

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Holy Spirit

If you are a Born Again, then you have the Holy Spirit inside of you. The Holy Spirit is GOD.  That is awesome.  The Holy Spirit is to guide us, teach us and comfort us.

Then why are we still trying to do everything ourselves and don't listen to The Holy Spirit.

I attend church.  I serve as an usher every Sunday.  I still don't feel I am doing enough for the Lord.

What I learned recently that we all have a purpose.  GOD created each of us for a reason.  The Holy Spirit is suppose to guide and help us. 

So how do we know if we are doing the right thing?

I am always the odd person out.  I don't fit in with any group.

I joined a Bible Study Group and I just don't click with anyone.

I have never fit in with anyone.  I know that I am not alone.  Jesus will never leave me no forsake me, but as I sit at these Bible Studies, I just want to walk out.

Why I don't fit in with others:

1.  I have food issues, (eating disorders)  All these women do is talk about food, recipes.  I just want to throw up.

2.  I don't really connect with anyone in the group.

3.  After the meeting, I just leave.  I just want to go home.

I don't fit it.  I want to go to the meetings, but it is not for me.  I am not a people person.

So now I feel guilty and then go back to my old ways, thinking that I am stupid and worthless.

After I have a pity party I turn my attention to GOD.  I read the Bible and remind myself that GOD is in me.  Jesus is sitting next to me.

GOD loves me just the way I am.  GOD created me.  I am who I am, because of GOD.

It is a daily fight. If I yield to the Holy Spirit, then He will guide me to what I am to do and where to go.

Can you relate to any of this?

We all have problems and issues in social situations. 

I know I am a bit different.  I think different.  I dress different and I talk different, because I am a child of GOD.

So if you feel like you do not fit in, you fit in with GOD and that is all that matters.  You are not alone, The Holy Spirit is inside of you.  Listen to Him.  Ask for help.

If you are not Born Again,  Pray This:

Dear Lord,

I come to you alone, afraid and have no idea what to do.  Come into my heart.  Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me my purpose.  I believe that Jesus died for me and that you GOD raised with from the dead.  I give you my life.  You are my GOD.  Amen.

If you prayed this, the Holy Spirit now dwells in you.  You will never be alone again.  You are now a child of GOD.

Leave a comment and let me know so I can celebrate with you.  Follow me and together we will walk with GOD everyday.  You are never alone.

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