

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Be Grateful

My Prayers and Thoughts are with the tornados surviors.  It makes one think of how little our problems are, compared to others.

What happed was the DEVIL showing himself, wanting us to turn away from GOD.

Now is the time to look up and lean on GOD for strength and guidance.

I can not imange what those people are feeling or thinking.  I am praying for them and I know that GOD is with them and they will be okay.

So be grateful for everything little thing you have.  Thank GOD. 

I am sorry that I haven't posted the verses on reading the BIBLE...Where does the time go.

Go to   to get caught up or start reading from the beginning.  That is where I got my list from.

Sunday May 1st  1Sam25-27

Mon PS 17/35/54/63

Tues 1 Sam 28-31   PS18

Wed PS121/123-125/128-130

Thurs PS 2 Sam 1-4

I encourage you to read the BIBLE.  It will bring you closer to GOD.  God is all that matters.  GOD should come first in your life.  Everything else will follow

Check out my other blog:

GOD Loves You

Friday, April 29, 2011

Testominy To GOD

We all have a story.  We all have a story on how GOD changed us and did things for us.

I have written my testimony of how God changed by life.  Should be up and running, by next month.

Book Blurb:

I am an alcolic.  I am anerixic.  I was sexualy abused.  How could anyone love me?  Why was I even born?  Could I even be more messed up?

Took me 45 years to read the BIBlE.  That was the day God spoke to me and I listened.  That was the day my life changed, in ways I never thought was possible. 

This is my testimony of how GOD changed my heart and my life.


I will let you know the release date when I know.

God can make your life better if you let him in your heart.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Please Pray

Please Pray for the victims of the tornados that swept the south.

My heart goes out for the people who experienced the tornado and have lost so much.

Please pray for them.

I am now more grateful for what I have than ever.  I am safe and I did survive the storms, this week.

Lots of rain, losts of storms this week.  So look around and thank GOD for every little thing you have, cause there are people that have lost everything.

How do they start over??

My prayers are with them.

GOD will guide them and help them through this.

God will never leave you nor forske them

check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

GOD Talked To Me Today

I was working in the bakery..I was cutting donuts when I heard GOD say something to me.

I kept working and I listened.  He was telling me what to do with my writing.  I was debating on which direction to go with my writing. 

I will  have a book coming out....about my walk with GOD....I didn't want my novels to go againest GOD'S word.

God told me what to do and even told me how to change my story. 


I didn't dismiss GOD.  I listened.

Then, after work I was buying a few things and the Easter candy was marked down, which woud be a good time to buy the candy for te Brazil Misson Team.  I heard GOD nudging me to buy the last three bags of candy.  I did.  Was I going to?  Nope.  I did cause GOD told me to.

His voice is low and soft, nudging me in the rght direction.  He gave me free will.  It is my choice.

Do his will or do the Devil's will.  I decided to do GOD'S will

GOD tallks to all of us.  You just need to listen and not dismiss his voice.

So I am looking forward to seeing what GOD says to me today. 

Check out my other Blog:


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

God Is Guiding Me

I wrote a book.  I know that GOD has been guiding me throughout this process.

It is my testominy to GOD.  My walk with GOD.

This has always been my dream and now with techolonly I can publish online.  That is what I am doing.

I felt that God is guiding me through this whole process, and God is making me my dream a reality. 

God gave me this passion, writing.  I have written all my life and I feel that he is using me and my writitng to get his word out and to help others.

It is all GOD.

So if you have a dream, a passion, let GOD guide you.  You need to listen to GOD and not to anyone else. 

Let GOD guide you and your dream will become a reality. 

check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Storms

Once again, storms have past through the south.  I went to a store meeting,  while I was at the meeting a storm came up, and tornado warnings went out.

They wanted us all togo to the dairy cooler.  I just sat there.  I knew that I was protected by the blood of Jesus.  God's Angels were surrounding me.  I did pray while the wind picked up,

Nothing happened and the storm passed.

I was calm during the storm.  I knew tht GOD was with me and would protect me.  I made it saftely home and have to go back to work soon.  I know that God is with me and he is protecting me.

While everyone was walking around panicing, I just sat there and waited.  I put my trust in GOD

So be practical and take shelter if needed, but know that GOD is with you

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Remember Jesus

Jesus died for us.  He suffered on the cross and took upon all our sins.

Jesus gives us a reason to live.  To get out of bed.

Without Jesus, what is the point of life

I live for Jesus.  He is my Savior.  I have given my life to him.

So Easter is here and soon it will be gone.  Don't forget Jesus, just because it was yesterday.

Look to the Cross.  Jesus did everything at the Cross, for us.

Remember Jesus whenever and wherever. 

Jesus died for us.

What have you done for Jesus?

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Sunday is EASTER. 

Remember what Sunday is.  It is the day that Jesus rose from the day. 

Jesusis our SAVIOR.  He died for us.  Remember him today.

Thank God for everything you have.  Jesus came to save us.

Jesus died for us.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Friday, April 22, 2011

God Is With Me

God dwells inside of me.  Yesterday thunderstorms woke me up.  I was not happy.  I was tired and didn't feel good.  I turned on the computer and started to work on my book.

I was at the computer for eight hours.  I did some writing, some editing and blogged. 

I know that I had nothing to do with that.  It was all GOD. 

He gave me the strength that I needed and the words that I needed to write.  God was with me the whole day.

I got a lot done, and am pleased with what I did.  I thanked GOD.  I know it was not me.

So thank GOD.  He is with you everyday, every second, every minute of the day.

My book will be on line in about a month.

It is my testimony of GOD changed my life

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

I Can't Live Without GOD

I have no idea how people get out of the day, if they don't believe in GOD.   What is the point.  Before GOD I had nothing to live for.   I had a deep pain that just got deeper and nothting could feel that void, till I gave my life to GOD.

   I can't live without GOD.  I am not sure what else to say, expect that life is so much better with GOD.

I am no longer alone.  That deep emotional pain that I tried to fill with alchol and starving myself is gone.  Not sure how GOD did it, but he healed me.

He can do the same for you.

Sunday is EASTER. 

Today is Good Friday.  JESUS was nailed to the cross today.

Sunday Jesus rose from the dead.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

I can not live without GOD, nor do I want to.

This EASTER SUNDAY  Remember that JESUS died for us.  We are not alone.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Open Your BIBLE

I was working on the book about my walk with GOD.  I needed BIBLE Verses to insert in certain pages.

I had no idea where to look.  I opened my BIBLE and flipped through the pages and there were the verses.  I would never of found the verses.

It was all GOD. 

He showed me where the BIBLE Verses were.  That gives me chills just thinking about it.  God guided me to what I needed at that moment.

I feel that he does this throughout the day, if we let him.  All we have to do is ask GOD for help and he will.

God can not do anything for you if you don't ask.

Open your BIBLE and see what GOD has to say.  He might just surprise you.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Read the BIBLE:

Thursday:  RUTH

FRI  1Sam 1-3

Sat 1 Sam 4-8

Sun EASTER 1Sam 9-12

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kneel While Praying

I was prayaing.  While I was praying, I stood up and got on my knees and prayed, instead of just sitting on the edge of the bed.  I felt the need to do this.  Why?  I have no idea.  Then I started praying again, on my knees and my head bowed.  I started praying and couldn't stop.  I then found myself crying as I prayed.

I have no idea what this means, but I do know that I was saying things to GOD that I have never said before.  I was more open to him and revealed things to him, that I have never said out loud before.

I felt more closer and connected to GOD than ever before.

While I prayed sitting on the bed, was different that praying on my knees. 

I think that this is something to think about.  My prayer life is one of the most important things in my life.  So today when I got up today, when I prayed I once again got on my knees and prayed.  I found this a better to way.

Now if you can not kneel or get on the floor, I am not saying that you have to.  But try to pray in a different position, let the DEVIL know what you are doing. 

Something to think about.  Pray to GOD no matter how you do it.

Check out my other blog:

GOD Loves You

Monday, April 18, 2011

Book Cover

This is the cover of my book  My Bible-My God

I will let you know when it is avalible.

This book is my testimony of my walk with GOD.

It is all God.

I will let you know when you can order it

Listen To God

God is always trying to talk to you.  I know that he talks to me.  I feel him in the pit of my stomach.  A nagging thought that won't go away.  He is telling me something that I don't want to do.  It is annoying, but God is always right and we need to listen to God, though that is not always easy.

I have just written a 50 page and I know it was all GOD.  He gave me the words to write and he gave me the passion to write it.

For some reason I can not upload the picture, so I am moving on.  I know that the Devil does not want this book written or people to read it.  So I will keep it posted and let you know when it is availiable.  Wish me luck.

Listen to God.  Stop listening to the Devil.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

GOD And Your Dreams

God made us all unique and gave us a dream.  Follow that dream.  He gave it to you for a reason. 

My passion is writing.  I want to be a writer and to be published.  As I write this blog, I am a writer.  People are reading what I write.  I want to be published and God is going to make it possible, cause now I can be publish on  I can self publish without going into debt..

Not sure where all this is leading, but I have put my faith in God and let him guide me.

I have to passions.  Writing and the love of animals.  Hopefully I will be able to do something with both of them.  God has a plan for me, and I am open to what God has to offer to me.

Don't ignore your passion, God gave it to you for a reason.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Easter will be here in a few days.  It is now the time to think about JESUS and what JESUS did for us.

JESUS died on the cross for us

Jesus took upon all our sins for we can have enternal life

Jesus took upon all our diases so we can be healthy

Jesus took upon all our proverty so we can be wealthy

If that doesn't make you want to jump up and shout, I don't know what will.

Jesus loved us and died on the cross for us.

Think about that.  It is time to look to the cross and thank Jesus for what he did for us.

I choose God.  Don't let this Easter go by without thinking of Jesus and what he did for you

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Friday, April 15, 2011

Calm During The Storm

Yesterday storms swept through the south.  The wind blows, the rain pelts the house and I can't help but to wonder if a tornado will come, since there are watches and warnings out.

I pleaded the blood of Jesus on my house and car and myself.  I didn't get upset or scared, I was calm during the storm. 

I prayed for GOD'S protection and I put my faith and trust in God.  The storm past and I was safe along with my house.

The wind and rain did made me nervous, but I remained calmed.  I put my trust and faith in GOD.

It is all GOD.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people who were affected by the torados.  Remember that GOD is with you and he will help you get through this.

Check out my other Blog: 

God Loves You

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Trust God

How do you get through your day?  In Fear?  Looking around the corner for the next diaster?

Do you have panic attacks?  Afraid  of what the day will bring?

I have lived in fear in the past.  I still do get scared and wonder what if?

Now that I have given my life to GOD, I trust God, and the fear melts away. 

God calms my storms, my fears and he is my rock.

Psalms 92:15

The Lord is upright he is my rock and there is no wickness in him.

I repeat this verse all the time.  God is Love. 

I put my trust in God.  I look to him to help me get through the day.

Who do you put your trust in?

check out my other blog: 

Read the Bible along with me:

Friday:  Judges 6-7

Sat Judges 8-9

Sunday Judges 10-12

Monday Judges 13-15

God Loves You

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cast Your Problems Onto God

Don't worry, be happy.

That is easier said than none.  I use to worry about everything.  I don't even like leaving my house.  I would rather stay home where it is safe and nothing bad will happen.  But life doesn't work like that.  I have to leave the house. 

I use to do it in fear.  Fear of the unknown.  Fear of the car not starting.  Fear of dealing with people.  Fear of going to the gas station.  Fear of the unknown. 

Now I cast my problems onto GOD.  I tell him my problem and tell him that I trust him and will let him deal with it.  I don't talk about it to anyone.  It is just between me and GOD. 

When I have a problem I don't go to my friends or co workers. I go to GOD and talk to him.  Put my faith in the fact that GOD will take care of my problem.  God does take care of my problems.

It happened yesterday at work.  I was upset about something and talked to GOD and didn't talk to anyone else about the problem and so far I see a solution to the problem.  I didn't tell anyone, just GOD.

The other thing is that if you are trying to solve the problem on your own, GOD can't help you, cause you are in the way. 

Step aside and let GOD help you.

Check out my other blog: 

GOD Loves You

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Follow Your Dream

God has created you.  You are unique.  he has given you talents and passion that no one else has.  Embrace them. 

My passion is writing.  Makes me different and sets me apart from others.  I write everyday and don't really talk about it.

I finally accepted the fact that God has made me this way for a reason and I am embracing it.

So follow your dreams, what ever it may be.  God is with you and he won't let you down.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Monday, April 11, 2011

God Is Everywhere

I like knowing that God is with me.  I like knowing that I can talk to God no matter where I am at.  I don't have to go to church to talk to God.

God is everywhere.  He is with  me when I sleep, when I wake up and he is with me, even though I am going down the wrong path and making the wrong decisions.

God is with me, when I ignore him.  God is with me and he is everywhere and the best part is that he dwells inside of me.  I am his dwellling place.  My body is God's temple.

God is everywhere.  You can not avoid him.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.

God is the only living God and he is everywhere.

Talk to God and know that he is everything and the only one you need.

check out my other blog: 

God Loves You

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Heaven Or Hell

I believe that that their is a Heaven and Hell.  I have accepted God and believe that Jesus has died on the cross and rose from the dead and I believe that Jesus is coming back for us.  I believe that to my core.

We are only here on earth for a short time.  No one knows when our time will be up. 

I was at work yesterday.  I saw one of my co-workers, talked to him, and then later found out that he died an hour later.  He was in his twenties and had a one year old. Not sure what he died of.  So no one knows what the day will bring. 

The sad thing is that I know that he didn't believe in God or the Bible  and didn't want talk about it.  He did not accept Jesus as his savior.  I feel bad for him if he didn't go to Heaven.

Where are you going to go?  Heaven or Hell?

You don't have  a lot of time.  Decide to day.  Heaven or Hell.

Romans 10:  9

that if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.

Heaven or Hell it is your choice.  God gave us free will.

Read the Bible today:

Sun Josh 16-18

Mon Josh 19-21

Tues Josh 22-24

Wed Judges 1-2

Thurs Judges 3-5

Fri Judges 6-7

Look up and talk to God.

Check out my other blog

God Loves You

Friday, April 8, 2011

Enjoy Spring

God created the four seasons.  I feel he knows what he is doing, even though I hate winter.  Spring is here and I look around and look at the beauty of the Lord. 

Things are becoming greener and the snow has melted

So when your day is going bad, look around and know that God is all around you. 

The Beauty of God is everywhere.

Enjoy God's Beauty today

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Thursday, April 7, 2011

God Knows Everything

God knows what you are thinking.  God is with you, whether you ackowledge him or not.

God is with you at this moment. 

Psalms 139

It has 24 verses so I am not going to type it all out.  It is a must read. 

Psalms  139: 4

Before a word is formed on my tongue, you know it completely,O Lord.

That is powerful.  God knows all and it is time that we all start to listen to him and walk in his way.


Friday:  Josh 9-11

Sat Josh 9-11

Suns Johs 12-15

Mon.  Josh 16-18

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Look To God

I was at work yesterday.  I was so tired.  Didn't have an excuse to be tired, I was just tired.  I kept looking at the clock, counting the minutes till I went home.  I made it through the day.

I looked to God and he got me through the day.  That is why I made it through the day.

I looked up prayed for strength.  That is the only way I can get through the day.

How do you get through the day??  On your own?  Do you depend on others???

Why not look to God and ask him for help...

Check out my other blog:

God loves you 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There is Only One God

Psalms 115: 3-4

Our God is in Heaven, he does whatever pleases him.
But  their idols are silver and gold made by the hands of men.

Psalms 115:  12

The Lord remembers us and will bless us

There is only one God.  God is alive.  He is with you at this very moment.

Don't worship something that is not alive.  Not real.  Don't worship some idol.

There is only one God.

Read the BIBLE and see what God has to say.  It will change your life.

I have given my life to God.  I put God first and my life is so much better.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Accept Jesus As Your Savior

Easter is coming April 24th.  Jesus died on the cross for me.  He died and suffered on the cross for me and you.  Once you accept Jesus as your savior, the holy spirit comes and dwells on the inside of you.  Your life will change for the better.

Romans:  10:9

That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. 

We are living in The End of Times and you need to decide where you will spend enternity.  Heaven or Hell.

God will change your life. 

Accept Jesus as your Savior.  Jesus will be coming back for us and no one knows when he will be coming, but it is getting sooner.  Don't get left behind. 

God is the only living God.  The Bible is is word.  The Bible is alive.

Read the Bible

Tuesday:  Deut:  32-34  PS 91

Wed:  Josh 1-4

thursday Josh 5-8

Fri Josh 9-11

Read the Bible    It will change your life

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Plead The Blood of Jesus

the high winds are here and the storms are coming.  I am not scared or worried.  I know that God is with me and he will protect me.

I plead the BLOOD of JESUS over my place and everything he made me a steward of. 

Jesus shed his blood at the cross and his blood is pure and there is power in the blood or Jesus and I am now washed in the blood of Jesus.

So as I listen to the wind and wait for the storm.  I know that God is sitting next to me and he will protect me and everything he made me a steward of.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Read the Bible

Are you reading the Bible.  Read the Bible along with me.  I am reading it in Chronological Order.

I started in Januarary.  It will change your life.  I am going to continue to talk about this all year, cause I think everyone should read the Bible and give their lives to the Lord.  It is the only way to live. 

We are living in The End Of Times.  Jesus is coming back, and everyone should be ready and know where they are going to spend enterinty   Heaven or Hell?  It is your choice.

I choice Heaven.  I choose God  I live for God that is why I was born and still alive.  there is no other reason, except God.

Sat:  Deut:  24-27

Sun:  Deut 28-29

Monday:  30-31

Read the Bible.    It Will Change Your Life

Leave me a comment and let me know how God has effected your life.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You


Friday, April 1, 2011

God Dwells Within Me

When you recieve Jesus as your savior, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells inside of you.

Not everyone beilieves this.  I believe this by faith.  No one can tell me other wise.  God dwells inside of me and I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me. 

I repeat this through out the day.  God dwells within me and that means that I am never alone.  God is always with me.

I know that I feel alone somethimes and the world is againest me.  I look up and know that God is with me and I am never alone.  I need to remind myself of that so I won't get sucked into the negative and depression of the world.

God is my source.  He is the only one that I listen to. 

God dwells inside of me.

Check out my other blog:

God Loves You