

Friday, October 30, 2009

Everyday is a good day

No matter how I feel when I wake up. I know that it is going to be a good day. How do I know??? Cause God doesn't do anything bad. Everyday is a good day. It is all how you look at it. If you think you are going to have a bad day, you will. If you think you are going to have a great day, you will. Is it easy???? No. It is an effort that you have to do every morning. I choose to me happy and not miresable. I choose to look to God and know that he makes everything good. Something to think about when you wake up. Do you want to have a good day or bad day???It is all up to you. God wants you to have a good day....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Read the Bible

I have started to read the book of Proverbs Every night before I go to bed, I read part of Proverbs. I think that it will help keep me on the right track. I believe that everyone needs to read the Bible, everyday, sometime during the day. Get up early and spend time with God. It will make your day so much better.

This is what happened to me today. I usually wear a thin jacket to work. After work, I was going to another store, so I wanted to wear another jacket. since the jacket I wear to work has my name on it and the store I work at. On my way to work, I forgot the jacket and had time to go get the jacket and when I got off work, it was pouring down rain, and hasn't stopped. I believe that God reminded me to get that jacket to shield me from the rain as I did my errands. God takes care of all my wants and needs. He is always looking out for me. So think what God has done for you today, Even if it is small, like reminding me of a jacket. God is for you. Satan is againest you..............

Monday, October 26, 2009


Does fear have a hold of you? Are you afraid to try new things, cause fear has stopped you? Join the club. I have panic attacks. I am OCD. I have to check everything, in fear of what might happen. But you just have to walk through the fear, or you will get nothing done. And before you know it, you will be old and alone, waiting to die. I know, I will be 50 in a year. Where did the time go? I lived most of my time, afraid and at home and in bed. Now I am believing God. I talk to God and Know that he is with me and even when I am afraid, I just have to do it. ,.What choice to I have. Read the Bible Talk to God and ask for help and you will see yourself doing things that you never thought you could. Walk through the fear...Not saying the fear will go away but it will get easier with God's Help God's Way is the Only Way

Friday, October 23, 2009

Have Faith

Ever wonder why people are no negetive? They don't have faith in God. I look up, no matter what is going on in my life. I have faith in God. That is all that matters. God loves me. I am God's beloved one. When no one else loves me or I feel that everyone and everything is againest me, I look up and Have faith in God. God loves me and no one will be able to sway me in another way of thinking. I stand on the fact that God loves me. I have faith in God. You have to believe and never think bad of God. My God is a good God. It is Satan that will try to get you to think other wise. Don 't let him do it. It is either God's way or Satan's way. I choose God's way. It is the only way. So have faith in God, he will never lead you in the wrong direction

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Talk To God

I know I keep saying this. I talk to God all day, before I get out of bed, while I'm driving to work. while I am at work. He wants us to talk to him. He is listening, waiting. I find that my day goes better when I start my day with God. In my past, things didn't go very well, I made some stupid decisions. I kept making the wrong chioces. Why? Cause I wasn't listening or talking to God. Since I started to God things have been better at work and when I am off. I think I am on the right track and I talk to to God before I make a decision. So far he has not led me in the wrong direction.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Found my Mission

Ever wonder why you are here? I do all the time. I know that we are all here for a reason and I found mine. To help support The Amazon Mission Organization. The Brazil Mission of Mountain Home, AR.

I met these people last year and collected money to buy cars and trucks for the kids in Brazil. I do not know if I am that sturdy to go on a mission trip. But I can help them buying them things for the kids.

What can you do for others, Either in your own home town or abroad. We are not just here to survive and wait to go to heaven. We are here to do the Lord's work. What ever it may be. So look around, How can you help others today? We are representing Jesus while we are on this earth. What would Jesus do??? Something to think about. If you want to help me, please leave a comment or check out their website. I am commited to this organization. Want to join me?? Leave a comment and together we can spread God's word and help children.................

Think Like Jesus

Live like Jesus

Walk with Jesus

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Right Thinking

Ever think how you think? Positive or Negetive? God's word or Satan's word. I just read a book that said, if you are not following God's word, you are following Satan's word. Now that is something to think about.

I get depressed and feel sorry for myself, more often than I should. That is what Satan wants. God wants us to be happy and full filled. Which are you. I read the Bible everyday to renew my mind. I know that I can not do this on my own. I need God's help. I have changed my way of thinking but it is easy to fall back into negative thinking. I like to wallow in self pity, but that helps no one. So I try to look where I can be a blessing and help others, this is not always easy, but I want to live for God and not Satan. I want to think like God and not Satan and I think you have to do this all the time and be conscience of your way of thinking. So start today. Read the Bible. Quote bible verses and see how your life will change along with your thinking.......

Friday, October 16, 2009

I believe what the Bible says

Have your read the whole BIBLE? I have. It took me three months to. I stopped watching tv and just read and it changed my life. I started thinking different. I saw things differently. I stopped listening to certain people and it changed my television watching and movie watching and what I read.

I discovered Joesph Prince. I read his book, Destined to Reign. I watch him on tv and my total way of thinking has changed. Jesus died on the cross for ME...You might want to check him out at I only believe what the BIBLE says and not what others say or what the news say. So when I am depressed or need something. I read the Bible.
I even carry the Bible with me and don't care what others think. So read the Bible and believe what it says.

The Word is Alive. God is Alive.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quiet Day

Not much is going on this morning. That doesn't mean that God isn't busy pathing the way for you. So don't just think about God when you need him. You always need him and he is always pathing the way for you, even though you may not realize it. So in your quiet time, thank God, Praise God, he is always there for you

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thanking God

I just finished working on the computer for the past five hours. I thanked God for that. My computer worked. I felt good. I had the focus to write. did I do this on my own? No. It was all God. I had no control over it. I woke up, prayed and turned the computer on and for the next five hours, I typed and it was good. God is in control. It is all God. You need to thank God for every little thing. When your car starts. When you have something to eat. When you have hot water for your shower. It is all God. So everyday is a good day. Thank God for the small things and bigger things will happen.

Praise the Lord
God is my source
God is my provider
God is in Control

Take a moment and thank God for all he has done for you today

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ask God

Before you do anything or make a decision, you should pray and ask God for advice. What can it hurt.....Prays will be answered. God is waiting and listening.....I know that I may repeat myself. I pray all the time...Before I get out of bed...Before I leave the house. Before I turn on my computer. God is my Source, My Provider and God is in Control I am God Conscience...I am Jesus Conscience....I am Cross Conscience..........I live for God or what is the point?????

Monday, October 12, 2009

Be Grateful for the little things

I went to wal-mart, since I had no food in my house....As I was at the check out, I prayed and thank God for the money to buy what I needed and wanted. I am so grateful for hot water when I take a shower and a place to live. What are you grateful? Look around cause God is everywhere.............

Friday, October 9, 2009

Live in the moment

Don't think about yesterday or worry about tomorrow. Your life can change in an instand. So you should live in the moment. God wants us to enjoy your life. Today is new and all things are possible. I do try to live now. Even when I am at work. I am grateful for the job and I can get out of bed and get to work. Try to find happiness and joy in the small things, cause there is alway someone worse off than you. I am grateful that God is in my life and because of the fact that Jesus died on the Cross, I can live bodly and freely in this life. Jesus's last words were IT IS FINISHED....So live in the moment, cause God will take care of the rest.......

Thursday, October 8, 2009

God is watching over me

I was on my way to work. It was still dark and I noticed a deer coming into the road. I slammed on the brakes and the deer stopped at the side of the road. We both stopped, and a few seconds later, the deer ran into the field. I know that God stopped that deer or I would of hit it. Why did the deer stop. It did not come onto the road. God was watching over me. I started praising God all the way to work and thanking him for watching over me.

God is watching over you. Don't ever think other wise.....

Monday, October 5, 2009

God will show you the way

I know nothing about computers....It took me over a week to figure out how to join a writer;s group at yahoo....I just clicking and trusting in God and he showed me what to do. I know that he did it, cause I have no idea what I am doing...Everyday, I have no idea what I am doing, but I do know that God is guiding me and showing me the way........Trust in God....he will show you the way....................

God Gives Me Strength

I am so tired this morning. I prayed this morning and I somehow found the energy to clean my house. I know I didn't do it by myself. I would rather lay on the couch and watch tv. God wants me to have a nice place to live and doesn't want me to live in a dirty house.. So just remember you can do all things casue Christ will strength you.

I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Don't Live Without God

I wake up every morning, and pray before I get out of bed.........I talk to God throughout the day. I will not walk or live without God. That is my choice.....What is your choice. If God is for you, who can be againest you???????Talk to God.......Listen to God and your life will improve for the better.......When you are scared, lonely depressed, Talk to God.......He will not let you down.........

Friday, October 2, 2009


I know I get depressed and don't have a good opion of myself. That is the time to read the bible or pray. I got up and I was in a bad mood. I was till tired. I couldn't figure something out on the computer and just feel so stupid.. Everyone else does this, why can't I. I read the bible, and prayed. My mood changed and my day ended up to be better than I thought it would. It is an effort to stay out of depression or feeling sorry for yourself, but God is the only way to make it through the day. You can have a good day or a bad day. It is your choice. I choose to have a good day. So I pray and read the Bible...Have a great day......

Thursday, October 1, 2009

God is with me

I have to tell you something that happened to me today. I was out doing errands after work and when i was backing up, I saw a truck come up behind me. He was talking on the cell phone. While this happened, I was praying and by the grace of God, I didn't get into an accident. Not sure who would of been in the wrong but God and his Angels were watching over me. I am protected by the blood of Jesus. Have you prayed today????