

Monday, December 31, 2018

Your Words Have Power

Proverbs 21:23

He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity

We all should live our lives as Proverbs said.

In Proverb 21:23, we are told to guard our mouth.  Our Words are alive.  They are a Spirit.  Whatever you say, will come to pass.

Look at your life today.  Look at where you live, what you have, what you are wearing and what type of job you are doing.  You have the life you have, because what words you have said.  You are where you are at, because of your words.

Want to change your life?  Change your words.

I was thee most negative person ever.  I was suicidal, cutting myself and waiting to die.  My words, made my divorce happen, because I knew my husband would leave me.  I said that from the day I got married.  "One day he will leave me."  He did leave me.  

The word "Can't"  was my go to word.  "I can't be around people.  I am not a social person.  I can't drive across country.  I can't learn to do that."

It wasn't until I learned from the Bible that is what Satan wants you to say.

Jesus said, "I say only what my Father tells me to say."

So we are suppose to quote the Word of GOD, the Bible. 

Say nothing negative, which is hard to do, especially when you have done it your entire life.

I do my best to say nothing negative, which means no more gossiping (talking bad about someone)  no more arguing. (even if you are right)  and I stop telling myself negative things.  Which for me is the hardest.

I have told myself.  "I am stupid.  No one wants to buy my books.  I am unloveable.  Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Instead I am replacing my negative words, for the Word of GOD

GOD Loves Me.  I am a child of GOD.  I can do all things through Christ Jesus.

So It is a New Year 2019 Is Here.

2019 will be the best year ever.  2019 is my year for change.  GOD is going to Bless me today.  I am Blessed and highly Favored and I am expecting The Favor of GOD to show up today.

Even if you do not feel like being positive, that is the time to say positive things.

Want your life to change???   Change Your Words.

101 Daily Bible Confessions   This E-Book is 99 Cents download your copy and start speaking the word of GOD

My Bible--My GOD 

Read what steps I did and still doing to keep my eyes on GOD 

2019 is going to be the best year ever and it all starts with your mouth.  Change your Words, Change Your life

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas With Family

Not everyone is happy around the holidays.  Not everyone has someone to spend Christmas with.  With me, I am fine, not being with my family. 

My family believes in GOD.  We consider ourselves Christians, but when it comes to what the Bible says, they have their way believing and I have mine.

I believe that I am Healed By The Stripes of Jesus.  I stand on the Word of GOD.  If the Bible says it, I believe it.

My family believes that GOD might want us sick, so we need Health Insurance.  They can believe what they want, but I am not going against the Word of GOD. 

So what do you do, when your beliefs or lifestyle does not line up with your family?

It is not easy.   Years ago, I would of said, stand your ground and don't let them get the last word.  Now with my walk with GOD, I keep my mouth shut.

No strife in my life.  If you are in Strife, which is if you argue, then you are blocking your Blessing with GOD, which means you are out of line with GOD. 

So my advice to you, if you deal with your family or friends, I would say, smile and say nothing.  You will not be able to change their mind over dinner.

I know it sounds easy, but this would be the perfect day to practice, keeping your mouth shut.

My mother does not agree the way I live or the way I live by the Bible.  I talked to her today.  She doesn't agree with me living out in the country or that I stand on the Word of GOD.  So today I talked to her and just listened, and when I hung up the phone, I knew i made her happy by calling her.  I will never get what I need from her.  I have accepted that, though it took years.

So what I am saying, stop arguing.  Grin and bear it and be happy that you have a home to go to and live your life the way GOD is directing you.  As long as you are lined up with GOD, All Is Well.

I believe that I am living in the Last Days and the Last Hours before Jesus comes back for us.  I will be quitting my job next year, planting a garden, raise chickens, and work on my writing ministry, not everyone is going to agree with me.  no one agrees with me, because they are so focused of things of this world and not looking up to Heaven.

Today is the Birth of Jesus, not a day to argue and prove you are right.  Today is Jesus's day.  So smile and thank GOD for giving the greatest gift of all Jesus our Lord and Savior. 

Merry Christmas

Jesus is Born

Friday, December 21, 2018

China Bans Christmas

We have it pretty good in the USA.  We go about our business spending money, going into debt and self absorbed in our lives as we can not live without our smart phones,,, It is Christmas and people think nothing of their freedom in this country.  

Christians in the USA are not standing up for Jesus this Christmas.  Where are the nativity scenes?  Why is everyone saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.  

As we celebrate Christmas this year in the USA, In China, people are being arrested for just worshiping Jesus in their home.  

The USA Christians need to wake up, because sooner rather than later it will happen to the USA.  

Who will rise up againest the Pagans of this world?  The Bible says that Christians will be persecuted, but as Christians we need to ban together to help each other.

It doesn't matter what church you go to, or whether you are Lutheran or Baptist, we are all one in the body of Christ.  We need to to come together.

These are the last days, the last hours before Jesus comes.  

So this Christmas, take a moment and pray for all Christians throughout the world, for strength and to stand on the Word of GOD, because in the end, it is all about Jesus, nothing else matters.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Jesus is the reason for the season

While you are out shopping and feeling stressed and getting upset.....stop.......Look up and remember that Jesus was born for us.  Jesus was GOD's gift to us.

Christmas is not about the tree, the party or the perfect gift you feel you must go into debt for.

Jesus is our gift from GOD.

Take a deep breath and look up.  Thank Jesus for what he has done for you throughout the year, and do something nice for someone.  Buy someone's coffee as you stand in line for coffee.  Help someone with their packages.  Be nice to someone.

Jesus is the reason there is a season.

Jesus is all that matters, so relax and remind yourself that All is well.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Heaven Or Hell

Sin does not send you to Hell

Not Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior Sends you to Hell

If you do not want to go to Hell.  You Must choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Nothing else you do will get you into Heaven.

Pray the Prayer of Salvation:

Dear Lord.

I come to you as I am.  I can no longer do this alone.  I need you Lord.  Please come into my heart and cleanse me.  I believe that Jesus died on the Cross.  I believe that Jesus went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan.  I believe that GOD rose Jesus from the dead and now Jesus sits in Heaven with GOD.  Come into my heart.  I give myself to you Lord.  Do something with my life.  Amen.

If you prayed this prayer and believe, your name is written in the Book of Lambs and you are now a child of GOD.

Check out these links:



Faith Church

These are the churches that have helped me.  Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountian Church Faith Church.

GOD Loves You and GOD created you for a purpose

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Are You Living According To The Bible?

Are you living GOD's Way or The World's Way?

We are living in the last days.  Jesus will come back and you don't want to be left behind.

Here are a few ways that we are not living according to the Bible

1.  Rest on the 7th day.

Do you go to church on Sunday and worship GOD the entire day?  No shopping, no working, just resting in the Glory of GOD.

2,  Do you work 6 days a week or just five days a week, living for the weekend?

The Bible says nothing about a weekend.  That is man made.  There is no Thanksgiving weekend in the Bible or Christmas vacation.

3.  Are you in debt?  The Bible says.... Lend to many nations and borrow from none.  Deuteronomy 28:12

4.  Are you dependent on your Job?  GOD says that Jesus is your source, not your job

5.  Do you talk to GOD?

These are a few questions I want you to ask yourself, since a new year is within a few days.  Are you living the World's Way or Jesus's Way.

I am guilty of living the World's Way, but that is changing. 

GOD created us for a purpose.  You were not a mistake.  GOD gave you a gift, talent.  What are you good at?

Are you using your gift for GOD's Purpose or for your purpose?

I want to live for GOD.  We are living in the last days, and if you do not change your ways, it will be to late. 

Fist thing we must all do is Read The Bible.  If you do not read the Bible, you will not know how to Live GOD's Way.  Read the Bible everyday, no matter what.  You eat everyday, read the Bible everyday. 

The second thing you need to do, is whatever you do, do it for Jesus and not just for you. 

I am a writer.  If you go to my Amazon Page you will see that I wrote a couple of Zombie series.  I was not using my gift of writing for GOD..  I was selling books, I was making money, but that is not what GOD created me to write, so I stopped writing Zombie Books.  Did I want to?  Nope.  What I did want is to discover my purpose.  Money is not my purpose.  So now I write what GOD wants me to write.  It is not about Money It is about living for Jesus and to let others throughout the world that we are not living or doing what Jesus wants us to do.  We must do what GOD wants us to do before it is to late.  Time is short before Jesus comes back.

Are are going to live for GOD or the World? 

In 2019 I will be writing about changing your lives in order to do what GOD wants you to do.  Discover Your Purpose In These Last Days.

Read my Book to see how I started reading the Bible and focus on GOD. 

It is an E-Book or Print Book

This is my testimony and what I did to focus on Jesus.  Time is running out, Jesus will be here sooner than you think. 

Saturday, December 15, 2018


Christmas is now called Holidays.

Merry Christmas is now being called Happy Holidays.


Pagans don't want to wipe out GOD in society. 

If people meet Jesus, their lives will be changed for the better.

Christmas is the day Jesus was born.  The day GOD took a human body to spread the good news that Jesus came to defeat Satan, so we can be closer to GOD.

The Bible is about Jesus and what Jesus did for us.

Christmas is not about the gifts, the tree, the parties.  Christmas is about Jesus. 

Once you meet Jesus, your life will never be the same.

Christmas is not about Santa.  Why would anyone lie to their child and remember that lying is a sin. 

So whatever you are doing this Christmas,  take time and remember that Christmas is about Jesus.  Jesus came for us.

Merry Christmas

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Sabbath

Deuteronomy 5:  12-14

Observe the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your GOD has commanded you.  Six days you shall work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord Your GOD

No one keeps the Sabbath anymore, even the ones that call themselves Christians.  Stores are open 24/7.

Even churches on Sunday go to the store to buy donuts etc for their services, and while they are buying donuts, they are preaching to the clerks that they should be at church.  Maybe if the church did not go to the stores to bribe people to come to their church, the stores would not be open and the clerks could go to church,

GOD made the seventh day to rest.

Man created the calendar.  Either way, no one makes one day of the week for the Lord anymore.  Sure people go to church, for an hour, and then it is to the store or to sit in front of the tv and watch football.

We are all guilty of this.

The problem is that we are living in the last days.  We do not have much time left before Jesus comes back.  When Jesus comes, what will you be doing?  shopping?  Watching TV or staring at your smart phone.

Where does Jesus fit in your life????

In America, today is Black Friday, where people are out shopping, spending money that they do not have, because society now says that Christmas is all about the gifts and how much you spend.

Christmas is not about Jesus anymore.

So think about this:  What are you doing for Jesus today and throughout the week?  

Is your Sabbath Holy?  Do you work on Sundays?  

The Bible clearly states that the Sabbath is the Lords Day.  

Jesus is coming, we must be prepared so we will not be left behind.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Why Christmas Trees?

Ever wonder why we Christians put trees in our houses.  The White House Christmas Tree is cut down and shipped to the White House.

Why cut down a tree that GOD created just so it can die? 

So I googled it.  Do you know that early Christians did not celebrate Christmas?  When the Puritans arrived, they outlawed Christmas.  They believed that everyday should be celebrated, not just a certain day.

Pagans put tree branches in their homes to ward off evil during the winter.

So Christians decided to blend in their holiday, Jesus's Birth with the Pagans holiday The Winter traditions.

Look around.  Christmas is now called Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas is no longer being said.

Look at all the commericals on tv, it is all about spending money and buying gifts.  Why do we buy gifts and go into debts?  That is what Pagans do, the worlds way.

So we decorate a tree, that does have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus,  Why? 

You might be say "It is traditions." 

That doesn't make it right.

Stop following others and start following the Word of GOD.

Yes the wise men brought Jesus gifts, but it was not at the day Jesus was born.  They had to follow the star to find Jesus.

So do not follow the pagans of this wold.

Christmas is all about The Birth of Jesus and not about the Tree or Gifts.

I am now calling all Non-Christians, Pagans, because that is what they were called in the past,  I am no longer sugar coating Pagans .  If you are not a Christian, you are a Pagan. 

We are living in the last days before the Rapture,  Are you ready.  It is all about Jesus, nothing else matters

Christmas Is all about the Birth Jesus. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

GOD's People Under Attack

The Synagogue Shooting In Pittsburgh

Is another example of GOD's people being singled out.

How are you going to protect yourself?

Sit back and act like it will never happen to you?


Are your going to get your Bible out and start listening to GOD.

GOD's People need to unite as one, and separate themselves from the rest of the world.

Here Is An Example:

This Wednesday is Halloween.  In America this day is growing and people are spending more money on this day, than Christmas.  As a Christian, A child of GOD are you doing something to acknowledge this so called Holiday?

1. Are you dressing up your children for this day?  Do you think it is cute and harmless?  You are so wrong.  You are opening the door for Satan and his Demons to enter your family's life.

2.  Do you hand out candy?  You are acknowledging this Holiday and the day is open for Satan.  Handing out candy is not harmless.

3.  Do you decorate for this holiday?  A ghost, a witch? 

Ask yourself why are you embracing this Holiday? 

Is it because you do not want people to know that you are a Christian

Are you a Christian and don't care what the Bible says and wants to embrace the dark side on this Holiday?

Jesus is coming.  It is a fact whether you believe it or not. If you do not read the Bible, listen to what GOD is telling you, you will not be strong enough when persecution comes to your town or home.

There was a shooting at a synagogue and everyone is shocked.  It is not the first time, nor the last that GOD's people will be attacked. 

If you are a Christian, it will happen to you, will you be ready.

The Jewish people are strong in their faith in GOD and that is what will see them through.  They will use their faith, knowing that they are GOD's People.  They have always been persecuted.  We need to stand with the Jewish People.  They should be our example of how to live for GOD.

These are the last days.  Stop listening to this world and get into GOD's Kingdom and do what GOD tells you to do. 

No is the time to make the decision that you will never denounce your Faith in GOD, no matter what happens to you.  If you think your life is rough now, it is going to get worse.  The closer we get to the Rapture, the worse things are going to get.

Get Ready now.

World Order is coming

Cashless Society is coming.

The Implant Is Coming

The Anti Christ Is Coming

What are you doing to prepare

Don't get left behind 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Together We Stand Divided We Fall

If this don't make you think twice about the last days, The Rapture.  You do not believe in GOD or the Bible. 

America is divided and will probably never come back together.  If you were watching the news, Someone sent pipe bombs  to two past presidents.  Election is less than 2 weeks away.  Things are going to happen.

You need to find your Bible, and start reading the Bible.  Renew your mind.  Pray, and get prepared when the world collapses.  You will need all your faith in GOD to stand on the Word of GOD.

I know this is easier than done.  I talk to GOD everyday.  I quote Bible Verses everyday.  Jesus is always on my mind. 

Is Jesus on your mind. 

Watch the news.  We are close to a world order, One Government, One Currency And Christians will be persucuted and eventually wiped out, as it is happening all over the world, including here in the USA.

So the choice is yours.  Whose side are you on:

GOD? Or Satan? 

I am on the Side of GOD.  I will not denounce my faith.  My thoughts are on GOD and what Jesus did at the Cross 2,000 years ago. 

What are your thoughts on?  What are you thinking about all day?

Jesus is coming within days, within hours, within minutes.  Are you ready?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Preparing Your Life In These Last Days

I am calling my property "My Homestead."

I moved onto 13 acres.  I had no plans to do anything, but hide from the world, and write.

The first year was rough adjusting to country life.  I grew up in the suburbs.  I didn't even pump my own gas.

A year later, my entire way of thinking has changed.  I now have 6 chickens, planning a garden for summer .  I now am wearing camo color shirts, rubber boots and sweats. 

I know these are the last days, last hours before Jesus comes.  Nothing else matters, except Jesus.

All my thoughts and decisions are based on the Bible, and what Jesus tells me.

I am writing a series The Way, Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. 

I am still working at my full time job, only a matter of time before I quit.

So what are you doing to prepare to live in these last days.

Watch the news, watch the weather, things are getting worse.  Christians are being persecuted and soon the pagans will be coming after you.  How are you going to survive.  You will have to get out of town and the cities.  You will have to use your faith to be totally dependent on GOD and no one else.

No matter where you live, you have to turn to GOD and depend on GOD and not the world system. 

1.  You need to do is, start thinking living with out your job.  You will need some land to plant a garden, chickens.

2.  Tell no one what you are doing.  They will talk you out of it and say you are crazy.  Not everyone believes that Jesus is coming or that things will get worse.  They are to busy staring at their phone

3.  Pray and ask for guidance.  Listen to the voice of GOD

4.  Discover your purpose.  GOD created you for a purpose for this time, before The Rapture.

5.  Renew Your Mind.  Read The Bible Daily and talk to GOD throughout the day.

Halloween or Satan's Day

Do you celebrate Halloween?  Are you a Christian? 

Going in Trick & Treating is fun.  Dressing up is fun.  Everyone is thinks it is harmless fun.

That is what Satan wants you to think. 

You are opening the door to Satan.  You are celebrating a day that is all about Satan. 

You think that your kids look cute and you make cute cupcakes and have Halloween Parties, you are telling your kids that it is okay.

Once your kids grow up, go to parties where they might be introduced to the darker side of life and the door is open, and Satan enters their lives and maybe yours.

People are spending more money on Halloween than Christmas. 

Churches do not condemn Halloween.  They do something at the church that night, thinking they are protecting the kids. 

They are not, they are saying, hey it is okay.

If you are a Born Again, Christian, you should not even acknowledge that day.  Don't look at the customs don't buy them or the candy. 

We are living in the last days before the rapture,

Satan is looking for a way into you and your children's life, do not give him a door to get into your life.

If you are not Born Again,  Ask Jesus into your life, to avoid Satan and do not acknowledge Satan.

These are the last days Before Jesus comes Back.  Are you ready?

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Rapture

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

For the Lord himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of GOD, and the dead in Christ will rise first, after that , we will who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And so we will be with the Lord forever.  Therefore encourage  each other with these words.

This is written is the Bible.  Faith believers believe that if it is written in the Bible, it is true.  That is Faith. 

Jesus is coming back and these are the last days, the last hours before Jesus is coming back.  So if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Don't wait.  The time is now, because no one knows when Jesus is coming back, except GOD.

Pray This:

Dear Lord, Please come into my life.  I believe that you are the Son of GOD.  I believe that you died on the Cross for me.  I believe that you went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan and the third day your rose from the dead.  Please come into my life and do something with my life.  Amen

If you prayed this, you are now a child of GOD. 

Start reading the Bible.  Believe what the Bible says and not what the world says.  Jesus Is Lord and every knee will bow before him.  Find a you need to be around other believers.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Vision From GOD

GOD created each and everyone of us for a purpose.  You could be living under a bridge, GOD has a purpose for you.  You could be living in any country, you could be hungry, you could have no money, you could be digging in garbage for food.


I never knew this until I was in my fifties.  It is never to late, to do the work of the Lord.

I had a home, but my home became my prison.  Fear controlled my life.  I just wanted to die.  I was waiting to die.  Until I the night I met Jesus.  Jesus met me where I was at, in bed, I cut myself and was bleeding.  I felt the bed sink, like someone was just sat next to me.  I knew it was Jesus, I felt his love. 

The more time I spent with Jesus, the more I discovered my purpose, not like I was looking for a purpose.  GOD gave me a vision

To tell my testimony  My Bible--My Bible E-book 99 Cents or paperback 4.99.

GOD didn't give me just one vision.  That would be great if GOD said, do this and then you are done and go and do whatever.  That didn't happen.

GOD has given me a list of things to do.  I am not getting any younger, so I have to get busy.

GOD moved me out to the country. I have lived out in the country for a year now.  I said from the moment I moved out into the country,

"GOD moved me out here for a reason."

Now I know, took me a year to figure it out.  GOD moved me out into the country and out of the city for one simple reason, We are living days before the Rapture. 

GOD wants to keep me safe because GOD has other things for me to do.

I now have chickens and planning a garden.  I grew up in the suburbs.  For the past ten years, I was a prisoner in my own home.  I never left the house except to go to work.  I did my shopping at two in the morning so I didn't have to be around people.  I hate spiders.  I hate being outside.  If I never left the house, I would be happy.

Now I am out in the middle of the woods, raising chickens and planning a garden.  I am telling my testimony and my story, because we are living in the last days, before The Rapture.

We need to stand on the Word of GOD and stay alert.  Jesus is coming back for us. Are you ready?  If not, then get ready.  The Rapture Real.  Jesus is coming.  GLORY TO GOD

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Satan Is Trying To Kill Me

Satan come to kill, steal and destroy.  It is that simple.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I come that they may have life and have it to the full.

Last week, I had a sinus infection, due to ragweed.  (Whatever it is)  I went to the doctor got medicine and took 2 days off work.  Went back to work, felt terrible.  Two days later I was at work, became dizzy, sick to my stomach.  I went back to the doctor, got more medicine.  Took three more days off.  So not only did Satan try to make me sicker, Satan also stole my money.  Kill, steal and destroy.

I went back to work.  I feel better.   Life is back to normal.

I was coming home from work, and a huge buck ran right in front of my car.  I swerved, and missed the buck.  I realized that Satan once again tried to kill me.

I started thinking, What if?  What if I hit the buck.  My car would of slammed into the Buck, I would of totally ruined my car, I would of been taken to the hospital and missed more work and might not of even went back to work.  I was shaken and trembling as I continued down the road.

Then I thought, I must be getting closer to my breakthrough. 

Satan is mad at me.  I have turned my back on Satan and am focusing on Jesus.

So this revelation I got while driving home.

Now is not the time to give up.  I need to press on toward the mark, and not look back.

So since I know we are living in the last days before Jesus comes back, (the Rapture)  Satan knows that his time is limited.

No time to quit now.  This makes me more determined than ever.

Think about this:  What would you do if you knew Jesus would be here in five minutes to get you?

Would you text about stupid things?  Would you ignore the fact that Jesus is coming?  Do you even care?

Watch the news.  Look around and notice how the people have changed in the past year.  What have you been doing for Jesus.  Are you doing what Jesus told you to do?

Time is limited to the world as we know it.  Focus on Jesus, because Satan is after you, to kill you, steal from you and destroy you. 

Stay alert.

Matthew 24:36 & 37

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels of Heaven, nor the Son of Man, but only the Father.  For in the days before the flood, people were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the Ark.     

Our Time is limited here.  What are you going to do with your last days here on earth?

Read how Satan held me a prisoner in my own home and how Jesus broke me out,My Bible--My GOD Kindle 99 Cents and Free on Kindle Unlimited. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Talk to GOD

I woke up early today.  I am not a morning person, but GOD was talking to me.  I want to quit my job and focus on my writing ministry.  I took my Bible and went out side.  I Read out loud Deuteronomy 28: 1-14  THE BLESSING.

I walked over to the chicken coop and read Deuteronomy 28:4 The young of my livestock will be blessed.  28:8 The Lord will send a Blessing on my barns and everything I put my hands to.

I Pleaded the Blood of Jesus over the property. 

28:11 The Lord will grant me abundant prosperity in the fruit of my womb, young of my livestock and the crops of my land and the land he swore to your forefathers to give me.  I AM BLESSED.

I walked around the property being careful of spiders and their webs.  I read and reread out loud Deuteronomy 28.  Why?  Because as I laid in bed, that is what GOD told me to do.  I got up and went outside.  I then started talking in tongues, (In the Spirit)  I talked loud.  I wanted Satan to hear me.  I want Satan that I am no longer in the box that he held me in.  I am breaking out of the box.  I raised my hands to the Lord, praying, thanking Him and then while I am praying, this sudden rush of wind blew through the trees. 

GOD heard me.  GOD was with me as I walked around the property, praying and giving thanks.  It was awesome. 

I am not a morning person nor do I like to go outside.  A year ago, GOD placed me on some property.  I am no longer a prisoner in my own home.  My Bible--My GOD (Only 99 Cents)  This is all new to me.

I know that I am living in the end of days.  I know that I need to get closer to GOD and be able to hear His voice all the time. 

So I will be doing this more often.  If you are going to be strong in the Lord and not denounce GOD in the final days before the Rapture. You need to start now.  Don't wait.

Talk to GOD, now.  He is waiting for you.

What are you doing to prepare yourself for the these last days?  Lifestyle?  Prayer? Ministry?  Let me know.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Bible Banned in California

Whether you believe in GOD, The Bible or Hell, doesn't matter, because it is all happening, what the Bible says in Revelations.  Whether you believe it or not.

Who would of thought that a State in the United States of America would ban the Bible.  The law was passed,  It is now labeled as a book of hate, because it talks about homosexuality and the Bible is against it. 

The Democrats is now a socialist party.  If they get control of the White House, Congress and the Senate, They have said that they will remove Jews, GOD's People out of the  Promise land  Armagendon is coming.

So how does this effect you?  You might not think it effects you.  You are just trying to stay employed, pay your bills .  You might not even care.  Who cares?  Just go on with your life it has nothing to do with you.

You are so wrong.

What you do NOW will effect where you will spend Eterney .


  We are already being tracked by the government by our Social Security Number, our Smart Phone and chip in our debt cards.  When was the last time you paid cash for something?  Think a cashless society is a good idea?  Think the microchip in the hand is a good idea?  Why?


1.  Free Speech is no longer.  You can be arrested for saying something that someone might not like or lose your job.

2.  The Right To Bear Arms  could be gone over night.  It is illegal to have a gun in Chicago, but the gangs have guns.  How are you suppose to protect yourself

3. Freedom of Religion  could disappear overnight.  Christians are being persecuted throughout the world and being jailed, killed or injury .

What can you do




I know that I might sound like I am rambling, but all this stuff is happening and no one is talking about it.  I went to church this Sunday.  I like my church.  He was talking about praying and he didn't tell us to pray like the /Bible said to pray, he made up his own prayer, watered it down.  The pastor says the smart phone is not evil, it is a tool, but in order to get any information, I have to down load their app on my smart phone.  Hey, I don't have a smart phone so I am out of the loop on things because I am not getting a smart phone.  Why does everything have to be done on an app?  

What about people who can not afford the internet or have a cell phone?  Something to think about.  

I am not going to follow the ways of this world.  I am going to follow Jesus and what the Bible says.





Check out,   This ministry is the real deal.  They live by the Bible.  If it says it in the Bible, they believe it.  Listen to Kenneth Copland and the Church Services and your life will be changed.  

Don't delay, you might wake up in the morning and the world will not be the same, don't wait.  Decide Jesus or Satan?  Heaven or Hell.  GOD gave us free will. Choose now.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Smart Phones Are From The Pit Of Hell

I know I have been absent for about a year or so.  Life gets in the way.  It is not an excuse. Satan has been attacking me and I have been letting him beating me up.  I got up.  I brushed off the dirt, the self pity and started reading the Bible again. 

I changed the title of the blog, to I Am Living In The Last Days.

Everyone has a cell phone.  It is as if no one can live without a cell phone.  How did we survive before cell phones?  I am a checker in the grocery store.  I see how people are obsessed with their phones.

Customers will stand and text before they will even pay.  Customers will ignore their children because they are staring at their phone.  You can now pay with your phone.  We are closer to a cashless society.  Are you excited about not having to carry cash or a wallet to pay?  Do you like the idea of paying with your phone?

Think before you answer.  I don't care what country you live in.  This is about all of us. 

I believe that the next step will be the implant.  Mark of the Beast. 

Think about this.  How much time do you spend on the phone? 

How much time do you spend with GOD?  How much time do your pray?

Is your phone, your god?  Do you care more about your phone than the Bible? 

It is something to think about before it is to late.

I am not perfect.  I have a debit card with a chip.  I have a cell phone, it is a flip phone.  So I am not judging anyone.  I want people to see what the world is doing.

Smart phones are tracking you.  Smart phones  is doing exactly what Satan wants the phone to do.  The smart phone is keeping people's eyes off of Jesus and onto the phone, to see who is texting them, calling them and ignoring GOD.

I know that some preachers say that the Smart Phone is not evil, it is a tool.  They are wrong.  Satan guided people to create a phone that makes them ignore their family, children and GOD. 

So think about this today, when you carry your phone around.  Pay attention to how much time you are spending on the phone. 

Keep track of these few things.

1.  Do you ever turn the phone off?

2.  How long are you looking at your phone?

3.  Is your phone more important than your children and family?

4.  How much time have to spent with GOD today?

5.  Can you live without your phone, for a day?  Have you tried?

6.  What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?  Is it GOD?

7.  How much have you spent on your phone?

8.  How much have you spent for GOD's Kingdom?

9.  What are you going to do when we get closer to the last days and there is no electric to charge your phone.  Who are you going to depend on? 

10.  Who or what are you worshiping?

Think about it.  Put your cell phone down and start spending time with GOD.  Depend on GOD and not your phone. 

Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the Light.