to what I am to do and where to go.

Can you relate to any of this?

We all have problems and issues in social situations. 

I know I am a bit different.  I think different.  I dress different and I talk different, because I am a child of GOD.

So if you feel like you do not fit in, you fit in with GOD and that is all that matters.  You are not alone, The Holy Spirit is inside of you.  Listen to Him.  Ask for help.

If you are not Born Again,  Pray This:

Dear Lord,

I come to you alone, afraid and have no idea what to do.  Come into my heart.  Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me my purpose.  I believe that Jesus died for me and that you GOD raised with from the dead.  I give you my life.  You are my GOD.  Amen.

If you prayed this, the Holy Spirit now dwells in you.  You will never be alone again.  You are now a child of GOD.

Leave a comment and let me know so I can celebrate with you.  Follow me and together we will walk with GOD everyday.  You are never alone.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Know That Jesus Is With You

How Do You Know If Jesus Is With You?


It is that simple.  Faith.

I know that Jesus is with me. 

I need new tires.   .  First my boyfriend said I needed new tires.  Then he said that my tires could wait until spring.  I agreed with him.  I don't even look at my tires.  I just go with my boyfriend says.  He is usually right.

I went to the post office.  I heard GOD's voice.  "Look at your tires."

I looked down at the tires and there was a crack in my tire.  I went to work and called my boyfriend.  He came and looked at the tires.  He agreed.  There is a crack in the tire. Then he left.

I drove home.  Having no idea if I was going to get home or have a flat tire.  What would come first.

I was not worried.  I pleaded the blood over the truck and made it home.  I had to work the next day. I drove to work and came home.  No problem. 

Why wasn't I worried upset?

God told me to look at the tire.

If GOD told me to look at the tire.  I am sure GOD is going to see that I get home.

It was a Friday.  The garage is not open on the weekends.  I ordered the tires today. 

If I start to get upset I think of what Jesus did at the cross.  I look over and see Jesus sitting in the truck with me. 

I have faith in GOD. 

I have no faith in this world, so if I am going to look to someone or something, I am going to look at Jesus, because Jesus died on the cross for us. 

So know that Jesus is with you.  Jesus said He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Use your faith and believe that Jesus is with you and listen for GOD's voice and GOD will guide you in a loving, gentle way.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Walking With Jesus

Are you walking with Jesus?

It is one thing to say that you believe in GOD, it is another thing to walk with Jesus.  Most of my life, I believed there is a GOD, but I still did what I wanted to do, even though I knew it was wrong.

I was Born Again in Feb. 2003, Water Baptized in July 2016.

When I get stressed, upset or just want to give up, I look around and can see Jesus, standing next to me.

I now believe that Jesus is right with me at this very moment.  I am Born Again and the Holy Spirit dwells inside of me.  I have the power of GOD inside of me.  Believing gives me more strength.

Think about it.  Jesus is standing right next to you.  Jesus knows what you are doing right now.  Jesus knows what you are going to do in the future.  The thing is that Jesus still Loves You.  Jesus died for you and took all your sins and sickness.

You are not alone.

Walk with Jesus.  You are not alone.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Spreading The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

I have a Writing Ministry  MY BIBLE MYGOD

My latest book Suicide Is Not The Answer

I am posting this book on different sites on Facebook.  For the first time I have an entire conversation on my book,  They don't like the fact that I am telling them that Jesus will heal anyone.  Jesus is the Healer.  They would rather have their loved ones kill themselves or over dose on drugs than to learn what Jesus did at the cross for them.  Sad.  The Bible says that if you are not being persecuted and have people againest you then you are doing something wrong.  GLORY TO GOD!  I am very excited.  People are seeing my posts on facebook.  People are looking at the book.  

Jesus is coming!  The Rapture Is Coming

People are committing Suicide everyday and their loved ones ask why?  The do not want to hear the truth.  Jesus Is The Answer!

Jesus is the Healer!  

Stop listening to this World.  Start listening to Jesus.

Read the Bible.
Find all my books at  sharon Lee Johnson's books

My Bible--MY GOD

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Suicidal Thoughts Are From Satan

Satan wants you dead.  Satan wants to win your soul.  Satan will do anything to get your eyes off of GOD.

Suicide is a way to get you away from GOD.

Suicide Is Not The Answer
Suicide Is Not The Answer E-BOOK

Print Book

Satan wants to control your mind, your actions and your words.  BEWARE!!!  You are warned.  Satan wants you dead..

Let me tell you.  GOD created you.  You have a purpose.  You have a destiny.


GOD Loves You.  Believe it.  Take it.

The Rapture is coming sooner than most people think.

Don't let Satan take your life.

Jesus healed me.  Jesus will do the same for you.

GOD Created YOU.  

GOD Loves You

Saturday, September 2, 2017

I Am Complete In Christ

I like to write Scriptures on index cards and carry them with me all day long.  I re-read the scriptures throughout the day.

The scripture that I am re-reading throughout this week is:

Colossians 2:9&10

For in Christ all the fullness of the diety lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.

Declare:  In Christ I am complete.  I can overcome anything.

If you are Born Again, GOD now dwells in you.  Believe that.  No Doubt.  No Argument.

Declare:  My Body is a temple that GOD dwells in.

I suffer from depression.  I was Suicidal more than once in my life.  Renewing my mind everyday helps me get through the day.  Satan wants me to die.  I have a testimony to tell.  Jesus saved me.  GOD is Love.  Love is GOD.  I need to renew my mind to the Word of GOD everyday.  If I don't then Satan will start talking to me and leads me astray.

So write this scripture down, memorize it and repeat it throughout the day, not just once, but several times a day.

Declare:  In Christ I can do all things.

in my book Discover Who You Are In Christ

In my Book  101 Daily Bible Confessions

These books will help you to renew your mind and Declare over your life.

GOD Loves You  Even When You Ignore Him

Monday, August 28, 2017

My Dream Goals

The previous post With GOD all things are possible.

Here Is My Dream List.

I am believing GOD for:

1.  Sell over million books
2.   Have my Testimony read and heard around the world.
3.  I will own a condo on the beach in Florida, Siesta Key Beach.
4.  I will have a major book signing in New York and Chicago.
5.  I am self-employed as a writer and blogger.
6.  I have a brand new 4x4 blue Chevy Pick up truck
7.  Go on an African Safari
8.  Trip to Hawaii and take my boyfriend and my cousins families for a month
9.  I will have a built in indoor swimming pool
10.  Have thousands and thousands of followers on my blog

There it is.  What I am believing GOD for.

I no people don't believe any of these will come to pass.

I live by faith and not by sight.  I believe what the Bible says.  I don't speak anything negative over my life.  I don't going around telling everyone what I am doing.  It is between me and GOD.

I listed my Dream List.  What is your Dream List.  Leave it in the comment section or e-mail me at

With GOD All Things Are Possible

If all things are possible with GOD, then why do we settle?

I have settled all my life.  My motto was "If I don't expect anything, then I will never be disappointed."

I never expected anything good to happen to me, because I was waiting to die.  Since then I have been Born Again, and Water Baptized.  You would think that my life would get better and I would be happy.  That didn't happen.

GOD can not do anything for me, if I am not expecting anything to happen.  I was not speaking GOD's Word over my life.

Words have power.  What you say will come to pass.  What you said yesterday, you will have in the future.  Think about it.

I knew when I was married, that my husband would leave me.  Guess what?  He left me.  I knew it.  I spoke it.  It came to pass.

So I am a Bible Believer.  I believe what the Bible says.  It is written that With GOD all things are possible.  So that is what I am believing.

I am a writer.  I want to live on the beach. (People think that is crazy, because I am a night checker at a grocery store.)

So today I am going to make a list.  A Dream List.  What I am believing GOD for.

What are you believing GOD for?  

Dream Big.  Think outside your comfort zone.  Doesn't matter what country you are living it.  We all have a dream, a passion.

Leave your Dream List in the comments.

I will post my Dream list when I am finished with it.

The list can be one or twenty one things. Don't limit yourself.  What is your fantasy?  World Cruise?
Starting a business.  Finding the perfect mate?  Traveling?

Looking forward to reading your lists.  I will post mine when I have it finished.

Suicidal -Suicide Does Any One Care?

I know now that Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me.

Most of my life I just wanted to die.  I had  a deep dark hole that went to the core of my being.  Nothing would fill the hole.  No amount of alcohol.  I starved myself.  I abused over the counter medicine.  I was waiting to die.

Once I started cutting myself, I discovered away to release the pain.  I had to cut myself just to leave the house.  I cut myself several times a day.  waiting to die.


Print Book

This is my latest book.  I never talked about my Suicidal thoughts or cutting myself.  So if you are dealing with Suicidal thoughts I want you to know that you are not alone.  You have never been alone. Jesus is the Answer.

I have walked in the darkness most of my life.  You don't have to .

Leave a comment.  Prayer request?  Leave it in the comment section.

GOD is Love.  Love is GOD

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Have You Read The Bible Lately?

How often do you read the Bible?

Have you even read the Bible?

I didn't read the Bible until I was in in forties.

It is never to late to start reading the Bible.

The Bible is GOD Breathed Words.

Think about that.  The words in the Bible are not man's word.  The Bible was not written by man.

The Bible is GOD Breathed Words.  The Bible is GOD talking to you.

Want to hear from GOD?  Read the Bible.

I read the Bible in three months.  At the time I had no idea what I was reading. Didn't understand the Bible at all.  I read it.  Then something started to happen, As I reread some verses, I started to understand it.  When I watched Kenneth Copeland on tv, I knew what he was talking about.  When I went to church, I knew what the preacher was talking about.

For me it was a slow process, but I was learning and my mind was changing to the Bible.

Reading the Bible is not a waste of time.

I read the Bible everyday.

If you are new to the Bible.  I would suggest to read the New Testament.

No matter what I am going through or doing. I read these verses:

Deuteronomy 28-1-14
Psalm 91
Psalm 23

Don't know how to Prayer?

Pray This Every Day

Matthew 6:9-14

This is a great way to start your day and end your day.

No matter where you live or what your lifestyle is, put GOD first before you do anything.

You will see your days start to be better and your thoughts and actions will change.

Down load a Bible App on your phone or computer.  Get a Bible.  It is the most important  book ever written.

Tomorrow is Sunday.  GO to church or watch it on online.

Hear the Word of GOD everyday.

Kenneth Copeland

Leave a comment let me know where you live.

Friday, August 25, 2017

I Am Bible Believer

I am a Born Again Christian.  Christian is a broad tern.  People claim they are Christians but don't act like Christians.

I am a Bible Believer.  I believe what the Bible says.  The Bible says I am healed by the Stripes of Jesus.  I believe that I am Blessed.  I do not borrow.  If it says it in the Bible.  I believe it.  Period.

If you go to church, people act like their lives are perfect.  They are dressed nice, happy and act like they are happy to see you.  You see the same people during the week.  They are not happy, dress like a homeless person and ignore you.

So what are you suppose to do?  Do what the Bible says.  Act like Jesus.  Smile, and be nice.

My main problem being a Christian is that everyday is a battle with Satan.  I feel like I am losing the battle.  I feel like I should be further along with my walk with GOD.

I was Born Again in 2003.  I was Baptized in 2016.  I feel that my life should be better.  Don't get me wrong.  I am in a great place.  I know that I am blessed, but I feel that I should be self employed as a writer.  Instead I am still working at my dead end job as a cashier.  My writing career has stalled,  All I have is my Faith In GOD.  I Believe what the Bible says.  I stand on the Word Of GOD.

Satan does not want us to be close to GOD, let alone full fill our purpose in life.

If you have not noticed, Christians are being persecuted in the USA and all over the world.  Prayer has been taken out of our schools.  Christians are being beheaded, and nothing is being done about it, not being reported.

2,000 years ago when Jesus was taken up to Heaven, the Followers of Jesus has been persecuted.  They were jailed, flogged and stoned.  Through it all they sang and praised The Lord.  

You need to have strong Faith so when you get persecuted, is your faith strong enough?

Everyone uses the card with the chip in it.  You are not forced to use it, but everyone uses their card with the chip.  The next is the micro chip in the hand.  Mark of the Beast.

Things are happening that are going toward Revelations.

You need to decide who side you are on.  GOD;s or Satan's side.

So this is my blog on my walk with GOD and my fight with Satan.

GOD never said life as a Christian would be easy.  GOD said he would never leave you nor forsake you.

Don't let Satan win.

Read the book of Acts and see how the followers suffered and what they endured for the name of Jesus.  Are you willing to die in the name of Jesus?

In future blogs I am going to talk about my walk with GOD and the battles that I am facing.
I do hope that you will leave a comment and let me know what your struggles are.  We all are a child of GOD, that makes us family.

You are not alone.

We are all GOD's Children

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I am Heaven Bound

I am excited to go to Heaven.  In fact, I am ready to go now.

Jesus is Lord.  Jesus went to the cross.  Jesus died for us.  Jesus went to the depths of Hell and defeated Satan.  Jesus rose from the dead and is now seated in Heaven with GOD.  If you are Born Again, you also will be in Heaven when you die.

That is something to get excited about.

I know where I am going when I die.  Do you?  If you believe what I wrote above and confess it with your mouth, you to will go to Heaven.

Once we are Born Again, we have work to do here on earth before we go to Heaven.  GOD created us all for a purpose and a destiny.

Go into the world and tell others about Jesus.  There are people out there lost and in the clutches of Satan.  It is our job to tell everyone we know about Jesus.

How do you do that?

Tell them your testimony on why you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Everyone has a testimony to tell.

Get excited about going to Heaven.  Tell your friends.  Tell your co-workers.  Tell a stranger on the streets or the cashier at the store.

You are a child of GOD, Let Jesus shine through you.

Read my Testimony Today

Friday, July 7, 2017

What Did You Do For GOD Today?

How often did you think of GOD Today?
How often did you think of what Jesus did at the Cross for you today?

Did you even pray today?

Are you so focused on yourself that to look up and remember that Jesus died on the Cross for you?

Are you so focused on your cell phone that you are ignoring everything that GOD has blessed for you.

Take your eyes off of yourself.

Look up and put your eyes on Jesus and the Cross.

Start asking yourself, what can I do for Jesus.

Pray and ask GOD, What can I do for you today?  Who can I bless today?

GOD created you.  GOD placed you here at this time, for a purpose.  It is no accident you are here at this very moment.  It is not an accident that you found my blog.

If you want your life to change, start looking to Jesus.  Jesus is the only one that can help you.

Take your eyes off of yourself and start looking to Jesus E-Book Print Book

God Loves You

You Are Not A Mistake E-Book Print Book

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Stand In Faith

How strong is your faith?  Do you stand up for GOD when someone uses His name in vain?  Do you tell people that you are a Christian.  Do you ask people if they go to church? Do you talk about your church?

What are you doing to strengthen your faith.

I believe we are living in the last days.  The book of Revelations is coming to pass.  I believe that we we will be at war soon and our faith will be tested.

Will you die for the name of Jesus or will you go along with the crowd just to survive?

If you are forced to choose Jesus or denounce your faith, for your children to live.  What will you do?  Who will you choose, your family or Jesus.

The answer should be Jesus.  You do not want to denounce GOD, ever.  You need to build up your faith so you don't even have to think about it.

There is a movie out, Silence.  Everyone needs to watch this movie.  Watch how Christians are being persecuted.

I choose GOD over my loved ones.  I want them to go to Heaven.  I want to go to Heaven.

Stop going through the motions of living for GOD.  Start living for GOD.  Talk to your kids and family.  Together build up your faith, so GOD becomes the most important one in all of your lives.

The chip is now in all debit cards and credit cards.  Everyone is using the chip.  Did you know that is an Euro Pay.  Now the entire world is using the chip.  One currency.

I don't like where this is going.  In the USA we don't have to use the chip.  We can pay with cash or check.  We do not have to use the chip in the USA.  It is a choice and Americans are choosing to use the chip and don't care.

True, they may not be Christians, but Christians are using the chip and going along with the crowd.

The next step is implanting the chip into humans.  The book of Revelations said that if you do you will be a soldier in Satan's Army.

So decide whose side you are on?

Who are you living for?  Satan or GOD?

Start Today and build up your faith.


These are the final days.  Make sure you know when you die.  Heaven or HELL!

I choose GOD.  Jesus is Lord.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Fear Not

The Bible tells us to Fear Not 365 times in the Bible.

What are you afraid of?  The Bible says I do not give you a s spirit of fear, but a spirit of love.  So Fear is a Spirit.  Just as Satan is a Spirit.  They need our bodies to ruin our lives.

I lived in Fear most of my life.  I was a afraid of all the What If's  What if I get a flat tire?  What if someone talks to me?  What if I do something stupid?  What if I fail?  My what if's got so bad that I no longer left the house.  slept all day and waited to die.  In my book, Fear Not I tell how I overcome my fears.

It is not always easy.  I get nervous.  I get scared and just want to stay home.  Then I heard this song






This song lifts me up.

We all have fears.  Fear of being homeless, fear of poverty,

You all who read my blog in other countries, I know that you have bigger fears and problems than us in the USA.  But we all have the same GOD.

Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

GOD already knows what you are going through.

Jesus is standing next to do.

Reach out and talk to Him.

Sometime I just reach out my hand and let Him hold my hand.  I can feel HIM.  Jesus is real.

Reach out your hand and feel His Love for you.

You are never alone.

So Fear Not.  You Are A Child of GOD

My Bible--My GOD

Suicide Is Not The Answer

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Christians Being Persecuted in the USA

In The USA it is July 4th, to celebrate the day this country became America in 1776.

Things have changed since that day.  Christians are being Persecuted in the USA, though it is not reported on the news.  Churches are closing.  GOD is taken out of schools and work.  Once is GOD is taken out of our lives, Satan will take over.

We are living in the last days.  Jesus is coming sooner than people think.

I work with a lot of young people and most of them don't want to hear or talk about GOD.  They are more interested in the stars and drugs.

Look around, Even President Trump is putting GOD back in his speeches and he is being Persecuted by the Democrats and the news media, Why?  All Because of GOD.

The USA was founded on the Bible.  Now everyone wants to get rid of the Bible.

Gay marriages, gender free bathrooms, Christian businesses must bow down to gays and transgenders or go to court.  Satan is rising up in this country.  It won't be long before Christians are herded up and killed as jews were rounded up and killed.

The difference this time is that Christians will fight and die before we bow to humans and listen to humans.

I will never denounce my faith in GOD.  I am a child of GOD.  I will die in the name of Jesus.

We are all now using a chip in our debt card and credit card.  It is a EURO PAY,  Wake up people!

One Money  One Currency we are there.  It is only a matter of time.  People are using the chip as if they have a choice.

You have a choice, Cash or Check.  I use cash.  It is that simple.

It is revelations that the Chip will be implanted in us,  The Mark of the Beast. Then you will be a soldier in Satan's Army.

What are you going to do?

Stand In Faith or Bow to Satan?

Christians are being Persecuted.  Stand up and proclaim the Name of Jesus.  Don't bow down.

Here In Arkansas, USA Someone ran over the Ten Commandants Statue.  Now a Satan group wants to have a statue next to the Ten  Commandants.

This country was founded on the Bible.  Today no one cares.

I don't care what country you are in.  You will be persecuted if you are a christian.  I would rather die and go to Heaven than denounce my faith in GOD.

I am ready to die in the name of Jesus.

What are you going to do when you are Persecuted?  Will you stand in Faith, even die for Jesus knowing you are going to Heaven


Will you bow to Satan denounce your faith and go to Hell?

Decide now to grow your faith.  JESUS WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU

Monday, July 3, 2017

I Am A Child Of GOD

If you are a Born Again Believer, You Are A Child Of GOD.

Let that sink in.  Say it out loud.  I am A Child Of GOD.

That means that GOD now dwells inside of you.

Let that sink in.

Believe it.

As you go through your day, say it throughout the day.  Let that get into your heart where you believe it no matter what happens during your day.

I had that problem once I was Born Again.

Satan was still attacking me.  I couldn't hear GOD's voice.

Print Version

I explain what I did to focus on GOD so I could hear the voice of GOD and put Satan under my feet.  You can do the same.  It does not matter what country you live in or if you are rich or poor.  GOD is waiting for you to put Him first in your life.

I am battling Satan everyday of my life.  I am at war with Satan.  Though no one wants to talk about Satan.  If you do not know that you are in battle with Satan, you will never understand why Jesus went to the cross, died, went to the pit of Hell, fought Satan and won and was raised from the dead. and now seated in Heaven with GOD.

Know, Believe that you are the Child of GOD.

Even when you don't feel like it.

Jesus said He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Know that Jesus is with you in the middle of your problems.

Jesus is Lord over your life.

Then only then with your life begin to change.

I am A Child of GOD

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Suicidal is a Family matter

That is me, when I was younger.  I look like a innocent child with no worry.  The reality is that at that age, I am suicidal.  I have been suicidal since I was born and followed me into my adult hood.  I have been waiting to die since I can remember.

I have never talked about it.  I knew that no one would care.  My family doesn't care.  I was the family sacrifice to my grandfather, and everyone in my family looked away.

My parents gave me a Bible when I was 7 years old.  Not sure why, we never went to  church.  Even though I never read the Bible until I was 42.

I buried the fact that I was sexual abused by my grandfather my entire life.  My family used me as the family sacrifice. E-Book

You are never alone.  Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jesus Is The Answer

Order Today!

Suicide is a taboo subject.  No One wants to talk about Suicide.  Then when it hits close to home, they blame the victim.

I have been suicidal.  I have attempted suicide.  That doesn't mean that I am crazy.  It means that that I was wandering around lost, without Jesus in my life.

I was listening to Satan.  I was listening to this world.  I was listening to friends and family that was telling me that I was stupid, worthless and never amount to anything.

I needed Jesus in my life.  It took me over 40 years to meet Jesus.  Now I will no longer be silent.  Satan is the enemy and I battle Satan every day of my life, with Jesus by my side.

If you are Suicidal, you are not alone.  Look up and say, Jesus, I need you come into my life."  Jesus will.  Jesus is waiting for you to call upon him. Yell his name, Jesus.  Jesus will come and fill your heart with Love.  You will never be the same again.

Stop listening to Satan.  Satan does not want you to experience the love and joy that Jesus will bring to you.

GOD gave us all free will.  It is your choice.  Satan or Jesus.  Choose Jesus and watch your life change.



Saturday, June 3, 2017

Stand In Faith

,are living in the last days.  Are you ready for when Jesus comes?

Trump Is in office.

ISIS is taking over the Middle East.

In the book of Revelations, USA in not mentioned. We are not part of the Revelations.  Russia, China, Iraq and Iran are in Revelations.

So what does that mean?

Either Jesus comes and gathers His people or the USA gets hit by a Nuke and we become wiped out.  Whatever happens is that people are going to die and war will reign.

The question is, will you Stand in Faith.  Are you willing to die for the name of Jesus or will you denounce your faith to live?  You better decide now.  The time is now to take a stand for Jesus.

I know for a fact that I will stand in Faith for Jesus, even if I am beheaded.  Even if my loved ones die.  Nothing is more important that Jesus and going to Heaven.

You can not get this kind of faith by listening to the world.  You must read the Bible, pray, go to church and put GOD first in your life.

You decide where you will spend the rest of your life, Heaven of Hell.

These are the last days.  Choose GOD.  Start standing in your faith Today

Become Dependent On GOD

Saved By The Grace of GOD

My Bible--My GOD

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

We All Have a Testimony

imony We all have a story..  We all have had pain and heartache in our lives.  We all have a past.

We have a story to tell to someone who might benefit from your mistakes or dreams.

I have a testimony that I don't like to talk about.

I isolated myself from the world, because I was waiting to die.  I was sexually abused by my grandfather.  I buried the pain and memories.  I had a deep black hole that went to the core of my being.  The pain was great. The pain I couldn't explain.  So I developed an eating disorder.  At one time I weighed less than 90 pounds.  I started drinking.  I do like my vodka and wine.  That only numbed the pain.  The pain was getting words and suicide thoughts were taking over my life.  I then started cutting myself.  several times a day.  Not deep cuts, I told myself.  just enough to bleed, and release the pressure that was building up inside of me.

No one noticed the cuts on my arms at work or they didn't care.  I went home and barricaded my self.  I blocked the doors, so no one could get in. I duct taped all the window so no one could get in.  I became a prisoner in my own home and I liked it.  It was safe.  I planned on die alone in the bathtub.

Then one night while cutting myself in the bathtub, I had a visit from Jesus.  I was going to cut my self deeper and bleed out.  I had two days off work.  No one would be looking for me, until I didn't show up for work.

Jesus stood by the tub and asked me what I was doing?

I felt His love surround me and I dropped the knife.

 I have never told anyone of this until now.  I felt His love.

That night my life changed.  It wasn't like I changed over night.

I have been listening to Satan for 40 years, now I wanted to know what Jesus had to say.  I started listening to Jesus and my life began to change.

I have a testimony and I will be silence no longer.

You have a testimony, when will you tell your story.

Someone is out there that needs your story.

If you are Born Again, you have a testimony that only you can tell

Suicide Is Not The Answer. Jesus Is The Answer  Is my new release on whatever your problem is Jesus has the answer.

My Bible--My GOD The first book I publish about the steps I took to get closer to Jesus

It is time that we tell our story and help others.  Jesus healed us, We found Jesus We have to help others to find their way to Jesus.

Your Past Does Not Define You

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Suicide Is Not The Answer

I just published a book Suicide Is Not The Answer/Jesus Is The Answer

I never talked about my Suicidal thoughts or attempts;  I just wanted to die.  What is the point of living.  I was sexually abused.  I abused alcohol to numb the pain.  I hated myself.  I isolated myself from the world, waiting to die.

Until I met Jesus

Jesus came into my life when I was at my lowest point in my life.  Jesus showed me another way.

Ephesians 2:10

For we are GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which He prepared in advance for us to do.

GOD already prepared in advance something for us.

There is Hope.  If you are still breathing, your are still alive and there is Hope.

Jesus Is the Answer.

Pray This:

Dear Lord

Please come into my heart.  I can not do this any longer without you.  I am lost, and I have no hope, I have nothing.  Please let me feel your love.  Please wrap Your love around me, show me the light, show me what You have prepared for me.  I want to be loved and I want to love.  Jesus come into my life.  Amen

Start looking to Jesus.  Start talking to Jesus.

You took the first step to living a life GOD created you to live.  You are now a Child of GOD.

The Holy Spirit now dwells inside of you.  GOD is on your side.  Start looking up.  Start listening the GOD's voice and follow GOD

Suicide Is Not The Answer/Jesus Is The Answer

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Living Without Jesus

Are You living without Jesus?

Are you a Christian but still ignore Jesus?

We are living the end of days.  Jesus is coming soon.

Christians are being persecuted everyday throughout the world.

One day, Bibles will be burned.  Bibles with be banned.  This day is here.  Iran has no Christians.  North Korea has no Christians.

Don't take the Bible for granted.  Don't take going to church for granted.

Satan wants all Christians dead and to denounce GOD.

Will you die for Jesus?  Are you willing to go to jail for Jesus?

Will you go along with the world so you won't be killed?

You need to know where you stand with Jesus.  Jesus already knows your heart.  Jesus already knows what you are going to do.

It is not to late to change.  Start living for Jesus.  Stop listening to the World.  Start listening to Jesus and read the Bible.

I know I have followers all over the world.  I am praying for you and am thinking of you.  I have no idea what your life is like, but you are not forgotten.

In the United States we are spoiled and take for granted our freedom.  Freedom to worship.  Freedom to carry a Bible.  Freedom to pray.  Soon that could all be taken away.

I want my faith to be strong if I must choose death because I believe in Jesus.  I will not denounce my faith in GOD.

Jesus is coming soon and then every knee will bow to the name of Jesus.

There are people that do not believe in Jesus and I work with a lot of those people.  GOD gave us free will to make our choice.

I don't want to live with out Jesus.  Do You?

Pray this:

Dear Lord,

I come to you as I am.  I know that I am not worthy.  I repent what I have done.  I believe that You died on the Cross for me.  I believe that you died and went to the pit of Hell, defeated Satan, and rose from the dead.  Come into my life and do something with it.In the name of Jesus, Amen

If you are a persecuted Christian please let me know if you can, leave a comment.  I want to pray for you, and let others know what is happening.  You are not alone.  GOD will never leave you nor forsake you.  Know that others are praying for you.

Leave a comment so I know what country you are from.

I would love it if everyone would leave a comment and say what country you are from.  We all need prays.  If you want me to pray for you, let me know. We are all brothers and sisters, even though miles may seperate us.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Persecuted Christians

Do you realize that Christians are being persecuted everyday throughout the world and no one is doing a thing about it?

People are dieing for Christ and it is not on the news.

This has to stop, we must start talking about this.

Jesus is coming back.  Will His people be ready and waiting for Him or will GOD's people be hiding and deny they know GOD?

Which are you?  Are you willing to stand up for GOD?  OR are you going to deny Christ hovering in a corner crying?

I know that most of my readers are from other countries, Russia, China, France.  I feel your pain, but have no idea what you are going through.

I want you to know that you are not forgotten.  You are in my prayers every night.  All the signs are here, that Jesus will be coming back soon.  Stand firm on the Word of GOD, Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

If you are the lucky ones that are not being persecuted, you need to be praying for our Brothers and Sisters who are being Persecuted.

Pray This:

Dear Lord, I know you will never leave me nor forsake me, Please give me strength and I pray for all my brothers and sisters who are being persecuted, give them strength to stand on Your Word, and to increase their faith so they will never deny You.

In Matthew 24:9

Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by nations because of me.At that time many will turn and run away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.

But He who stands firm to the end will be saved.

I want everyone to know that you are not alone.  You have the Holy Spirit inside of you.  Jesus will never leave nor forsake you.

I am praying for you and you are not forgotten..

Jesus's Love Will Prevail

Pleae, Please, if you can, leave a comment, so I can find out what is going on and let the world know.  You will not be forgotten.

Stand firm on the Word of GOD and let your story be heard.

Please leave a comment, for we can pray for you,  You are not alone.

The Lord is GOD and We are His People!  Psalm 100:3

Thursday, April 27, 2017

I renamed this Blog.  How To Meet Jesus.

GOD has been talking to me.  I admit that I am a bit stubborn and want to do things my way.  I am finally listening to GOD.

I am finally writing my Memoir. How I Met Jesus.  My past, my suicide attempts, my drinking problems, my cutting myself.  I was a mess, before I let Jesus into my life.

I want the same for you.  I will tell my Testimony until my death.  I will declare that I am a child of GOD.  I live for GOD.  and I will not bow down to anyone or any idol.  Jesus is Lord.

If you believe the same way I believe, follow this blog.  Let's walk together, and bring more souls into the kingdom of GOD.

We are living in the last days.  The Rapture is almost here and you do not want to get left behind.

Every knew will bow to the name of Jesus.  Believe it or not.  Jesus is the living GOD.

It does not matter what country you live in.  It does not matter where you are in life.  Jesus will meet you where you are at.  Look up and call out to Jesus.  Jesus is waiting for you.


Let Jesus into your life and start living the life GOD created you to live


Monday, April 10, 2017

Would You Die Jesus?

Ask yourself this question?

Will You Die for Jesus?

We are living in the end of days

Palms Sunday, 2 churches were blown up in Turkey.  Isis said they were at war with the Cross.  We are at war.

If someone had a machete to your neck, would you denounce your love to GOD or would stand firm on the Word of GOD and let them kill you?

I hope I will be able to stand on the Word of GOD.  Christians are being prosecuted all over the world.

The movie Silence came out on DVD.  This is a must see if you think you are strong enough to stand on the Word of GOD.  It is on Amazon.

I know that Jesus is coming soon.  I so want the rapture to happen, but I will not be bullied by anyone.  Jesus is with me, He will never leave me nor forsake me.f

Think about what Jesus did on the Cross 2,000 years ago.  We must remain strong in our faith.

If you have not accepted Jesus to come into your life, do it now.  Don't get left behind.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Bible Verse Of The Week

Ephesians 2:10

For I am GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus who to do good works which He prepared in advance for me to do.

I like this verse.  GOD already knows what He wants us to do.  If we follow GOD and listen to him, he will guide us in the right direction.

We are not a mistake.  We were created by GOD, who knew us before the world was created.

That fact makes me feel good.  I always thought I was a mistake.  That I had no purpose in life.  I was wrong.  It says that GOD prepared something for me to do before I was born. 

We all have a gift.  Mine is writing, though I always wanted to be a painter.  I can not draw at all.  I can not sing.  But I can write and see a story everywhere I go. 

Write this verse down on a card.  Carry that card everywhere you go and read it out loud throughout the day.

Do this until you get it down into your heart and soul. 

What is your favorite Bible Verse?

Leave it in the comment section

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Do You Live By The Bible?

People who claim that they are Christians, don't always act like Christians.

I am a vegetarian since the age of ten.  I was reading the book of Leviticus.  it tells us what to eat and what not to eat.  Most people, even Christians.  They quote the Bible that GOD tells us that we can eat anything.  That goes against the Bible.

In Genesis GOD told Adam and Eve that they could eat any seed bearing plant.  GOD didn't tell them to eat an animal.  It was not until after the flood that GOD told Noah that he could eat animals.  The book of Leviticus, tells us what animals is clean and unclean.  Do you believe what the Bible says?  It also says that what swims in the ocean, we can only eat what has fins and scales. 

What about Sunday?  That is the day of rest?  Do you work Sunday?  Do you go to church on Sunday?

Some say that the Bible is outdated and it does not apply today.  Where do you stand on this?

We are living in the end of days.  Sin has taken over the world.  Christians are being beheaded and no one says anything.  Are you willing to die for your belief in the Bible?

We are getting closer to when a chip will be implanted in us to buy and sell items.  It is already being done in parts of the world.  In the ?Bible it says that if you get that mark, you will be in the army of Satan.  Do you believe that.

The Bible says it is the mark of the Beast.  So if you have a choice, get the chip or die?  What will you choose?

You need to know where you stand with GOD and how far you will go.

My faith is strong.  I will die right now before I bow to another GOD.  Jesus is Lord of all.  I live by that statement. 

If you do not have a Bible, download a free app.  Read the Bible and let no one tell you it is old and outdated.  GOD created us. 

Sooner than you think Jesus is coming back.  Satan's time is limited here on earth.  Stop listening to Humans and start listening and reading the Word of GOD and start living how GOD wants us to live.

There is no debate.  GOD's Word is the final authority

Believe it and start living the way GOD created you to live.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I Am Blessed To Be A Blessing

I am a child of GOD.

GOD loves me.

GOD gives me the desires of my heart.

Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me.

I was Born Again February of 2003

I was Baptized  July 24th 2016

Since then my entire life changed.  I know that GOD is with me.  I feel his presence.  GOD has blessed me, so I can go out in the world and bless others. 

Last Christmas, I learned that my neighbors were struggling paying their bill.  I went out and bought them a gift card.  How could I sit in my warm home and Christmas dinner? 

I work in a grocery store and has extra money on me, if someone is short a few dollars, I will pay the difference.  GOD has blessed me, so I can bless others.  It is not about me.  It is all about GOD.  GOD gets all the credit and all the glory.

When I give to others, I tell them, don't thank me.  It is all GOD, he gets all the credit and all the glory. 

Do I want to give my money away?  No.  BUT, I am doing what GOD tells me to do.  I feel that GOD will nudge me, when he wants me to do something.  It is up to me to listen to GOD and follow through. 

What are you going to do when GOD tells you to do something for others? 

We are GOD's Body, to do GOD's Will on this earth.  I am here to serve GOD.  I want to do what I was created to do. 

So be a blessing to others, and start doing the work of GOD.  Let GOD use you today.


I am GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which he prepared in advance for me to do.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Being Born Again

Do you remember the day and time you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

I don't.  I know that it was February 2013 in the afternoon.  I was in my forties, and moved into my own place,  I got on my knees, and thanked GOD, I asked him to come into my heart.  I welcomed him to change me. 

Then, that was it.  Not much changed.  It was only recently, about 14 years later, that I should remember and embrace that moment in my life. 

Here, in the United States of America, birthdays are celebrated.  Everyone remembers when their birthdays are and when their kids birthdays are. 

I don't understand that.  Who cares when you were born.  It was a day.  Birthdays mean nothing.

We should be celebrating the day we were Born Again.  We should celebrate the day that we became a child of GOD. 

No one talks about the day they were Born Again.

The world talks about Zodiac and asks what sign are you?  Like that is more important than the day you were Born Again.

Something to think about. 

I don't care about my birthday or your birthday, I do care about the day you were Born Again and your testimony.

So the next time you are celebrating a birthday, ask yourself this,  Is it that important?  You should be asking if they have been Born Again and if not there is your chance to introduce them to Jesus. If they are Born Again, then celebrate that.  Not a date that has no meaning.

I understand that most people will not agree me, but I would rather celebrate Being Born Again, than go along with the world's way.  After all once we are Born Again, we have eternal life.  That is something to Celebrate!

Leave in the comment section the date you were Born Again and a short testimony.

Also if you want to publish your testimony, check out my other blog as I blog on I write and publish on Amazon

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Living For GOD

Life is hard.  There is no discussion about that.  I wake up every morning, not to happy about it.  I am not a person who wakes up and is ready for the day. I need my Pepsi to get me moving.  I have to read the Bible before I can do anything else.

GOD is the reason I am here.  The reason I am alive.  I don't want to be in this world.  I want to die and go to Heaven.  That is a fact.  I believe that GOD has kept me alive for a purpose.  If I die today, I will not have served my purpose.

So each day, I renew my mind, with the Word of GOD, the Bible.  So I can do what He needs me to do. 

If I am not going to live for GOD, then I am living for Satan.  This is a fact, believe it or not.  There are not grey areas.  You are either living for GOD or Satan.  Choose one.

I choose GOD. GOD will never leave me nor forsake me.  GOD is with me even when I ignore Him.

It is not easy.

For years, I did nothing except wait to die.  I slept all the time.  I abused over the counter medicine in hope not to wake up in the morning.  I would go to work, come home and sleep till I had to go back to work.  I just waited to die.

Then GOD spoke to me and I realized I had a purpose, we all have a purpose, go ye into all the world and tell my testimony of what GOD has done for me. 

Jesus died on the Cross for you and me.  That is a fact, Believe it or not it is your choice.  GOD gave us free will.  You must choose.  Who are you going to live for?????

It doesn't matter if you think you are a good person.  It doesn't matter if you say, I believe in GOD.  It doesn't matter if you do good things for others.

All that matters is that you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Believe that He died on the Cross you, went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan and then rose from the day and now is seated in Heaven with GOD.  You must believe and live for GOD, This is the only way you will get to Heaven, through Jesus Christ.

If you do not believe this, then you are living for Satan and going to Hell.  There is no yea, but....

It is either or.  Who do you Choose?????


Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am.  I know I am not worthy, but I believe that Jesus is Lord.  I believe that Jesus died for me on the cross.  I believe that he went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan.  I believe that GOD raised Jesus from the dead and now is in Heaven.  You are my GOD and I am your people.  In Jesus's Name, Amen.

If you pray this, your name is now written in the Book of Lambs and are now a child of GOD. 

Follow my blog and see how I walk with GOD everyday, how I make mistakes and by the Blood of Jesus I am forgiven, 

Jesus is coming soon. We are living in the End of Days.  Jesus is coming sooner than you think.  Get Ready and Look to Jesus.   

Monday, February 27, 2017

GOD Chose Us Before He Created The World

Ephesians 1:4

For He chose us in Him Before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

I was sexually abused by my grandfather when I was about two years old, and continued till he died. My entire family knew about it.  The family that says that they love me, did nothing to protect me.

I learned from an early age to trust none.  I built a wall up and would not let anyone get close to me.  I have been suicidal most of my life.  I just wanted to die.  I abused alcohol, over the counter medicine, starved myself and cut myself.  I had a list of 100 ways to kill yourself.  I just wanted to die.  It is not like you can tell anyone that, they will lock you away for medicate you so you have no idea where you are at.

On the outside I looked like a normal person.  I went to work, paid my bills.  On the inside I was just waiting to die.  I wanted to kill myself, but what I feared the most was waking up in the hospital, and others knowing that I was suicidal. 

When I woke up, I was mad, because I woke up for another day and was still alive.  I was alone, even in a crowd.  I was alone even with my friends.  Why was I born.  I have no talent.  I am surrounded by people who don't love me.  I am alone.  I just wanted to die.

GOD had other plans for me.  I have a purpose.  GOD created me.  GOD loves me.

I always knew there was a GOD.  I just didn't realize that he knew me before the creation of the world.  When I read that, I had to let that sink in.

Ephesians 2:10  For we are GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works that He prepared in advance for us to do.

These 2 scriptures changed my life.

Think about it.  Before GOD created the world, GOD knew us.  GOD gave us good works to do.  A purpose. GOD gave us a purpose.  GOD chose us before he created anything.  

You have a purpose.  It doesn't matter what country you live in.  It doesn't matter if you are living in a card board box or a mansion.  GOD created you with a purpose.  He wants you to do something for His Kingdom.

He chose us to be blameless and Holy in His sight.

When GOD looks at you, He does not see your physical body.  He looks at your heart, your spirit.

It does not matter what you look like to the world, fat, thin, rich, poor, healthy or sick...GOD sees you Holy and blameless, so you can live out your life and fulfill your purpose in life.

After learning this, I knew what I had to do.  I wrote My Bible--My GOD How I wanted to die and the steps I took to start living with GOD. 

My life started to get better.  Do I still want to die?  I do.  I know want to go to Heaven and be with GOD, but I now know that GOD wants me to do something.  I do not want to leave this earth until I fulfill my destiny.

That is a reason to wake up in the morning and Praise the Lord.  I am not a mistake.  I have a purpose in this life.  It does not matter what this world thinks.  The only thing that matters is that I am holy and blameless in the sight of GOD and GOD knew me before He created the world.  Nothing else matters to me.

I will die for Christ.  He is the reason I am here.

So no matter what you are going through, know that GOD already knows.  GOD is waiting for you to look up and know that He loves you. 

We are not a mistake.  We were created by GOD.  GOD loves Us.

Want to learn how to write and publish your story DIY Writing Career

Get your testimony written and publish, sell on Amazon and spread the word of the Lord

Thursday, February 23, 2017

You Are In Christ


We are GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do.

This verse is the verse that I stand on.

I am created in Christ Jesus.  GOD prepared something for me to do in advance.

So I already have something to do that will be good.

It doesn't matter where you live or if you are rich or poor.  You are in Christ Jesus and GOD prepared something for you to do.

I believe that GOD gave me the gift and the drive to be a writer.  I write all the time, all the time.  GOD gave you something that you are passionate about.  Could be a singer, a quilter, a gardener, teacher, a listener, an organizer. 

What are you passion about????

If you have a talent, are you using it for GOD or Satan?

So if you think you are here for no reason, you are wrong, GOD created you for a purpose.  You are his body, let GOD use you for good.

I use to cut myself.  I was a cutter.  I cut myself at least 2 times a day.  I starved myself for years.  I was waiting to die.  GOD had another plan for me.

I am now telling and writing my testimony throughout the world.

Suicide is not the answer.  You are GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works that He prepared in advance.

Download Discover Who You Are In Christ 

Your Past Does Not Define You

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

God loves you!

It does not matter where you live, how rich or poor you are, God loves you.

God knew you before the world was created.  You are a child of God.

Look up and ask God to come into your heart.

Jesus died on the Cross for you

That is how much God loves you.

Think about that throughout your day.  God loves you, whether you believe that or not

God, loves you and Jesus died for you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Praise The Lord

What do you do when you are facing a problem?

1.  Call your friends to complain about your problem?

2.  Smoke a cigarette or take a drink

3.  Go out and spend money you don't have?

Ever think, to look to GOD and give him praise?

Ever think to pray and ask GOD for guidance?

Ever think to just be grateful for what GOD has done for you?

Jesus is Lord of all.  Every knee shall bow to the name of Jesus.

I thank GOD throughout the day.

I give GOD praise throughout the day.


I do not want to give Satan access to my life. 

Jesus defeated Satan when He went to the pit of Hell.

Jesus is Lord of my life.  I look to Jesus and to the Cross.

Jesus did everything at the Cross for me and you. 

I think GOD.  I don't want to give Satan any access to my life.

I don't complain to others.  I go to the Cross.

What do you do when you have a problem?

Monday, February 20, 2017

Are You Ready of the End of Days?

We are living The End of Days

Jesus is coming back.  Look around.  This country, the USA is turning their back on GOD.  This thing about transgender bathroom. come on.  It is away to make others turn their back on GOD.

If you want to be transgender fine.  GOD gave us free choice.  Being Gay is out in the open.  Fine.  GOD gave us free choice


Genesis 18:20

The Lord said "the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin is grievous. 

Genesis  19:24

The Lord rained  down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah.

We are living in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Christians are being killed for their beliefs.

Russia has a spy ship off the east coast of the USA.

Russia has spy planes flying to close the USA Boarders.

President Trump is doing nothing about this.

It is not being reported in the news.

The USA is not in the Book of Revelations.

Russia is, China is, Iraq and Iran is.

So what happens to the USA?

Two things could happen:

1.  The USA becomes a third world country, Nuclear War

2.  The Rapture

If the Rapture happens, are you ready to go to Heaven Or Hell?

Get your life in order.

Jesus is coming.  These are the last days. 

Do Not Get Left Behind.   Do Not End Up In Hell

Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior

Pray This Prayer and Enter the Kingdom of GOD

Dear Lord,

I come to you as I am.  I know that I am not worthy.  I believe that you died on the cross, went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan.  GOD raised you up from the dead and now you are seated at the right hand of GOD.  Please come into my heart and do something with my life.  Amen

If you prayed this pray, you are now a child of GOD.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Pray! Pray! Pray! Depression No More

I suffer from depression.  I have been a cutter.  I have cut myself more times than I will admit.  I starve myself for many years.  It is easy to wallow in self loathing.  I would curl up under the covers in bed and wait to die.  That is the easy thing to drink.  Drink away my problems.  Cut myself, abuse over the over the counter medicine.

But Jesus died on the Cross for you and me.  Jesus went to the pit of Hell and fought Satan.  So we can live and walk in the Blessing.

But in order to walk and live in the Blessing, I need to make Jesus the center of my life.  I have to look up.  I have to pray, talk to GOD.  Believe and Receive.

If I am always looking at myself and my problems, nothing will change.  I have to take my eyes off of myself and look to Jesus.  Look to others and not myself.

That is not an easy thing to do.  I would rather ly in bed and wait to die.

I am on no medicine and have no doctor.  Jesus gives me the strength I need to get through the day.  I am strong in the Lord and His might.

If you feel you need to see a doctor, go ahead.

The reason I am alive is because of what Jesus did at the Cross. 

So if you are not having a good day, look around and do something for someone else.  A smile, open the door for someone.  buy someone's lunch.  Go visit your neighbor. 

PRAY!  Talk to GOD.  He is there waiting for you.

The first thing I do when I wake up is thank GOD for His love in the morning and His faithful at night.

Pray throughout the day.  Believe and Receive.

GOD already knows what you are going through.  GOD can not do anything, unless you start looking to him and start talking to him. 

It is simple.  GOD is waiting to hear from you.

You are depressed, because you are looking at yourself and not GOD.  It might not happen over night, but you will notice your life will get better, day by day.  You were created by GOD.  He wants you to be Blessed. 

This blog is about my walk with GOD.  The everyday struggles and the everday Blessings.  I walk with GOD everyday.

God Is With You, Even When You Ignore Him

Your Past Does Not Define You

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Attacked By Satan

Satan attacks me everyday.  Every second of every hour of every day.  That is what Satan does.  Jesus went to the Cross and defeated Satan.

We must take a stand against Satan.

I use the word Satan and not the word, devil.  Because Satan is alive and well and is looking around for someone he can terrorized.

We are listening to Satan or to GOD.


Satan has been hitting me hard.  I had a bad day yesterday, I just wanted to crawl under the covers and cry.

Did I?  NO!

I stood in my bedroom and this is what I said, or rather yelled.

Satan!  Jesus defeated you at the Cross.  You have no power over me.  You are under my feet.  I am covered by the Blood of Jesus.  I rebuke you Satan.  I no longer listening to you.  I have the mind of Christ and Christ sees me Holy and Blameless in His sight.  I am walking in the Blessing.  Satan you get out of my life!

I said that last night and when I woke up this morning.

I went to print something out on my computer.  It ate the paper.  I attempted to fix it.  It didn't work. 

So I pleaded the Blood of Jesus over my printed.  I told Satan to get under my feet, because I am covered in the Blood of Jesus. 

My computer worked.

I am telling you that if you are being attacked by Satan, you need to start yelling at you and telling Satan who you are in Christ  Discover Who You Are In Christ

If you let Satan in your mind, you have to stop listening to him.  Tell Satan that you have the mind of Christ and start quoting the Bible.

It works, but it takes practice.

If you do not speak GOD's Words, then you are opening the door to Satan.  If you are speaking lack, sickness, fear, you are not speaking GOD's Word and you just opened the door to Satan.

Think Before You Speak  Change your words, change your life.

Everyday you are being attacked by Satan, you need to get prepared to be in battle with Satan.  I know that I am writing a memoir on my life of being sexually abused by my grandfather and I feel that Satan is attacking me because he does not want me to write or publish this book.

I have to battle Satan or I will sink back into my depression, end up in bed with the covers over my head waiting to die.  I have done that most of my life.

It was not until the past few years, that I have been fighting Satan and winning. 

So no matter what you are going through in your life, sickness, lack, depression, life in general.  You must know that Jesus is the only one that can change your life, if you are willing to battle against Satan.

Leave a comment and let me know how you are battling Satan

Monday, February 13, 2017

What Do You Want From GOD?

Are you waiting for GOD to move in your life?

What are you doing so GOD can move in your life?

Are you lying on the couch complaining about your life


Are you Believing and Receiving the Promises of GOD?

We have a part & GOD has a part.

GOD is waiting for you to do something, anything.

When I was writing My Bible--My GOD I had to learn how to self publish the book.  I had to learn how to format files, load them up on Amazon.

I had no idea what I was doing.  I was determined to be self published and make a career of it.  I could not complain about what I didn't know.  I had to do something, in order to learn the process.

Words have power.  What you say will come to pass.  Think Before You Speak I write how powerful your words are.  GOD created the world with words.  "Let there be light."

If you are saying negative things, I won't get the job.  I can't afford that house.  I will never get married. Guess what?  You won't.  You are saying the wrong thing.

Change your words, change your life.

I walked around my house saying, "I will get publish.  I will have a writing career.  Greater is He who is in me, than who is of the world.  Nothing is impossible without GOD.

You need to find scriptures, and stand on those words of GOD, no matter what. 

We live by faith and not by sight.  I never said, "I was poor.  I will never get published."  I kept moving forward.

When I started learning the computer and self publishing, I had no idea how to send an e-mail, let alone a file.

I have sat in front of the computer to figure it out.  I didn't give up.  I didn't quit.  Jesus was sitting next to me.  I finally figured it out, because I did not say anything negative.  I said GOD's Word and the GOD's Word came to pass.

GOD can not do anything unless you are speaking GOD's Word.

The Angels of the Lord can not move on your behalf, if you are not speaking GOD's Word.

What are you doing to reach your goal?  Are you listening to the Worlds Way OR GOD's Way?

Look up at the Cross and what Jesus did at the Cross.  Read GOD's Word.  Speak GOD's Word and see your life change.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Praise The Lord

Praise the Lord!

How often do you thank the Lord?  The Lord that created the world.  The Lord that created you, from dirt that breathed His breath into you?

The first thing I do in the morning is thank GOD for His love in the morning and His faithful in the evening. 

What is the first thing you do in the morning.

I thank GOD throughout the day.

Jesus is the reason we are here.  We are GOD's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good work.  Ephesians 2:10

GOD created us for a purpose and to do works.  So we were not born stupid nor were we a mistake, no matter what anyone says.

For years, I was suicidal waiting to die, I was a cutter and would cut myself.  I would wake up and upset because I made it through another night.

GOD redeemed me from the pit that Satan held me in.  I have what I have because of GOD.  I do what I do, because of GOD.  I am who I am because of GOD.  I give all the credit to GOD.

We all have something to Praise the Lord.  GOD gave us a purpose. 

If you don't start looking to what Jesus did at the cross and give thanks and praise, then your life will never change. 

Praise the Lord while you are sitting in traffic.

Praise the Lord when you are paying the bills, and checking out at the store.

It does not matter what country you live in or what stage you are in at life. It doesn't matter if you are living on the streets or in your car.  Praise the Lord.

When you are at work, a job you hate, Praise the Lord, you have a job and others don't.

Are you sick, had a bad report from the doctor?  Praise the Lord.  By His stripes you are healed. 

Start looking at the Cross.  Start looking around and start being grateful for what GOD has done for you.  It will change your life.  GOD will Change your life.

I am amazed what GOD has done in my life.  I am living for GOD giving GOD all the credit and glory.

It is either GOD or Satan.  I am not longer listening to Satan.  Satan is under my feet.  I am now listening to GOD, giving him Praise and Glory every day and night and throughout the day.

Pray this:

Dear Lord:

Thank you for this day.  This is the day that I rejoice in the Lord.  Thank you for what I have and what you are going to do in my life today.  You are my GOD.  I have what I have. I do what I do and I am who I am, all because of you.  You are the reason I am here.  Thank you Jesus and everything you did at the cross.  Amen.

Your Past Does Not Define You

My Bible--My GOD  My Story of How GOD redeemed my life from the Pit that Satan held me in.  I was sexually abused by my grandfather, had an eating disorder, OCD and cut myself and was waiting to die.  GOD saved me because he chose me before the beginning of the world.  I have a purpose in this life and so do you.  Don't let Satan win.  Start looking to the cross and what Jesus did on the cross. 

Praise the Lord, all day, Every day!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Jesus Is The Center Of My Life

What is the most important thing in your life?

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?

What is the last thing you think of before you fall asleep?

Is it your family, or children?

Is it your job?

Is it about money?

Are you losing sleep worrying about money, bills or what you will eat tomorrow?

Where is Jesus in your life? 

When do you think of Jesus?  OR Do you ever think about Jesus and what Jesus did at the Cross?

Your life will not change if you do not put Jesus in your life. We are living in the End of Days.  Nothing is going to get better, if Jesus is not in the center of your life. 

I wake up in the morning and say "Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning.  Your love in the morning and your faithfulness in the morning."

It is that simple.

When I go to bed, I pray "Lord, thank you for this day.  Thank you for being with me and meeting all my needs today."

It is that simple.  Do not make your relationship with Jesus complicated.  Jesus walked this earth, like me and you.  He was hungry, he was tired.  Jesus knows what we are going through.  Jesus is right next to you.  Talk to Jesus. 

Your life will not get better if you do not look up, see Jesus on the Cross, taking all your sins, all your sickness and pain.  Jesus died on the Cross, went to the pit of Hell.  Fought Satan, and won.  Jesus defeated Satan.  Jesus rose from the dead and now in Heaven and is seated in Heaven with GOD.

Why wouldn't you put Jesus first?  Why wouldn't you get Born Again and have the Holy Spirit come into your heart.? 

In my life now, nothing else matters in my life.  Jesus is the center of my life and everything else falls into place.  It is amazing.  My life is so much better.  My days are better, stress free, worry free.

Pray this now:

Dear Lord,

I come to you as I am.  I am sorry that I have ignored you.  My life is a mess.  Please come into my life.  Soften my heart and let your love in.  Please open my eyes to you and your love.  I did you Jesus.  I can't do this without you.  Tell me what to do and show me the way.


My Bible--My GOD  download my book on how I made Jesus the center of my life.

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Your Past Does Not Define You