

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Think Of Others

Your life will be better if you put others first.

I know that I am a bit self centered and a bit selfish.  It is hard for me to think of others.  All my life I have always thought of myself and now I am thinking of others.

I support these missionaries and their efforts.  I also think of others at work, and try to be more nice and not to gossip and that is not easy.

So think of others, the next time you are going to buy something for yourself, think about donating that money to a charity or a family in need.

Sow a seed.  Reap what you Sow.

I know it is not easy at first, but once you do it, it becomes easier.

Ordr my book:

My Bible--My God

Friday, July 29, 2011

Stop Blaming GOD

God is not doing evil things.  Satan is.

Satan is alive and well.  Satan is the one causing problems in your life.


So when something is going wrong in your life, it is not GOD'S fault, it is Satan doing the happy dance, making your life miserable. 

Everyone blames GOD and they forget that Satan is standing there laughing making more havoc in your life. 

So remember to thank GOD for all the good things in your life and ask GOD for help when you are having problems.


Order my Book

My Bible--My God

GOD is Listening

I help out a missionary and collect items so he will have something to hand out to the children in the villages he goes to.

I never know who is listening to me when I am talking at work and sometimes I think I am just babbling.

It is back to school and school items are on sale and this is a good time to stop up on crayons, paper, etc.  Then one of my co-workers asked me what other items they would accept.  I now have someone else to give the next time he goes to Brazil.

I know that GOD is always listening, but you never know who else is listening.  So I need to always be on my best behavior and keep my mouth shut if I am not talking like GOD would want me to. 

GOD is listening to me and he knows what I am doing and thinking.  I am to spread GOD'S Word and the only way I am going to do this is to know that GOD is listening  and GOD will tell me what to say if I put GOD God first.

The Missionaries are leaving today for Brazil so please keep them in your prayers

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

God Speaks Through Me

I am still talking about GOD at work.  I know that we are living in The End of Times.  I say that all the time and that one should be saved before it is to late.

The other day at work someone asked me about the rapture and all of a sudden everything that I have been reading in the BIBLE came out of my mouth.  I talked about the blood of Jesus and how he died for us.  Another co-worker was standing next to me.  After I was done talking I turned to my co-worker and said that she needed to speak up if I was saying it wrong.  She said I was saying it right and doing a good job. 

Who knew that I could preach the gospel?  I didn't.  I just read the BIBLE, Pray and have Faith.  So we all can preach the word of GOD.  God dwells inside of me.  He was doing the talking, not me/

Order my Book

My Bible--My God

God is with you, even when you ignore him


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Talk About God

I am not an out going person.  I like to keep to myself.  The more I am reading the BIBLE, the more I talk about GOD. 

I think we are living in The End Of Times.  The RAPTURE is going to happen in my lifetime.  This is what I believe.  I tell everyone that we are living in the end of times.

Yesterday while I was at work, a co-worker told me that he read the BIBLE over the weekend and we started talking about Jesus, being saved and the rapture.

I never know who is listening to me.  I just say what I believe.  I don't hold back.  I want people to get saved and ready when Jesus returns,

So talk about God.  Ask people if they are saved.  You never know who is listening.

I tell people that I didn't give up drinking for nothing.  I gave up drinking  for GOD.  I want to go to Heaven and do what GOD wants me to do.  Do I want to drink?  I do.  I gave up drinking for GOD.  I gave my life to GOD.  I say that to everyone and some people are listening and if I can get someone saved, then I do have a purpose on this planet.

Order my book:

My Bible--My God

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Taking A Day of Healing

I know that GOD  is healing me.  I have been sick today and taking a day of healing


I thank GOD all day long.  If I forget something and GOD reminds me, I thank GOD.  I know that I didn't remember it myself.

If I am in the walk in freezer at work and I trip or something or a box falls and I didn't get hurt.  I thank GOD.  I know that it was GOD or his ANGELS so that I did not get hurt.

It is all GOD

I was at work yesterday and nothing major happened and I had a good day at work.  I thanked GOD.  It was all GOD.  It was GOD that made my day go smoothly.

I thank GOD all day and give him praise, cause I know that it is not me.  I can not do anyting without GOD. 

I tried to do things on my own and that only led me to drinking and living in my truck, so I now listen to GOD and put him first in everything I do.

GOD loves me.

Order my Book:

MY Bible--My God

Read my story how reading the BIBLE brought me to GOD and totally changed my life for the better.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011


i published my book.  My Bible--My God

My family and co-workers could care less.  They don't care.  They have their own lives.  I don't think any of them bought my book to support me.  So I don't talk to them about my writing. 

The only one I can trust is GOD.  God cares what I want and what I did.  God listens to me and wraps his love around me. 

I can go to the BIBLE and read his word and he comforts me.

God is there for me when people are not there for me.  All my life people have disappointed me, but not God God has never disappointed me.

Trust God in eveerything you do.  God will never leave you nor forsake you.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Satan Is Alive

Everyone Blames GOD, but they forget about Satan.  Satan is messing with your life and this world.  It is not God's fault.  It is Satan's fault.

    So the next time something goes wrong, look around cause Satan is smiling.  You need to read the BIBLE and PRAY.  Put GOD first and don't let Satan win.

Satan wants you to lose.
GOD wants you to suceed.

It is hot outside.  Hotter than normal.  It is Satan, not GOD.

We are living in the ends of time and things are only going to get worse.

Decide who you are going to follow:  GOD OR Satan??????

It is your choice.

I choose GOD.  I would and will die for GOD. I will not let Satan have an effect in my life.

I rebuke Satan in Jesus's Name.

Order My Book:

My Bible--My God

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trust God

I need to leave my comfort zone and trust GOD.  I like to live a simple life and don't like change at all.  I published a book.  My Bible--My God

I write how God changed my life as I read the BIBLE.  I know that if I want to suceed as a writer I need to step out of my comfort zone and walk through the doors that GOD is ready to open for me.

I am trusting GOD.  It is scary, but I am putting my faith in GOD and trusting GOD for my future.  I will suceed as a writer and and I will do what GOD wants me to do, but I have to trust him first, and only him and push my fear aside.

I won't let the Satan win.  Satan is alive and walking around this planet ruining our lives.

I am putting my faith in GOD and trusting GOD like I have never done before.

I am reading the BIBLE everyday.  Before I leave the house and before I go to bed.

I quote BIBLE Verses while I am at work. 

I even speak in tongue.

I will do whatever I have to do. To serve GOD and fulfill my purpose on this planet.  GOD will guide me and tell me what to do.

I am a writer and I will spread GOD'S word, no matter how scary it might be.  I am hoping that GOD will open doors to talk shows and speaking engagements, and to write more books.  I can do this, cause I trust GOD and know that he will never leave me nor forsake me.

Pick up your BIBLE and read it.  Doesn't matter where you start or what verse you read first.  God will show you what to read.  Open your heart and let God in.

God loves you!!!

Order my book:

My Bible--My God

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't Ignore GOD

GOD is with me, even when I ignore him.

My Book:

My Bible--My God

Is my testimony of my walk with GOD and my BIBLE.  I have ignored GOD most of my life, even though I believed in GOD.  I have a drinking problem.  I have an eating disorder and I am OCD.  In other words I am a mess, but GOD still loves me.  In my book I explain how my BIBLE has always been with me, even when I strayed and was sinning. 

We are all sinners and that is why Jesus died on the cross, for us. 

When I stopped ignoring GOD, my life started getting better.  If my story can help one person, I will be grateful.  So Order a copy of my book today

Don't ignore God.  Talk to him today.  Pick up the BIBLE and start reading the BIBLE  it will change your life.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It Is All God

I am so grateful for everything that God has done for me and has given me.  It is all God.  I am sure I have said this before.  Yesterday, Iwent to work, I kept looking at the clock, counting down till I went home.  I am grateful that I had money to buy the milk and whatever I needed and I am grateful that I had the money to put gas in my truck. 

I paryed while I was pumping gas and thanked GOd for letting me get gas and get home safely.  I thank GOD for everything.

I have been reading the BIBLE before I go to bed.  I do not turn tv on when I get home.  I get something to eat and get the BIBLE and read the BIBLE while I eat.  Something I never did before.  I stopped watching tv.  I still watch tv, but not as much.  I read the BIBLE before I go to work and when I come home from work.  Something new to me. 

I put GOD first.  I am here to do GOD's work.  I am here for a purpose and I think my purpose is to write and use my writing to help others get to know GOD and accept him as their savior.

It Is All GOD. 


My Bible--My GOD

How God changed my life for the better
God was with me, even when I ignored him

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hug Someone Today

Life is short.  One never knows what will happen during the day.  Let your love ones know that they are loved. 

Accidents happen everyday.  So don't let your anger get the best of you. 

Something happened over the weekend.  One of my relatives got in a car accident.  I was told that they were near death.  I prayed.  Come to find out, hours later that it was not as bad as I was told.  She is going to be okay.  That made me think. 

Take nothing for granted.  The Devil is walking around looking for ways to mess up your day.  Hug someone today.  They might not be here tomorrow.

Order My Book.

My Bible--My God

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I had a problem yesterday.  I might of overacted a bit and got upset.  I didn't put GOD first.  I didn't talk to GOD about my problem.  I just got upset and was upset.  Then when I ran out of options I thought of GOD.

I prayed, I was late praying.  I was already upset.  Why didn't I pray first????  After I prayed, things all fell into place and it all worked out. 

I was upset all day at work, for nothing.  I need to put GOD first and stop doing things myself. 

So the next time you have a problem, stop trying to do it yourself, PRAY first, and then everything will fall into place. 

Pray first and then let GOD do his thing.

Today is a good day, now that I have put GOD first.

Order my Book:

MY Bible--My GOD

Friday, July 15, 2011

Jesus Is Coming

Revalations 1:7

Look, he is coming  with the clouds,
and every eye will see him.
even those who pierced him
and all the people of the earth will
mourn because of him.
So shall it be! Amen

Revelation 22:7

Behold I am coming soon!  Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.

Jesus is coming back for us.  Not if but when.

I urge you to read the BIBLE and stop listening t the world and start listening to GOD, before it is to late.

I live in this world but I am not of this world.  I am only here to serve God and do what he put me on this earth to do.  We all have a purpose on this earth and GOD will show you what it is if you let him.

Accept The Lord Jesus as your Savior.  Beleive that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved.  We are living in the END OF TIMES, so make sure where you are going to spend eternity.  HEAVEN OR HELL

Order my book:

MY Bible--My God

Are You Ready For Heaven?

Have you thought where you are going to spend eternity?  Heaven of Hell?????

I believe that we are living in the end of times.  I know that I have said this before, and I will continue to say it, till everyone is saved and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

The BIBLE says that in a blink of an eye Jesus will come and take his people away.  Are you going or are you going to be one of the ones left behind?

I think that is something to think about. 

The major earthquake in Japan the Valcano that stopped air traffic for days.  These are signs and signs are everywhere.  The economy in the USA is collasping and I fell that it will not get better.  The USA is not mentioned in Revalations.  So what happened to us???

The Rapture???  I do hope so.  OR Nucular War????

The time is near and We all need to get ready.

Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Renpent of your sins and be ready for The Rapture and the Return of Jesus.  Don't be fooled by The Anti Christ.  Believe and trust GOD  

READ THE BIBLE Get to know God and how much he loves us.

Order MY Book'

My Bible--My God

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can't Sleep???

You may be asking why I am writing on sleep.  Let me tell you.  God can do all things.  He can help you fall asleep.

Are you tossing and turning. taking pills to sleep???

I am here to tell you that all you have to do is to PRAY

Ask GOD to help you fall asleep.  You may think that I am crazy, but I have problems sleeping, and when all else fails, I PRAY and ask GOD to help me fall asleep and the next thing I know, I am waking up hours later.  GOD helps me fall sleep

So now I pray first instead of tossing and turning and wasting time trying to do it myself.

Ask GOD for help.

Order my book:

My Bibel--My God

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

GOD Conscience

No matter what I do or where I go.  I know that GOD is with me.  I know I don't have to look far.  God is with me ahead of me, beside me, and never behind me.

Something to think about.  I am never alone, GOD is always with me. 

I don't fit in with others.  I am a bit of a loner, since people don't get me.  GOD created me and I know that I am here for a reason.  So I embrace my difference and go on, cause I know that GOD is with me.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

How Do I Know God Is With Me???

I know that GOD is with me:

1.  Greater who is in me, than who is of this world.  God dwells within me.

2.  I feel God's LOVE

3.  I can do all things who CHRIST strengthens me

4.  I reach out my hand and I feel GOD'S touch

5.  GOD will never leave me nor forsake me

6.  I have faith.  I walk by faith and not by sight.

7.  GOD sees to all my wants and needs

8.  GOD is everywhere.  The sky, trees, grass, the wind, GOD is everywhere

9.  The BIBLE is God's Word

10.  I have faith in GOD

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MY Bible--My God

GOD'S Beauty

I went to the lake yesteday.  It was hot, sunny and queit.  I jumped into the water and looked around at the trees, water and the birds that flew above.

That is GOD'S beauty.  He created this world and everything in it.

I just enjoyed the day and thanked GOD for the day.

GOD'S beauty is everywhere.  All you have to do is look around and thank GOD for who you are and what you have.  It Is All GOD

Order my Book:

My Bible--My God

Saturday, July 9, 2011

With GOD, All Things Are Possible

God is my answer.  I am a writer.  I write that is what I do and who I am.  The main problem I have is self doubt and the DEVIL feeds on that and puts negative thoughts in my head, where then I do not succeed.

I then learned to stop listening to the DEVIL.  He wants me to fail.  He does not want me to succeed.  So I started quoted BIBLE VERSES.  Started to speak postive things and tossed out the negative things.  It is not easy.  IN the end it is worth while.

I published my book.


GOD gave me the strength and the knowledge to write the book and get it published.  I could not of done it if I was still listening to GOD.  I had by ups and downs.  I had some set back, but with GOD all things are possible.

Stop listening to the DEVIL.  Read the BIBLE

WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.  Find your faith and start listening to GOD

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Why Read The BIBLE????

Why even bother reading the Bible.  What is the point.  Isn't it just a waste of time???


1.  It Is GOD'S Word

2.  The BIBLE has all the answers to your questions

3.  Discover the life of JESUS

4.  Learn how JESUS life gave us eternal life

5.  Feel GOD'S LOVE

I know that the world does not like the BIBLE or GOD.  That should not stop you.  That should make you ask yourself why?  Why is the world so afraid of GOD.  Read the BIBLE and see what the world does not want you to know.

God is waiting for you.  He is with you right now.  Talk to him.

Order my book:

My Bible--My God

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't Leave Home Without GOD

So you think you are on your own?  Do you think you go about your day and care the burdens on your shoulders.  You have no help?  Think again. 

GOD is with you.  He is always with you, even when you don't want him.

I went boating yesterday.  I prayed before I stepped on the boat.  I put on my suntan lotion put my sunglasses on and was ready for a day on the boat enjoying the sun and the surroundings.

About an hour later, thunder rumbled off into the distance.  Dark clouds came and then the rain.  We were not even close to the boat dock.  So we decided to wait out the storm.  The rain came.  The thunder rumbled.  So we decided to wait it out, till the lightening started coming staight down.

So we decided to go back to the boat dock.  That meant going againeset the rain and the rain was cold, wet and windy.  I was not having fun. 

I was not scared.  I was not worried.  Lightening came straight down and I prayed, pleading the blood of Jesus over us.  I knew that GOD was with me.  I knew that GOD was watching over us. 

We made it back to the boat dock and made it to the truck, which by the way, the storm has passed by then.

What do you do when a storm comes in your life?  So you get scared and fear the worse????  OR do you pray and know that GOD is going to take care of you???

I don't leave the house without talking to GOD.  Asking for GOD'S help throughout the day.  I plead the blood of Jesus over me and know that there is power in Jesus's Blood.

So don't leave the house without GOD.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I am blessed GOD Love me.  I thank GOD everyday for what I have.

I watched a movie yesterday.  The Soloist.  It is about a talented musician who ended up living on the streets, A reporter saw him playing on the street a violin.  Turns out that the man is very talented.  So the reporter tries to help this man.  The man has mental problems and can not handle the real world.  At the end of the movie, he remains hopeless and the two men are still friends.  90,000 people are homeless in L.A. 

I could of been one of those people who are homeless.  I could be one of those people who have a mental problem.  I AM BLESSED  GOD HAS BLESSED ME

I do not take that for granted.  I prayed after I watched that movie and thanked GOD for everything I have and everything he has done for me.

You are Blessed.  God Loves you!!

So this is what I am grateful for today:

I am grateful for my Job and that I am not homeless. 

What are you grateful????

GOD does something for us everyday.  Don't take anything for granted.  Thank GOD instead. 

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My Bible--MY God

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Nothing is about me.  I have no control of my life.  IT IS ALL GOD,

I am so grateful for everything I have and everything I have done and I now know that It Is All GOD.

Once I started thinking about this, it makes my day and life so much better.  when something happens no matter how small, like making a green light, I thank God.  It was God.  I have something to eat.  It is all GOD 

GOD created us and this world.  It is all GOD  Think about it.  GOD is with us


Monday, July 4, 2011

Be Grateful

I don't take anything for granted.  I am grateful for everything I have.  I am grateful for waking up in the morning and getting out of bed.  I am grateful for my job, even though my job makes me crazy sometimes. 

I am grateful for everything.  since it is 4th of July I am grateful for living in America

What are you grateful for????

Order my book

My Bible--My God

Reading the Book of Acts

I am now reading the New testament.  I read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and now am reading Acts.  This book of the BIBLE is what the diciples did once Jesus was taken to Heaven.  I am so immersed in the BIBLE.  I want to read the BIBLE.  I want to know what happened then  and how it relates to now.

I think that people are acting the same today as they did back then.  There are those who believe and those who don't.  Even when Jesus or God did something to prove who they were, some still didn't believe. 

I believe by Faith.  God does things for me everyday of my life and the more I read the BIBLE, the more I see GOD working in my life.  I take nothing for granted.  It is all GOD. 

You either believe or you don't.  God can do something for you and when things go bad, you might forget what he did for you in the past.  It is all about Faith.

I feel that my faith is stronger than ever.  I live in this world but I am not from this world. 

I read Mathew, Mark, Luke,John and I read the life of Jesus up to his death and ressurection.  How can one not get excited about that.

Jesus knew that he was going to the cross and he did it for us for all of us.

I might be babbling.  But I am immersed in the BIBLE and GOD'S word.

Read the BIBLE  it will change your life.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Are You Free

This is July 4th weekend and we celebrate our freedom.  Are we truly free?

Have you given you life to GOD???

Are you trapped by Satan????  Does Satan have a hold on you??????

You need to accept Jesus as your Savior.

I have said this before.  It is your choice.  Heaven Or Hell

This weekend....Decide if you are truly free. 

Where are you going to spend eternity???

My Book


I tell my story how GOD changed my life.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Be a Giver/ Give to Charity

The one charity I support is

I collect money and buy items for the children of the villages, so the missionaries have something to hand out to the kids. 

I have self-published a book

My Bible--My God

For every book I sell I will donate $2.00 to the missionaries.  $2.00 will buy two items for the children.  When you buy my book, you will be reading about my testimony on how GOD was with me, even when I ignored him and you will be helping the children of small villages.

Order My Book Today

Trust In God

I was at work yesterday and I was getting all upset and my stomach started to hurt.  I know that it was stupid and I was over reacting.  I went on break and prayed.  I know that I am not supose to worry about tomorrow, cause God will take care of tomorrow. 

After I prayed, my stomach pain went away and my whole day got better.

I needed GOD.  I needed to trust GOD.  He listened to me.  He made me feel better.

Ever have one of those days????  Talk to GOD.  PRAY

I don't know why I get upset before I talk to GOD, but I know that God is with me.

So put your trust in GOD

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My Bible--My God