

Thursday, January 31, 2019

GOD Has A Plan For Your Life

You are not a mistake.  GOD created you for a purpose.  You were not created to just drift though life, drink, do drugs and stay self centered.  You are important to GOD and His Plan for the world. 

Ephesian 1:4

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

If you are thinking of killing yourself or know someone who is, it is not GOD's plan.  That is Satan's plan.

Suicide Is Not The Answer

I have been suicidal most of my life.  I had no plans or goals.  I drifted through life, waiting to die.  I did not know Jesus or what Jesus did at the Cross for me.  I wanted to die, I was waiting to die.  GOD had other plans for me.

Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life.

So what ever you are going through, Suicide is not the answer.  GOD created you.  You are loved by GOD. 

Jesus is the way.  I was at death door until one night when Jesus came and sat next to me, when I was about to die.  I felt his love, his peace and that night I knew there had to be a reason I was still alive.  I didn't die that night, even though I drank a bottle of cold medicine and washed it down with vodka.  I woke up the next morning.  I was not happy, but I knew why I was alive.  Jesus came to me, to tell me I was worthy of GOD's Love and that GOD gave me a purpose, My purpose is to tell my testimony, that Jesus is here, waiting for you to call out to Him.  Jesus is waiting for you.  Are you ready to meet Jesus?

My Bible--My GOD

You are never alone.  GOD loves you.  Jesus is waiting for you.  Call out His name and He will come to you.  GOD is Love

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Living To Please GOD

1st Thessalonians 4:11-12

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as you are told, so that your daily life my win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

This should be your goal in life.  Do not be dependent on anyone.  Jesus should be your only source.

Work with your hands.  GOD gave us all a give.  GOD has blessed all the works of our hands, Deuteronomy 28:12  and to bless all the works of your hands.

GOD has blessed all the works of our hands.  So whatever you put your hands to will be blessed, if you are using the gifts He gave you for His Glory.

The question is?  How are you living your life?  

Are you minding your own business?
Are you working with your hands?
Are you leading a quiet life?

I think of the Amish when I read this verse.  They have created a community among themselves and they lead a quiet life, they mind their own business and they have the respect of outsiders.  They are not dependent on anyone.

It is possible to live this way.

I am doing my best to do live this way.

I live a quiet life.  People think I am anti-social.  I work with my hands.  I am a writer.  I write for GOD's Glory and all the works of my hands are blessed.  Jesus is my source.

It does not matter where you live, what country, rich or poor.  This verse is for everyone.  I live for GOD.  


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Words Have Power

Speak what you want.

GOD said, Let there be light.  GOD spoke and there was light.  GOD used words to create the universe.

Whatever you say will come to pass.  You life is what it is because of the words you speak, positive or negative.  This works whether you are a Christian or not.  Words have power.

I was once the most negative person.  I never expected anything, because I did not want to be disappointed.  So I never thought anything good would come to me.  I was suicidal, and was waiting to die.

Then I read the Bible.  Live by Faith and not by sight.  Call those things that are not seen, as though they were. 

I had to start changing the way I think and talk.  Talk sickness, you will get sick.

Talk healing, You will be healed. 


It's flu season.  I get the flu every year.  I feel a cold coming on.

I am healed by the Stripes of Jesus.  I do not take the flu, in Jesus's Name Amen.

See the difference.

Think Before You Speak   Check this book out, and learn how I changed for negative talking to talking GOD's Word

Listen to how other's talk.  Listen to how your family talk.  If they are all negative talking, then find a church and see how they talk. 

You need to be around people who talk GOD's Word and not just in church. 

I will not be around people who uses the Lord's Name in vain.  If I do, I will correct them.

If you want your life and world to change.  It comes by your words.  You will receive what you speak.

101 Daily Bible Confessions  Get this book and you will be able to Confess GOD's Word throughout your day.

Check out my other blog  A Writer's Life 


Saturday, January 26, 2019

I Am So Not Perfect

I missed the mark. 

I had the chance to witness to customers at work, and I didn't.  I felt stupid afterwards.  I was not ready for the question,  I was not ready.

I witness to people, tell them my testimony, but this time, I felt GOD out of it.  I messed up.

I was at work, when the sacker walked up while I was checking and asked, "How are you able to retire at an early age?"

This was my chance to say GOD meets all my needs or I am a tither or I have a good GOD.  Something.  Anything.  I didn't,  I was not prepared.

I said, "I save my money."

Which is true, but GOD gave me the money.  It is because I am a tither and follow GOD. 

Afterwards, I felt so bad. I wanted to cut myself.  Satan was standing right next to me, whispering in my ear. 

I had to stop thinking.  I had to repent.  So while I was checking out customers, under my breath I prayed and repented.

Thank GOD for Jesus.  I repented.  I still feel bad,stupid, but that is my flesh and not who I am in Christ.

So the question is:  Are you prepared to witness to others?  Are you ready to give GOD all the credit and all the glory in front of everyone?

We are living in the last days.  Focus on GOD, because we need Him

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Stop Listening to Satan

2nd Corinthians 10:4-5

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 

I like this scripture.  It says that we can control out thoughts.  We have power over what we are thinking.  Satan is always lying to us.  When Satan talks to us, "You are stupid, Who do you think you are?"  You can take that thought and say, "I don't take that thought.  I am a child of GOD and I can do anything through Christ Jesus."  You just cast down that thought.  Don't let negative thoughts stay in your head.  Take those thoughts and cast them down, and start speaking GOD's Word.

This verse was good for me, since I was suicidal.  I had a lot of negative thoughts.  I would go to bed and curl up with all my negative thoughts. Satan knew he had me, but no more, when I have a negative thought that does not line would with the Word of GOD, I cast it down and start proclaiming the Word of GOD.

Focus on the Word of GOD throughout the day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

You Have A Purpose

Ephesians 2:10

For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do

You are not a mistake.  GOD has a plan for you if you are willing to listen.

This verse changed my life.  

Monday, January 21, 2019

Jesus Is Waiting For You

How is your day going?  You happy?  Life going as you planned?

 Do you feel that something is missing from your life? 

Do you feel that you were meant for something better?

Do you feel, what is the point of this life?  There has to be something better than just waking up every morning and doing the same thing over again.  Every day is just like the yesterday?

You need Jesus.

Jesus is waiting for you.

GOD gave us free will.  GOD will not yell at you.  GOD will not scream at you, when you are going to do something stupid.  We have free will, we can do whatever we want. 

What GOD will do, is nudge you in the right direction.  It is up to us if we listen to that nudge.

Satan is the one yelling at us.  Satan is the one screaming at us.  Satan will say things like, "one more drink won't kill you.  Drink it!  What is the harm, it is just a cigarette.  No one loves you, just kill yourself and be over it."

So we have to decide who we are going to listen to.  GOD or Satan.  The choice is ours.

Who are you listening to?

GOD sent Jesus to this world, for us.

Jesus is waiting for us to call on Him.  Jesus will not force you.  Jesus is waiting.

No matter where you are or what you are doing.  Jesus is waiting for you. 

Look up.  Say "Jesus."

Take the first step. 

Jesus will change your life.

Jesus is waiting for you

Check out my other blog A Writer's Life

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Suicide Is Not The Answer

Jesus is  the answer.  If you believe, pray, open you heart and stop listening to the world and satan, GOD will come into your heart and heal your pain, as He fills your soul with Love.

GOD is Love.

I wrote Suicide Is Not The Answer

this was me when I was being sexually abused by my grandfather.  No one ever knew what the pain I was in.  The pain that I buried deep into the core of my being.  It was not until I was 45 years old that I could say "My grandfather sexually abused me for years."

I abused alcohol, starved myself and cut myself several times.  Do not wait as long as I did.  I did not know Jesus.  I did not know what Jesus did at the Cross for me.  I suffered most of my life and isolated myself from everyone.  I did not know that Jesus was waiting for me to look up and call out his name.

It does not matter if you were raped at a young age or older.  It doesn't matter if you were sexually abused by a friend or boyfriend or had sex for money.  GOD loved you before He created the world.  All GOD wants from you is to look to Him and not this world.

Jesus died for us.  Jesus took all our pain, sickness, depression at the Cross.

Don't let another day go by.  GOD has a plan for you.  GOD created you for a reason.  Let Jesus into your heart.  Let Jesus heal you.  Let Jesus tell you why you were created and that if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Jesus has made a house for you in Heaven. 

Suicide Is Not The Answer--Jesus Is The Answer

If you don't know what to say.....Look Up and Say "Jesus"  Yell  "Jesus I need you.  Please come into my heart and let me know why I am here.  I need you Jesus."

Yes it is that simple.  Jesus is waiting for you.

My Bible--My GOD
This is the first book I wrote.  What I did to stay focus on Jesus.  Jesus healed me.  I was Suicidal.  I was a mess.  Jesus took me and wrapped His love around me.  He showed me my purpose in life and why He created me.  This is my testimony.  Only 99 Cents.

Take a step of faith and order this book.  If you are hurting, wanting to die, wondering why you are in this world or just want to meet Jesus.  99 Cents will change your life.

We are living in the last days.  Don't wait, Jesus is waiting for you.

Check out my other Blog  A Writer's Life 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Is It Biblical?

This  the question I ask myself a lot?  Is it Biblical? 

Is is it in the Bible?

Horoscopes or astrology is not Biblical.  The Bible warns about looking to the stars for answers.  GOD wants you to look to Him for answers.

I will leave the break room if someone is reading the Horoscopes  out loud.  It is a doorway which Satan can enter.

Witchcraft is not Biblical.  The Bible warns about Witchcraft.  Some say they are good witches.  There is no good witch .  Witchcraft is Satan ruled.

Fortune Tellers at state fairs during the summer or even ones that opens a shop.  Beware.  It is not Biblical.

This is why you and everyone needs to read the Bible.  If you do not read the Bible, You do not know what is in the Bible.  Why are you going to listen to a human and believe what they say?  Satan could be using that human to get to you. 

Do you go to church and believe everything the Preacher says.  Why?  How do you know if it is true?

You need to know what GOD says.  READ THE BIBLE.  If it is not in the Bible.  It is not Biblical.

The Bible is what you live by, not the world's way. 

Do not be deceived by Satan.  Read the Bible and know what GOD says.

You are either on GOD's side or Satan's side.

Whose side are you on.

I choose GOD.   Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.

Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy.

These are the last days, the last hours. 

Where are you going to spend eternity?  Heaven or Hell?

If it is not Biblical, it is not from GOD.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Jesus Visited Me

You are loved.  The world might not love you.  Your family might not love you.  You might feel alone and want to die, but there is one thing you must know and believe.

                                                 GOD LOVES YOU

GOD created you.  GOD loved you before he created the world.

Read the book of Ephesians.

Ephesians 1:4

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

This is my favorite verse.  He chose me before the creation of the world.

So it does not matter what your life is like right now.  It does not matter if you do not get along with your family.  It does not matter if you are poor, hungry or have a millions of dollars and feeling alone.  

                                             GOD Loves You

I did not have the perfect childhood.  I was sexually abused by my grandfather and my family knew it.  They were the ones that handed me over as if I was the family sacrifice for the family.  I have been suicidal most of my life.

Then one night, the worst night of my life, I felt the Love of GOD when Jesus sat on my bed.  He placed his hand on me and I felt the warmth of love cover me like a blanket.

I don't care if anyone believes me.  I know for a fact that Death was in the room with me that night.  I had cut myself, I have taken extra and I mean extra cold medicine with vodka,  I was in bed, waiting to drift off to death.  When I felt someone sit on the bed.  The mattress sank a bit.  I opened my eyes I saw nothing, but I did feel that Death has left the room.  I didn't move.
Then, I felt something on my arm, and felt a warmth cover me life a blanket.  I stared at the area where the mattress was sunken in.  I knew it was Jesus.

Then I heard his voice.  "It will be alright."

Then the mattress raised back up.  I sat up.  I turned on the light.  Death was no longer in the room.  I felt the love of Jesus.  

Jesus came to me in my darkness hour.  I was not alone.  I was never alone.

GOD loves me even when I ignored him.

Since I had taken all that cold medicine and vodka, I fell back to sleep.

When I woke, I still had the same issues as I had the night before, but I knew from that moment on, I was not alone.

You are not alone.  Look up.  Call out his name.  Jesus!  He is waiting for you to call out to Him.  

Jesus came and let me know it was not my time to die.  Jesus will do the same for you.  

Check out my other Blog  A Writer's Life

Leave a comment and let me know how GOD has touched your life

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Look Up

Look Up!

Where are you looking at right now?  

Where are you looking when you did advice or someone to talk to?

Is it your friends, family or co-workers?

Who do you look to when there is a crisis?

Is it GOD?

If not, ask yourself why not GOD?

Is GOD your last resort?

Is praying your last resort?

GOD and praying should be your first thought.  When you get up in the morning, what is your first thought?  Your first thought should be GOD, not reaching for your phone, a cigrette or coffee.

If you do not put GOD first in your life....your life will never get better.

I am living proof.  I am not one special to this world.

I am special to GOD.  Why?  Because I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and I am a Tither.  

I put GOD first in my life.  I honor GOD with my 10% of income, no matter what and GOD has never let me down.  

I was at work the other day.  I was talking to a customer.  He was an older gentleman, and he said that he got a raise.f  I said well good for you.  He said, I got a raise because minimum raise increased 75,cent.  He is now making $9.00 an hour.

I was a bit shocked that someone who is 55 years old, was only making less than $9.00 an hour and now he is happy because he is making a $9.00.

Here I stand next to him, making more than he does and I have benifits and he does not.  He believes in GOD.  He is a good person.  The reason I believe is.....He is not a tither.  He owns nothing, no land no home.  

I stood there, thanking GOD.  I am blessed because I am a tither.  

If your are from another country than the USA, GOD will Bless you where you are if you are faithful with your 10% of income.  Doesn't matter how small amount it is.  GOD knows your heart. 

I can not stress this enough about being a tither.  Go to Kenneth Copeland Ministries they have five videos on tithing this week and you will learn why that ministry is a tithing ministry.

Look Up!  If you are faithful to GOD.  GOD will be faithful to you.

Test GOD.....Malachi 3:10  GOD says....test me in this.

Check out my other blog  The Writer's Life

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Malachi 3:10

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heave, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Tithing is 10% of your income giving it to GOD.

It is simple.  You give GOD 10% of your income....GOD will bless you. 

GOD said prove me, test me. 

I have been a tither since I learned about it.  I tithe even when I didn't know what it really meant.  GOD has blessed me.  Not every believer with tithe.  Look at a Christian's life who is not a tither, then look at the life of a Christian who is a tither.  There will be a difference in their lives.

I work with people who say they are Christians, and don't tithe, they are living paycheck to paycheck and are just not happy.

I can not explain how it works,but tithing works.

Believers Voice of Victory  Check this out...all this week Kenneth Copeland Ministries has a series on tithing about 20 minutes video for each day of this week.  They even have their notes you can download and print out.

Tithing will change your life.  Don't believe it, GOD said to test him

What are you waiting for?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

GOD Has Given Us All A Gift

You might think that you have no talent.  You might think that you can not do anything for GOD.

That is not true.  GOD has given us all gifts.  GOD has given all of us some gift to further the Kingdom of GOD.

You might have the gift of singing, painting, talking, listening, making things, inventing things.

We all have a gift.  The thing is to embrace the gift that GOD has given us. 

I want to be an artist.  I want to paint on canvas.  I want to be able to sit in a park or on the ocean and paint. 

That will never happen.  I am a terrible artist. 

I want to sing.  I want to be on stage, jump up and down and sing.  I want to travel around the country, singing.  That is not going to happen.  I can not sing.

I want to be one of those people that are so loving and giving, they will go out of there way to listen to others.

Nope not me.

For the longest time.... I felt worthless and just wanted to die.  The only thing that kept me sane was  writing.

I can write.  GOD even tells me what books to write.

My gift is writing.  I have embraced that gift.

This is the 1st book I self-published.  My testimony of how GOD changed my life.
My Bible--My GOD 

We all have a testimony on how we came to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  That is our gift.  So if you don't think you have a gift, you do.

You need to pray and ask GOD to show you your gift.

GOD created us all for a reason.  You are not a mistake. 

Ephesians 2:10

For we are GOD's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do. 

Our job is to tell others about Jesus and what he did for us at the Cross.  We can do this in many ways.  Pray and ask GOD to show you how He wants you to do it.

Mine is through writing. 

Check out my other blog  A Writer's Life

I will be blogging more on how to tell your testimony to others. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

You Are Blessed

No matter where you live, how much money you have or what you think of yourself.....

You are Blessed.

There is always someone worse off than you.  If you got out of bed this morning...there is someone who is bedridden.  If you hate your body and think you are ugly, there is someone who has scars from being burned, beaten or in an accident.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior,,,,,,,,,Jesus did everything at the Cross for you.  Jesus died for you.  Jesus's last words before He died on the Cross, was "It is finished."  

Jesus died for us.  He took all our sickness, poverty at the Cross.  You have nothing to complain about,  Jesus died for you.

I have suffered with an eating disorder....starved myself for years.  Hated myself, attempted suicide a few times.  I knew nothing of what Jesus did at the Cross for me.  What didn't someone tell me about Jesus and what He did at the Cross for me?

Once I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I had to get to know Jesus.  It did not happen over night.  I had to read the Bible.  I had to spend time with Jesus.  Once I learned and accepted by faith what Jesus did for me, my life became better.

The problem is that the church does not always talk about Jesus.  The church tells you what you should and should not do.  They do not tell you that you can hear His voice and feel Jesus guiding you and warning you when you are going to do something stupid.

Once you are Born Again the Holy Spirit comes and dwells inside of you.  You have the power of GOD living on the inside of you.  WOW!  But you must believe it no matter what others say. 

The only way you will know what Jesus has done at the Cross for you or about the Holy Spirit, is to read the Bible. 

Have you heard of talking in the Spirit or talking in tongues?  Most people don't know about this or don't believe it.  So you need to read the Bible.

Download it on your phone or computer or tablet.  It is free.

Jesus healed you at the Cross.  Jesus made you rich at the Cross.  You are blessed because Jesus died for you. 

So stop feeling sorry for yourself and read what Jesus did for you at the Cross.  Jesus became poor so you can be rich.  Jesus became sick so you can be healthy.  Jesus took all your sins, even the ones you have not done yet and cleanse you of your sins.

You are a child of GOD and are Heaven bound.

Have a problem?  Look up and know that Jesus took care of it at the Cross.

Open the Bible  and find the answer in the Bible.

Jesus did it all at the Cross.

Check out:
Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Check out my other blog:
The Writer's Life


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

GOD Knew Us Before The Creation Of The World

Ephesians 1:4

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

You Are Not A Mistake.

You were created because GOD loved us before He created the world.

When I read this scripture, I couldn't believe what I was reading.  I always wondered why I was born into the family I was born into.  Why was I sexually abused by my grandfather.  Why do I cut myself.  Satan is the answer to that question.


GOD loves me and had a plan to get me closer to Him and GOD's Plan was JESUS.  Because of Jesus, I have been adopted into GOD's family.  I am now a child of GOD.

No matter what you have done, where you live, what you have said, because of Jesus, you can be adopted into GOD's Kingdom.

GOD Loves You.  You have to receive it and believe it.  

You do not go to Hell for your sins.  You go to Hell for not believing GOD.

GOD knows everything about you, what you think, how you feel what you did and what you are going to do.  You can not keep anything from GOD.  Stop trying.

Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior,  Jesus did it all at the Cross.  Believe it, Receive it and start living the live GOD wants you to live.


Check out my other blog   A Writer's Life  

Even if you are not a writer...  You have a testimony that someone is waiting to hear.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

GOD Has A Pan for You

It does not matter where you live.  GOD has a plan for you this New Year

Ephesians 2:10

For we are GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do.

When I first read this, I probably just scanned it so I can say I read the Bible.  When I did start reading the scriptures slowly, I read this verse and the the verse spoke to me.

GOD has a plan for me.  GOD has something for me to do.  I am not a mistake.  I am not stupid.  GOD has a plan, even if I don't.

I wrote this verse down and read it over and over again.  

I look at people who  has no purpose in life, die young or are just unhappy because they do not know GOD and they have no purpose in life.

But if you are Born Again, you are a child of GOD and GOD has a purpose for you.  GOD created you for a reason.  

It does not matter where you live, how much money you have or what family you are born into .  You are now in GOD's family.  GOD created you.  GOD loves you.  GOD has a job for you to do.  So this year make it your goal to follow GOD and let him guide you this year and let GOD show you your purpose.

If you have not accepted Jesus as Your Lord and Savior.  Now is the time.  Start the year off right and Pray This:

Dear Lord.

I come to you as I am.  You know me.  I come to you with an open humble heart.  I believe that Jesus died on the Cross and took all of my sins.  I believe that Jesus went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan.  On the third day, GOD raised Jesus up from Hell and Jesus is now alive and seated in the Heavenly realms with GOD.  Lord, come into my life and do something with it.  I believe that Jesus is Lord, Lord of all.  Amen

If you prayed this  prayer, please let me know in the comment section..  You are now in GOD's Family.  You are a child of GOD.  That is something to shout about.

2019 is going to be a great year!

In the Comment Section, please tell me what part of the world you are from.  We are all one family.  GOD's family.

Happy New Year!