

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Stand In Faith

How strong is your faith?  Do you stand up for GOD when someone uses His name in vain?  Do you tell people that you are a Christian.  Do you ask people if they go to church? Do you talk about your church?

What are you doing to strengthen your faith.

I believe we are living in the last days.  The book of Revelations is coming to pass.  I believe that we we will be at war soon and our faith will be tested.

Will you die for the name of Jesus or will you go along with the crowd just to survive?

If you are forced to choose Jesus or denounce your faith, for your children to live.  What will you do?  Who will you choose, your family or Jesus.

The answer should be Jesus.  You do not want to denounce GOD, ever.  You need to build up your faith so you don't even have to think about it.

There is a movie out, Silence.  Everyone needs to watch this movie.  Watch how Christians are being persecuted.

I choose GOD over my loved ones.  I want them to go to Heaven.  I want to go to Heaven.

Stop going through the motions of living for GOD.  Start living for GOD.  Talk to your kids and family.  Together build up your faith, so GOD becomes the most important one in all of your lives.

The chip is now in all debit cards and credit cards.  Everyone is using the chip.  Did you know that is an Euro Pay.  Now the entire world is using the chip.  One currency.

I don't like where this is going.  In the USA we don't have to use the chip.  We can pay with cash or check.  We do not have to use the chip in the USA.  It is a choice and Americans are choosing to use the chip and don't care.

True, they may not be Christians, but Christians are using the chip and going along with the crowd.

The next step is implanting the chip into humans.  The book of Revelations said that if you do you will be a soldier in Satan's Army.

So decide whose side you are on?

Who are you living for?  Satan or GOD?

Start Today and build up your faith.


These are the final days.  Make sure you know when you die.  Heaven or HELL!

I choose GOD.  Jesus is Lord.

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