Yesterday, I was having a bad day, bad thoughts and letting everything get to me. I said some negative things and just wanted to crawl in the corner. Ever have one of those days.
I sat in the break room, and then I heard God's Voice. I listened to him and he helped me get out of my mood. I got in a better mood. Though I still have my moments, but I know that God is with me, If I just listen to him and stop thinking so much. I would be better off.
I need to stop listening to the Devil and start listening to God.
I am OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and somethings it makes me crazy, cause I want to check everything over and over again. God Is Helping me with this, but sometimes it makes me crazy. I need to listen to God at all times.
If you are OCD....Let me know. God can help you....Share your story with me
check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
What I am Grateful
I am grateful that I have a safe warm place today. I have been sick today, But I am thankful that God is protecting me from the cold and giving me a place to get better.
I know that he is healing me, causeed, by his stripes I am healed.
I am gratful for all God does for me.
What are you grateful for?
check out my other blog:
God Loves You
I know that he is healing me, causeed, by his stripes I am healed.
I am gratful for all God does for me.
What are you grateful for?
check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Doing God's Work
What is doing God's work? Is it devoting your life to God? Is it giving everything away so you can think you are doing something or is just a smile or buying a co-worker lunch when they are short of money.
Sometimes it is the simple things that God wants you to do. Do you ever have a feeling deep inside to do something for someone, but you don't cause you would have to leave your comfort zone????/ That is God talking to you. He is always talking to you, telling you what to do, to do his work.
You don't have to sell your house or quit your job and leave the country to do God's work. You can do it at work, help your neighbor. Look around and see how you can help someone today. A smile, giving a co-worker a ride to work or helping the neighnor.
Listen to God. He will tell you how to do his work. We are all here to do God's work.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Sometimes it is the simple things that God wants you to do. Do you ever have a feeling deep inside to do something for someone, but you don't cause you would have to leave your comfort zone????/ That is God talking to you. He is always talking to you, telling you what to do, to do his work.
You don't have to sell your house or quit your job and leave the country to do God's work. You can do it at work, help your neighbor. Look around and see how you can help someone today. A smile, giving a co-worker a ride to work or helping the neighnor.
Listen to God. He will tell you how to do his work. We are all here to do God's work.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Devil Is Always Knocking
Ever feel that the Devil is always knocking at your door, stealing your joy. I watch the Christian Shows on tv. They say that, once they were saved, life became great. They are happy and have no problems.
That never happened to me. I beleive with all my heart and soul. But I have problems everyday and then one day things are going great. Then when I am not looking or thinking, Wham, the Devil is in my face telling me that I am fat, stupid and no way am I going to finish my book and oh yea, people at work are trying to get you fired.
Then I get all up set. I starve myself, thinking I am stupid, I don't write and then I look at people at work, wondering who is againest me. Does this ever happen to you??
The Devil is out to steal your joy. He doesn't want you to be happy, healthy or weathly and he will do anything to stop you from succeeding.
That is why it is important to renew your mind daily. I read the Bible every morning to get my thoughts in order. I start my day, thinking about God and end my day, thinking about God. That is the only way I can fight the Devil.
I don't want the Devil to win and I do believe that I am making him mad. I choose God. It is not easy. I know the Devil is knocking at my door, but I am not going to open that door.
Read the Bible. Talk to God.
Check out my other blog://
God Loves You
That never happened to me. I beleive with all my heart and soul. But I have problems everyday and then one day things are going great. Then when I am not looking or thinking, Wham, the Devil is in my face telling me that I am fat, stupid and no way am I going to finish my book and oh yea, people at work are trying to get you fired.
Then I get all up set. I starve myself, thinking I am stupid, I don't write and then I look at people at work, wondering who is againest me. Does this ever happen to you??
The Devil is out to steal your joy. He doesn't want you to be happy, healthy or weathly and he will do anything to stop you from succeeding.
That is why it is important to renew your mind daily. I read the Bible every morning to get my thoughts in order. I start my day, thinking about God and end my day, thinking about God. That is the only way I can fight the Devil.
I don't want the Devil to win and I do believe that I am making him mad. I choose God. It is not easy. I know the Devil is knocking at my door, but I am not going to open that door.
Read the Bible. Talk to God.
Check out my other blog://
God Loves You
Friday, November 26, 2010
Remember GOD
Now that that Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is just around the corner...Don't forget why there is a Christmas.
It is the day that Jesus was born. It is not about the gifts and the parties. It is all about Jesus.
He was born for us. Jesus is the reason for the season
So when you are shoupping, stressing and spending money that you don't have, remember that it is not all that it is about Jesus
check out my other blog:
God Loves You
It is the day that Jesus was born. It is not about the gifts and the parties. It is all about Jesus.
He was born for us. Jesus is the reason for the season
So when you are shoupping, stressing and spending money that you don't have, remember that it is not all that it is about Jesus
check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Thursday, November 25, 2010
God's Gift
God gave us all a gift. A passion. Something we are good at. Do you have a deep feeling inside. That is God. Is he trying to tell you something to do? Something to Believe in?
I am a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian since I was ten. I feel it to the core of my being. I know no other vegetarians. I decided to become one cause of my love of animals. I love them more than people sometimes. I don't understand how someone can eat them, just for pleasure.
I know that God put them on this earth for us to eat. I won't argue with that. I don't care if you eat meat. I can not. God gave me this passion for animals. I am not going to go againest it.
What has God given you?
I believe that being a vegetarian and a writer is God's Gift to me. He has given me many blessings and I embrace and am grateful for them all.
Don't ignore what you are feeling inside. God has a plan for you. You are here for a reason. Listen to God, he is inside of you and is talking to you everyday. You just need to listen.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
I am a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian since I was ten. I feel it to the core of my being. I know no other vegetarians. I decided to become one cause of my love of animals. I love them more than people sometimes. I don't understand how someone can eat them, just for pleasure.
I know that God put them on this earth for us to eat. I won't argue with that. I don't care if you eat meat. I can not. God gave me this passion for animals. I am not going to go againest it.
What has God given you?
I believe that being a vegetarian and a writer is God's Gift to me. He has given me many blessings and I embrace and am grateful for them all.
Don't ignore what you are feeling inside. God has a plan for you. You are here for a reason. Listen to God, he is inside of you and is talking to you everyday. You just need to listen.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
Learning To Add Photos
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Missaonary Trip to Brazil |
God wants us all to leave our comfort zone and do someting new. That is the only way we can do what God put us here for.
I will be uploading more pictures from the Missionary's Trip to Brasil.
I am thrilled to learn how to do this and I thank God for blessing me with the strength inside of me and for letting me ask for help, when I need it.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Believe God
No matter what, Believe God. Even when things look bleak and you think that there is no way out. There is. God is the answer. Beleive in God. Have faith in God.
I know that it is not easy, but it is the only the only answer.
I was at work yesterday and we were busy, and everyone was there. I just took a deep breath and thanked God that he was with me and that I had a job. I talked to God while I was at work and believed that he would help be get through the day.
I believe in God. I have faith in God. I pray no matter where I am at. I quote Bible verses during the day. God is the only thing that really matters.
Believe in God.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
I know that it is not easy, but it is the only the only answer.
I was at work yesterday and we were busy, and everyone was there. I just took a deep breath and thanked God that he was with me and that I had a job. I talked to God while I was at work and believed that he would help be get through the day.
I believe in God. I have faith in God. I pray no matter where I am at. I quote Bible verses during the day. God is the only thing that really matters.
Believe in God.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Power of Pray
I know I have said this before. PRAY! Talk to God. He is waiting for you. He already knows what you are going through. He is standing right next to you. Talk to him. It is simple. Start out like this
Dear Lord.
I know I haven't talked to you lately, but I need your help.......Then tell him what you are thinking and feeling.......end the prayer......In Jesus's name Amen.
It is that simple. If you believe what you prayed it will come to pass.
There is power in parayer. You can talk to God anytime, anywhere.
God is always with you. Trust in the power of prayer.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
Dear Lord.
I know I haven't talked to you lately, but I need your help.......Then tell him what you are thinking and feeling.......end the prayer......In Jesus's name Amen.
It is that simple. If you believe what you prayed it will come to pass.
There is power in parayer. You can talk to God anytime, anywhere.
God is always with you. Trust in the power of prayer.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
Friday, November 19, 2010
Your Words Are Alive
Be careful what you say. Your words have power. What you say will come to pass.
God said Let there be light...Then there was light.
If you say I don't have enough money to pay my rent....You won't.
I'll never get that job....then you won't
You need to call things as though they are, not what they are.
God's word has power and so do your words.
Think before you speak. It does effect your life.
Speak only good things.
Check out my other blog:
God loves you
God said Let there be light...Then there was light.
If you say I don't have enough money to pay my rent....You won't.
I'll never get that job....then you won't
You need to call things as though they are, not what they are.
God's word has power and so do your words.
Think before you speak. It does effect your life.
Speak only good things.
Check out my other blog:
God loves you
Thursday, November 18, 2010
God Loves You
John 3:16
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
That is something to shout about!
This Thursday is Thanksgiving. Be grateful and Thank GOD for everything you have and will have in the future.
God loves You.
Even if you feel alone, you are not alone. God is with you and loves you.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
That is something to shout about!
This Thursday is Thanksgiving. Be grateful and Thank GOD for everything you have and will have in the future.
God loves You.
Even if you feel alone, you are not alone. God is with you and loves you.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
God is With Me
Do you ever feel alone? Everyone is againest you? I do. I do not have a lot of friends. I isolate myself from the real world. No one really likes me, which I guess is my fault.
The one thing I do have going for me is GOD. God is with me. He will never leave me nor will he forsake me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
That is something to realize and repeat when ever you think you can not make it on your own.
God is with you
We are all here for a reason. You are never alone. God is with you.
Check out my other blog.
God Loves You
The one thing I do have going for me is GOD. God is with me. He will never leave me nor will he forsake me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
That is something to realize and repeat when ever you think you can not make it on your own.
God is with you
We are all here for a reason. You are never alone. God is with you.
Check out my other blog.
God Loves You
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Go With The Flow
Something happened yesterday. I went to work. I then had to go for a mamogram. So that messed up my usual schedule, and I was getting to bed later than usual. Then right when I was thinking of getting ready for bed, someone knocked on my door. No one ever knocks on my door.
The point of this is, that God kept me up later, cause he knew that I needed to be up. If I was already asleep and woke to someone pounding on the door, It would of scared me. I think, no I know that it is all God.
He was looking out for me. I thanked God for looking out for me.
So don't get upset when things don't go your way, there is a reason. God Knows. God is looking out for you
Check out my other blog:
God loves You
The point of this is, that God kept me up later, cause he knew that I needed to be up. If I was already asleep and woke to someone pounding on the door, It would of scared me. I think, no I know that it is all God.
He was looking out for me. I thanked God for looking out for me.
So don't get upset when things don't go your way, there is a reason. God Knows. God is looking out for you
Check out my other blog:
God loves You
Monday, November 15, 2010
I Depend On God
I get depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I look to God to help me get out of bed. I am moody and have no reason why. I feel that it is the Devil trying to steal my joy. I won't let the Devil win. It is not easy. I get out of bed, and put one foot forward. I depend on God to do the rest.
I know that he will guide me and help me get through the day. Who else would depend on. I can't trust people, they have their own problems. I can only trust God. I depend on God, no matter what.
No matter what you are going through, depend on God. What other option do you have.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
I know that he will guide me and help me get through the day. Who else would depend on. I can't trust people, they have their own problems. I can only trust God. I depend on God, no matter what.
No matter what you are going through, depend on God. What other option do you have.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Sunday, November 14, 2010
God Gave Us A Gift
We all have a gift. We all have a talent. God gave us a gift. Maybe some know what it is and others may not. I feel my gift is writing. I can not ignore it. I write everyday. Others may have the gift of music or the gift of listening or the gift of a smile, to make others feel better.
God gave us all a gift. It is our job to discover the gift, and to use those gifts to help others and enrich our own lives.
You maybe different. Don't fit in, odd man out. God made you that way for a purpose. Embrace it. God is with you and will help your develop your gift.
You can do all things in Christ who strenghens you.
Greater is he who is in you, than of this world.
So embace your gift and ask God to help you delvelop your gift, We all have one.
What is your gift? If not sure, ask God to help you discover your gift.
God Loves You
Check out my other blog:
God gave us all a gift. It is our job to discover the gift, and to use those gifts to help others and enrich our own lives.
You maybe different. Don't fit in, odd man out. God made you that way for a purpose. Embrace it. God is with you and will help your develop your gift.
You can do all things in Christ who strenghens you.
Greater is he who is in you, than of this world.
So embace your gift and ask God to help you delvelop your gift, We all have one.
What is your gift? If not sure, ask God to help you discover your gift.
God Loves You
Check out my other blog:
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Heaven Or Hell???
Do you believe in Heaven?
Do you believe in Hell?
If you believe in one, you must believe in the other.
Where do you think one goes when one dies?
I believe in Heaven and Hell. I believe in God and the Devil.
I don't want to go to Hell.
You must believe in God. You must beleive that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead.
To recieve Jesus as your savior :
Romans 10:9-10
If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord. and beleive in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
You need to decide before it is to late. Choose God and walk with him. We are here to do God's work.
I want to go to heaven. I also want to do what God put me on this earth to do.
Heaven or Hell it is your choose. What will you choose?
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Do you believe in Hell?
If you believe in one, you must believe in the other.
Where do you think one goes when one dies?
I believe in Heaven and Hell. I believe in God and the Devil.
I don't want to go to Hell.
You must believe in God. You must beleive that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead.
To recieve Jesus as your savior :
Romans 10:9-10
If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord. and beleive in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
You need to decide before it is to late. Choose God and walk with him. We are here to do God's work.
I want to go to heaven. I also want to do what God put me on this earth to do.
Heaven or Hell it is your choose. What will you choose?
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Friday, November 12, 2010
You Are Not Alone
Do you feel alone? No one calls you. No one e-mails you.....
Do you feel alone in a crowded room?//
You are not alone.
God is with you. He is waiting to talk to you. I know that I feel alone. I don't fit in. I never fit in. I talk to God. I listen to God. No matter what I know that God is with me.
I don't need to fit it. I don't need friends. I have God and he will guide me and I will meet new people who like me for me.
God made us all different. Embrace your diffenence. God loves you.
Check out my other blot:
God Loves You
Do you feel alone in a crowded room?//
You are not alone.
God is with you. He is waiting to talk to you. I know that I feel alone. I don't fit in. I never fit in. I talk to God. I listen to God. No matter what I know that God is with me.
I don't need to fit it. I don't need friends. I have God and he will guide me and I will meet new people who like me for me.
God made us all different. Embrace your diffenence. God loves you.
Check out my other blot:
God Loves You
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I Can't Live Without GOD
I need God in my life every second of my life. I can not funtion without him. Ten years ago, I made all the wrong decisions and was depressed and wanted to die.
I reached out to God and my life has never been the same. I talk to God on a regular basis. I pray before I get out of bed. I pray before leaving the house. I pray in the car. I pray all day.
Do you talk to God????
Talk to him, like you would talk to a friend.
I thank God for every little thing that happenes during the day.
I do not want the Devil to control my life.
I want God to control my life.
Who is controling your life?
It is time to choose.
I can not live without God.
My life is better because of God.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
I reached out to God and my life has never been the same. I talk to God on a regular basis. I pray before I get out of bed. I pray before leaving the house. I pray in the car. I pray all day.
Do you talk to God????
Talk to him, like you would talk to a friend.
I thank God for every little thing that happenes during the day.
I do not want the Devil to control my life.
I want God to control my life.
Who is controling your life?
It is time to choose.
I can not live without God.
My life is better because of God.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Do You Beleive???
What do you believe??/
Do you believe in God? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for us???
Do you believe there is a Devil??
Would you die for believing in God?
I believe in the core of my being. I would die, than deny the fact that I believe in God. People have died for believing in God. How Strong is your faith??
Are you willing to put your belief in God over your friends and family. Will you stand up for God. Speak his words?
Think about this. There will come a time where you will need to stand on what you believe and not what others believe. You need to be ready.
Beleive in God. To me there is no other choice.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Do you believe in God? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for us???
Do you believe there is a Devil??
Would you die for believing in God?
I believe in the core of my being. I would die, than deny the fact that I believe in God. People have died for believing in God. How Strong is your faith??
Are you willing to put your belief in God over your friends and family. Will you stand up for God. Speak his words?
Think about this. There will come a time where you will need to stand on what you believe and not what others believe. You need to be ready.
Beleive in God. To me there is no other choice.
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Peace Within
Know God Know Peace
No Peace No God
Ever hear that saying???
You can find peace in God. No matter what is going on in your life, God can give you peace. You can be at work, with drama surrounding you, and you can smile, cause you know God and he is taking care of you.
In the midst of the storm, You can be calm, cause you know that God is with you and it will all work out.
Look to God. Not to your friends or co-workers. Only God can give you the peace and calm that you are looking for.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
No Peace No God
Ever hear that saying???
You can find peace in God. No matter what is going on in your life, God can give you peace. You can be at work, with drama surrounding you, and you can smile, cause you know God and he is taking care of you.
In the midst of the storm, You can be calm, cause you know that God is with you and it will all work out.
Look to God. Not to your friends or co-workers. Only God can give you the peace and calm that you are looking for.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thanksgiving is a time to be with family and friends, but more importantly it is to look to God and thank him.
He is the reason that you have what you have. He is the reason you are who you are.
Take this month to list things you are grateful for. Do this everyday. Take nothing for granted. I know that I have talked about this before, but you need to put God first in everything you think, say and do.
Once you get into the habit of doing this, your life with be so much better.
Give Thanks To God.
I am Grateful for:
1.God Loves Me
2. I have a job
3I am not homeless
4 my computer works
5. I have clean water& hot water
6I am healthy
7.I have a dependable vechile
8.I am saving for my next big vacation
9 have food
10 I have heat in my place
Make a list everyday..What are you Grateful Let me know
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
He is the reason that you have what you have. He is the reason you are who you are.
Take this month to list things you are grateful for. Do this everyday. Take nothing for granted. I know that I have talked about this before, but you need to put God first in everything you think, say and do.
Once you get into the habit of doing this, your life with be so much better.
Give Thanks To God.
I am Grateful for:
1.God Loves Me
2. I have a job
3I am not homeless
4 my computer works
5. I have clean water& hot water
6I am healthy
7.I have a dependable vechile
8.I am saving for my next big vacation
9 have food
10 I have heat in my place
Make a list everyday..What are you Grateful Let me know
Check out my other blog:
God Loves You
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Follow God
Stay true to yourself, and stay on God's Path.
Drama in the workpace is everywhere. It is easy to get caught up in the gossip, the back stabbing and just being mean and then comes the bad attutude. Before you know it, you hate your job and then you are the one that is being gossiped about,
Think before you talk. Walk away. have lunch and break by yourself and read your Bible or just pray and talk to God. Do your job and stay clear of the drama.
I know that it is not an easy thing to do. You need to take a deep breath and walk away. Find new co-workers to talk to or just get use to being with God and not others.
I love to hear gossip and I know that I shouldn't. So we are all gulity. I have gone to the back room or bathroom, just to pray and talk to God.
So think before you talk. Talk to God first. Follow God and not others.
Check out my other blog. It is Story Monday
God Loves You
Drama in the workpace is everywhere. It is easy to get caught up in the gossip, the back stabbing and just being mean and then comes the bad attutude. Before you know it, you hate your job and then you are the one that is being gossiped about,
Think before you talk. Walk away. have lunch and break by yourself and read your Bible or just pray and talk to God. Do your job and stay clear of the drama.
I know that it is not an easy thing to do. You need to take a deep breath and walk away. Find new co-workers to talk to or just get use to being with God and not others.
I love to hear gossip and I know that I shouldn't. So we are all gulity. I have gone to the back room or bathroom, just to pray and talk to God.
So think before you talk. Talk to God first. Follow God and not others.
Check out my other blog. It is Story Monday
God Loves You
Saturday, November 6, 2010
With God All Things Are Possible
If you believe in God, there is nothing that you can not do. I know that is hard to believe. You may be in a dead in job{Be grateful you have a job} No education, but that is okay. God can help you beyond what you are dreaming.
You may be addictive to alochol or drugs, in a bad relationship, but God can help you. He is standing next to you waiting for you to ask.
I believe this will all my heart. God dewlls inside of me. I have the power of God inside of with. With God, all things are possible.
I repeat this all day. While I am at work, I repeat this. I feel God guiding me.
It is a choice. God or Devil
I choose God. I believe God. I have given my life to God and wants to do what he put me on this earth to do. There is no other reason that I am here, expect to serve God
With God all things are Possible.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
You may be addictive to alochol or drugs, in a bad relationship, but God can help you. He is standing next to you waiting for you to ask.
I believe this will all my heart. God dewlls inside of me. I have the power of God inside of with. With God, all things are possible.
I repeat this all day. While I am at work, I repeat this. I feel God guiding me.
It is a choice. God or Devil
I choose God. I believe God. I have given my life to God and wants to do what he put me on this earth to do. There is no other reason that I am here, expect to serve God
With God all things are Possible.
Check out my other Blog:
God Loves You
Friday, November 5, 2010
Grateful Grateful Grateful
Winter is here. It is supose to below freezing, and I turned my heat on. I am so GRATEFUL that my heat works. Words can not express what I am feeling. I do not like cold weather and at one time I lived in my truck and I know what it is like not to have a place to live.
I have thanked God like ten times so far. God took care of me when I lived in my truck and he is taking care of me now that winter is upon me.
God sees to all my wants and needs.
I can do all things through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
So let god know what you are grateful for. Even the smallest thing, don't take anything for granted.
You might have a winter coat,,someone in the world doesn't.
You may go out to eat....someone will go hungry today.
Something to think about.
Be Grateful for everything.
Check out my other blog.
God loves you
I have thanked God like ten times so far. God took care of me when I lived in my truck and he is taking care of me now that winter is upon me.
God sees to all my wants and needs.
I can do all things through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
So let god know what you are grateful for. Even the smallest thing, don't take anything for granted.
You might have a winter coat,,someone in the world doesn't.
You may go out to eat....someone will go hungry today.
Something to think about.
Be Grateful for everything.
Check out my other blog.
God loves you
God's Amazing Work
Fall is upon us. I am always amazed how the sesons change like clock work. God has control of this and I find it amazing.
I have house plants and they are thriving and I find it amazing that all I have to do is water them once in awhile. I think that is amazing.
Looking at sunset or sun rise. Standing on the beach watching the waves come it. What is better than that. that is all God.
So next time you see a flower or the stars or just watching the leaves change color. It is all God.
God created us and everything around us. He is amazing.
Tell me what you find amazing that God created.
check out my other blog:
God Loves You!!!
I have house plants and they are thriving and I find it amazing that all I have to do is water them once in awhile. I think that is amazing.
Looking at sunset or sun rise. Standing on the beach watching the waves come it. What is better than that. that is all God.
So next time you see a flower or the stars or just watching the leaves change color. It is all God.
God created us and everything around us. He is amazing.
Tell me what you find amazing that God created.
check out my other blog:
God Loves You!!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Be Grateful
I realize that I have said this before. Be Grateful for even the smallest thing God has done for you. There is always someone who is worse off than you.
I logged onto my computer today, and of course it wouldn't work, I have no idea, then it finally did. So I quickly blogged before the computer changed it's mind.
So I am grateful that it finally worked.
If you are depressed or just feeling kinds blah, list ten things that you are grateful for. It will make you realize that you are not that bad off and things are not as bad as they seem. Do this before you go to bed or get up in the morning. You will feel better and you will be more grateful.
My 10 things I am grateful for"
1. Water.
2 Pepsi
3. My computer works
4. I have a job.
5. My truck starts
6 I am not homeless
7. I can read & write
8. I know God
9 The people in my life
10. I have a bed
What is your list of 10 things you are grateful???
Leave a comment
Check out my other blog"
God Loves You
I logged onto my computer today, and of course it wouldn't work, I have no idea, then it finally did. So I quickly blogged before the computer changed it's mind.
So I am grateful that it finally worked.
If you are depressed or just feeling kinds blah, list ten things that you are grateful for. It will make you realize that you are not that bad off and things are not as bad as they seem. Do this before you go to bed or get up in the morning. You will feel better and you will be more grateful.
My 10 things I am grateful for"
1. Water.
2 Pepsi
3. My computer works
4. I have a job.
5. My truck starts
6 I am not homeless
7. I can read & write
8. I know God
9 The people in my life
10. I have a bed
What is your list of 10 things you are grateful???
Leave a comment
Check out my other blog"
God Loves You
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Put God First
No matter what you are doing or thinking, you need to put God first. When you wake up, when you go to work and most importantly, when you are about to make a decision. Before you buy something, before you date someone, put God first. It will make your life better.
Don't listen to your friends. Don't listen to your co-workers, listen to God.
You have to say this to yourself over and over again till it is in the core of your being, so you will do it without thinking. Put God first.
Don't go with the crowd, or peer pressure. Go with God.
God will never do you wrong.
check out my other blog:
God loves you!!!
Don't listen to your friends. Don't listen to your co-workers, listen to God.
You have to say this to yourself over and over again till it is in the core of your being, so you will do it without thinking. Put God first.
Don't go with the crowd, or peer pressure. Go with God.
God will never do you wrong.
check out my other blog:
God loves you!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
John 3:16
For God loved the world he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not persh but have eternal life.
That is one Bible verse that you should remember and never forget.
That is how much God loves you. Even when you feel drpressed, alone, you need to remember that God Loves you. That is all you need to know to get you through the day.
Check out my other blog://
God Loves You
That is one Bible verse that you should remember and never forget.
That is how much God loves you. Even when you feel drpressed, alone, you need to remember that God Loves you. That is all you need to know to get you through the day.
Check out my other blog://
God Loves You
God Comes First
I know yesterday was Halloween. It is a reaon to dress up, and throw a party and forget about what you believe in and stand for.
I know that for the most part the holiday is harmless, but it goes againest God.
Witches, demons, sacrfices. Might seem fun to dress up as a witch, but you are opening the door, for the devil to sneak in.
You may think that it is harmless to use a wegie board. The Devil will use it againest you.
Kids think it is harmless, but God's word is againest it.
I called in a Pagen Holiday and my co-workers just looked at me. They were dressed up, and covered in blood. Hopefully it was fake blood.
So before you go with the flow and do what your friends and co-workers do, wether it is doing something for holloween or gossip at work, partying with your friends. Put God first, and see what he has to say about what you are about to do.
God will guide you and answer you, if you put him first and listen to him.
I want God in my life and not the Devil. The Devil is waiting for you to give him a reason to take over your life. Don't let him.
Put God First.
God Loves You.
check out my other blog:
Talk to God Today
I know that for the most part the holiday is harmless, but it goes againest God.
Witches, demons, sacrfices. Might seem fun to dress up as a witch, but you are opening the door, for the devil to sneak in.
You may think that it is harmless to use a wegie board. The Devil will use it againest you.
Kids think it is harmless, but God's word is againest it.
I called in a Pagen Holiday and my co-workers just looked at me. They were dressed up, and covered in blood. Hopefully it was fake blood.
So before you go with the flow and do what your friends and co-workers do, wether it is doing something for holloween or gossip at work, partying with your friends. Put God first, and see what he has to say about what you are about to do.
God will guide you and answer you, if you put him first and listen to him.
I want God in my life and not the Devil. The Devil is waiting for you to give him a reason to take over your life. Don't let him.
Put God First.
God Loves You.
check out my other blog:
Talk to God Today
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