

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Gluttony One Of The Deadly Sins

Gluttony, any thing done in excess is Gluttony.

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States of America. 

Thanksgiving Day is based on the fact that when the Pilgrims who came to America had dinner with the Indians. 

Today, it has nothing to do with history or giving thanks. 

Thanksgiving Day is Sin.  Gluttony, one of the 7 deadly Sins.

People across America are not cooking in their kitchen. Cooking a huge meal, more food than will be able to eat.  Why do they do this?  Gluttony.

They eat until they are stuffed, go in the living room and then go back to eat more. 

I don't get it.  People say that it is about family and giving thanks.

Satan has made Thanksgiving a Sin.

People eat to much, and if you do not go along with this, you are an outcast, as if something is wrong with you.

I am a cashier, and all hear is women complaining that they have to go home and cook.  They spend hundreds of dollars for a dinner that most will get thrown away.

Thanksgiving has nothing to do with family or thanks.  It is a reason to eat to much.  It is that simple.

Something to think about.

I don't do Thanksgiving.  It is a man made holiday that only serves the flesh and not GOD.

How many people give thanks and think about GOD on this day?

My family never did.  It is all about living in the flesh.

Something to think about as you sit down and eat to much, don't give thanks and then complain how much you ate.

Your body is a temple for GOD. 

Live for GOD, and not for your flesh

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