

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Jesus Is The Way

John 14:6

I am the way, the truth and the life;  no man cometh unto the Father but by me

This scripture is simple, clear and to the point.

Jesus is the only way to get to the Father, who is GOD.

If you do not accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will not be able to get to GOD.  It is that simple.


I don't care what society says:

If you are a good person, you will go to Heaven.

If you are kind, generous and help others you will go to Heaven.

As long as you believe in GOD you will go to Heaven.


You must go through Jesus to get to GOD.

Jesus came to give us life.  Jesus died for us.  Jesus is coming back for us, His church sooner than most think.  So if you are not, saved, Born Again, and if your name is not written in the book of Lambs, you will not be going to Heaven. 

There are other religions, but Jesus is the only one that is Alive.  Jesus is alive, GOD is alive and the Holy Spirit is Alive.

Why would anyone want to worship a god that is not alive? 

So if you want a Savior that is Alive and is waiting for you to call out His name, His Name Is Jesus.

Call out His name.

Pray this.

Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am.   I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for me.  I believe that Jesus went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan.  I believe that GOD raised Jesus from the dead and Jesus is now in Heaven with GOD.  Please come into my heart, fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me in my walk with you.  I am now yours, do something with my life.. In Jesus's Name, Amen

If you prayed this prayer and believed it with your heart, you are now a child of GOD.  Welcome to GOD's kingdom

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

We All Have An Assignment From GOD

Ephesians 2:10
For we are Gods workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do

Ephesians 3:  I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's  grace given me though the working of his power

Ephesians 4:28  doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need

God created us with a purpose.  You are not a mistake, whether you were conceived in love or out of lust.  Your parents did not create you.  God created you.  You were born with a gift and with that gift you have an assignment from GOD.

The Question is:

Will you fulfill your assignment/purpose or will you go about your life, doing whatever you feel like doing?

GOD gave us free will.  It is our choice.

I will keep saying this on my blog. I have been suicidal most of my life.  I was sexually abused/raped by my grandfather at a very young age, and
the abuse continued until he died and I was in my 20's.  I felt unloved and was waiting to die.  I should be dead.  The only reason I am still alive, because GOD needs me to do something.

GOD needs you to do something.  God gave you a gift.

God gave me the gift of writing  I have a Zombie Series, Me VS Zombies
I was writing, publishing and selling books, I was doing good and book sales were increasing until one day, God spoke to me and told me to stop writing Zombie Books.  GOD told me to write non-fiction books on my life  which led me to Him.  I had a choice.  I could continue to write Zombie Books, make money and fulfill my dream of being a writer or I could listen to GOD and fulfill my purpose and why God created me.

I decided I wanted to fulfill my destiny with God and not live like this world.

What are you doing with the gifts God gave you?  Are you using your gifts to further God's Kingdom or The World's Kingdom?

My Bible--My GOD 

This is the first Non-Fiction book I bought, This is my testimony on how my life was and what steps I took to walk toward God and to surrender my life to God.  I urge you to get a copy of this book, to begin your walk with God. 

Jesus will come back your His Church.  You do not want to be left behind.  God needs His people to rise up in these last days and do what He created you to do. 

If you have any questions leave them in the comment section.  The Rapture will happen.  Will you be ready?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

As In The Days Of Noah

I was on you tube and watched a video of End of Days, from Times Square Church.  The Video was titled As In The Days of Noah  About 30 minutes long.  The Pastor compared today to Noah's Day, which is about the same. 

GOD was ignored in Noah's Day....

GOD is being taken out of school, government  and being ignored.

So I want you to think about this....People in Noah's time, laughed at Noah.  A Flood?  It never rained back then.

We have the Bible.  There was no Bible in Noah's day. 

People still call us Christians, Jesus Freaks, Bible Thumpers

The flood came in Noah's Time.

Jesus will return in our time.

The question is:

Are Your Ready For Jesus's Return?

The people were not ready in Noah's Time and they all died, except Noah's family.

Are you going to die when Jesus Returns?  OR Will GOD welcome you, when Jesus Returns?

Pray this now and believe it in your heart.

Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am.  You know my past, you know what I have done.  I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for me.  I believe that Jesus went to the pit of Hell, and defeated Satan.  I believe that GOD rose Jesus from the dead and Jesus is now seated in Heaven with GOD.  Please come into my heart and do something with my life.  Jesus is Lord.  Amen

If you pray this, you are now a child of GOD. Welcome to the Kingdom of GOD

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

More Than A Conqueror

Romans 8:37

Nay, in all things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

This scripture is one that I quote everyday.  I am more than a conqueror.  This is who I am who you are in Christ Jesus.

I suffer from depression, suicidal thoughts, but through all my negative feelings of unworthy and wanting to give up.  I tell myself everyday, as many times as I need to remind my self that I am more than a conqueror through him that loved me.

I have the power of GOD in side of me.  I can do all things through Christ Jesus.

So no matter where you live, what is going on in your life.  If you are Born Again, you are in Christ Jesus and are more than a conqueror.

Believe it, receive it and speak God's Word over you. 

Need more Daily Bible Confessions?

Check this book out.101 Daily Bible Confessions

Discover Who You Are In Christ

Monday, February 18, 2019

Made Alive In Christ

Ephesians 2:6

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus

If you are Born Again, you have been raised up with Christ  and GOD seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

We need to be looking up all the time. We are seated in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.Discover Who You Are In Christ  In this book I list over 50 Scriptures of who you are In Christ Jesus.

If you have never read the Book of Ephesians, you need to.  Do not just read the Book of Ephesians, just once.  I mean read it and re-read the Book of Ephesians.  If you are depressed, lonely or just did your spirit lifted, read the Book of Ephesians. 

I have read and re-read the book.  I am in Christ.  Satan does not want you to know who you are In Christ Jesus.  It is up to you to learn and discover who you are In Christ Jesus.  I went through the new Testament and underlined In Christ Jesus.  You will be surprised how many times it is mentioned.  It changed my way of thinking.

Something to think about:

In the dark ages, the Bible was almost lost and forgotten, because the people in power did not want the common man to know what was in the Bible.  Most people could not read nor write, so they were helpless and lost not knowing what the Word Of GOD says about them. 

In Roman Times, The rulers wanted all the Christians dead, because they did not want anyone to know about the Word of GOD.

The Catholic Church does not even use the Bible in Church.  If you sin, you have to go to a Priest to have your sins forgiven.

 That is not what the Bible says.  The Bible says, Confess your sins to Jesus and then your sins are washed away, by the Blood of Jesus.  Jesus died for you.  Jesus is the only way to the Father.

So if you have never read the Bible, how do you know what GOD is really saying?

Don't believe anyone, except what the Bible says. 

You need to read the Bible for yourself.  If you are in a country, that bans the Bible, and you have a cell phone, look and see if you can download a Bible on your phone. 

If you live in a country where you have access to a Bible, then what are you waiting for, Read the Bible.  We are living in the last days.  You need to know who you are in Christ.  You need to know what GOD wants you to know. 

Jesus is coming Back.  Our time is limited here on earth.  You are in Christ....Christ is in You and GOD needs you in these last days. 

Jesus is coming back, sooner than you think.  We all have something to do.  What are you waiting for?

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Discover Your Purpose In Life

Suicide Is Not The Answer

Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.  Jesus came to give us life.

We all are fighting Satan.  No one is exempt.  If you see someone that you think they are perfect and have everything together, you are wrong.  They are just hiding their demons better than you are.

I have been waiting to die most of my life.  I didn't really know what Jesus did for me at the Cross.  I wish that someone had told me earlier. 

The fact is that we were all created for a reason/ purpose.  Does not matter where you live, what country you live in or how much money you have.  You were created for a purpose.

Then why do we all miss the mark and live aimlessly day to day?  We do not know Jesus.  We ignore that small quiet voice deep within us all.  You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you know you are going to do something you regret?

Satan will yell and scream at you, to get your attention.  GOD will not.  GOD will talk to you in a quiet voice or nudge you in the right direction.

GOD gave us all a gift.  Writing, singing, artist, gift of listening, gift of speech, gift of gardening, etc. 

The world asks "What is your passion.  What is it that you will do, even if you don't get paid or no one knows about."

That is your gift from GOD.  That is your purpose. The problem is that you can use that gift for GOD's Kingdom or for Satan's World.

Are you a singer?  What are you singing?  Are you a writer?  What are you writing?  Do you garden?  What are you doing with the garden?  Are you good at talking?  What are you talking about?

So think about this today.  What is your gift?  How are you using it for GOD's Kingdom?  Are you using your gift just for money and to get what you want?  OR are you using your gift to help others and for GOD's Kingdom?

There is nothing wrong with making money, but don't listen to Satan, he will lead down the wrong path.

You are not a mistake, GOD created you and you are loved by GOD.  Listen to that inner voice.  Sit and know that I am GOD.

You are Loved, Needed and Wanted by GOD.

This is my first book that I self-published My Bible--My GOD

This is my testimony on my walk with GOD.  How I was before, and after I met Jesus, and what I do to keep GOD in my life.

GOD Loves You Even When You Ignore you. 

Look up and call out to Jesus.  He will show up, where ever you are.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Deuteronomy 28:11 Jesus Healed My Chick

Deuteronomy 28:11

God will grant you abundant prosperity, the young of your livestock.

I bought 12 2 day old chicks yesterday.  I have no idea what I am doing.  I didn't realize how small they would be.  I took them home, placed them in a plastic storage container and placed them in bathtub.  I put water and food in with them.

Then they spilled the water, stepped in the water or something, the chicks were wet.  One was really wet, and became weak.  The other chicks were lying on top of the weak chick.  This chick was dying, could not stand up and getting weaker.  I move the weak chick into another box. 

I then asked someone what to do.  They said a heat lamp.  With the help of someone, I got a heat lamp. 

I then stood over all 12 chicks and prayed using Deuteronomy 28:11

Dear Lord,
I plead the blood of Jesus over these chicks.  I plead the blood of Jesus over the one who can no longer stand.  It is written in Deuteronomy 28 that you will bless my young live stock.  These chicks are my young livestock.  In the name of Jesus, I believe and receive that all of my chicks are healed and healthy.  I am a tither and have tither's rights.  I will not lose a chick.  I believe it and I receive it.  In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

The chick was laying down, face down, with butt in the air.  I could see it breathing.  It was under the heat lamp.  Every once in a while I would go and pick up the chick,  Then it could stand, then it took a few steps, then it was healed by the stripes of Jesus.

I placed the chick back with the others and I can not tell which chick was the weak one.

I know that people will say that the heat lamp just warmed up the chick.  I am sure the heat lamp helped, but that chick was laid on, stepped on and very weak.  I prayed and Jesus healed my chick.  Everyone says that you will lose 1-2 chicks when you get them that small.  Not me.  The Blessing of the Lord is upon me and my livestock.  I am not going to let Satan take any livestock from me.

So if you have a pet or livestock, pray over them.  GOD has blessed them.  GOD has blessed you.  READ DEUTERONOMY 28  I am blessed.  I walk around my property and house reading Deuteronomy.  Don't let Satan steal anything from you.

Jesus healed my chick, because I am walking and living in the blessing

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Change Your Words/ Change Your Life

I realize that we all have wants and dreams.  Most people are never happy where they are at or who they are dating or where they live and work.

If you are Born Again, then you are In Christ.  You have become a dwelling place for GOD. The Power of GOD is living inside of you.  That is something to be happy about and to shout about. Nothing else should matter to you, except GOD. 

Think about this:  If the Power of GOD is living inside of you(The power of GOD who parted the Red Sea, The Power Of GOD who raised Jesus from the pit of hell) Think who GOD can do in your life?

So when you are at work and hate your job, remember and be grateful that you have a job.  GOD is with you while you are at work.  Jesus is standing next to you.  While you are at work, look to your left or right and see Jesus standing next to you.  When you are stuck in traffic, look over and see Jesus sitting next to you.  Jesus is with you everywhere you go.  You can no longer run from Him and why would you.

So if you hate your life, your job, your home.  Stop complaining and grumbling and start shouting and praising the Lord.  The Holy Spirit dwells inside of you.  Listen to the Holy Spirit, follow His direction and see your life change.

In order for you life to change.  You have to know who you are in Christ.Discover Who You Are In Christ This book I give you Bible Scriptures so you can know who you are, now that you are Born Again.

 Think Before You Speak Explains how important your words are.  Words have power.  Save what you want, not what you have.  Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

101 Daily Bible Confessions  This book gives you 101 Scriptures and and Bible Confessions.  Don't know what to speak?  Speak GOD's Word and here is 101 Scriptures to help change your life

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

GOD Created You For A Purpose

Ephesians 1:4
For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 

These are my 2 favorite scriptures.  GOD knew me, before the creation of the world.  God has prepared me for my destiny.  I am not a mistake. I am not crazy.  I am a child of God.  God has a plan for me.

When I got a hold of these 2 scriptures.  I had a reason to live.  It doesn't matter what I did in my past.  What matters is that I have something that God wants me to do.  I have a purpose.  I matter.  God created me to do something. 

It does not matter where you live, what country you live in or your education.  What matters is:  GOD is waiting for you to fulfill your destiny. 

What has God placed on your heart to do? 

If you are sick, depressed, unhappy or just have no idea why you are on this earth, GOD knows why you are here.,  GOD will heal you and help you to your destiny.

You need to look up and Pray:

Lord, I am here.  You knew me before you created the world.  You have prepared me in advance to do good works. give me the strength, the wisdom to fulfill my destiny that you have prepared in advance.  You are my God and I am your people.  Use me Lord and show me the way.  In Jesus's Name, Amen.

We are not a mistake.  we have a purpose.
What is your purpose?  Need prayer ?
Leave it in the comment section and I will pray for your purpose or whatever need you are praying for.

We are living in the last days.  God needs us to fulfill or purpose so Jesus can come back.  Let's get this done so we all can go to Heaven together.

The Lord is God
It is He who made us, we are His, we are His people, the sheep of His pasture

Check out my other blog The Writer's Life