

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Spending Time With God

How much time are you spending with GOD?

What are your first thoughts when you wake up?

What do you think about before you feet hit the ground to start the new day?

Is it about your problems?  Your to do list?  GOD?

The first think I think about when I wake up is GOD.

I say, usually mumble.  "I am expecting my Greatest Blessings and Greatest Harvest today.  Great Grace, Great Power."  Before my feet hit the floor.

I read the BIBLE before anything else.  I spend time with GOD before I leave the house, before I go to work.  Before I talk to anyone.  I try to spend time with GOD for at least an hour.

How do I spend time with GOD?

I pray.

I read the BIBLE. 

This week I decided I was going to start reading the Bible more.  So far this week I read the book of ACTS, Romans and First Corinthians.  I spent an hour a day.

Read the BIBLE at your own pace.  It is more important to read the BIBLE and let the WORD speak to you.  GOD with point out verses for you. 

The important thing is spending time with GOD. 

It can be 10 Minutes or 5 Hours.  Once you start, you will want to continue.  There is no right or wrong amount of time.  Put GOD first and everything else will fall into place. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Law VS The Blessing

Before Jesus:

The Law.  The 10 Commandments

1.  Shall have no other gods
2.  Shall not use the Lord's name in vain
3.  Rest on the Sabbeth
4.  Honor thy Father and Mother
5.  Shall not Murder
6.  Shall not commit Adultery
7.  Shall not stea
8.  Shall not give false testimonyagainest your neighbor
9.  Shall not covet your neighbor's wife
10.  Shall not make yourself an idol

Exodus 20

After Jesus:

If I beleive that Jesus is the son of GOD.  If I beleive that he died and was raised from the dead, by faith I am the rightousness of GOD

Romans 10:9-13

That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and blieve in your heart that GOD raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 

I no longer live under the curse.  Jesus died for me.  He went to the pit of Hell and fought Satan for me.  I am the rightousness of GOD

Satan was defeated at the cross. He has no power over me.


GOD'S Word

I have read the Bible once.  I read the Bible here and there. 

I have just read the book of Acts.  As I was reading the book of Acts, Paul was jailed.  Paul was Flogged.  Something that I wouldn't wish on anyone. 

Then in Acts 16:22-28

Paul was stripped, beaten and Flogged.

Then \do you know what he did????

He was praying and singing Hymns.  Would you be doing that??

I would be curled up in a ball, crying waiting to die.

Paul believed GOD he was full of praise and joy.  He did not blame GOD. 

Instead GOD heard them and broke their chains.  They were free to go, but did not run.

What will you do next time you have a problem or feeling sorry for yourself?? Curl up and cry "Poor me!" OR will you sing, pray and praise GOD.

He will listen to you.  First you have to say something to GOD

GOD Loves You

It is your choice to love GOD.

What will you do????

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hearing God's Voice

This year has been amazing.  I have seen GOD move in my life, like never before.
What have I been doing differently.  I have been reading the Bible.  I have been praying.  I have been speaking only positive things.  I took out all negative things from my life.

You might say that you can't get rid of negative things from your life, cause life happens. 

5 Steps to get negative things out of your life.

1.  Start listening how you speak & how others speak.

2.  Keep your distance from negative people. (That might not be easy at first, but you need to surround yourself with people who love God and what to improve their lives)

3.  Accept Jesus as your Savior.  (You can not change your life if you are not born again)

4.  Read the Bible every morning when you get up.  Even if it is just one verse.

5.  Pray.  Talk to God like you would talk to your best friend.

Grab your copy of My Bible--My God

See how God pulled me out of the pit that Satan tossed me into.   Only 99 Cents

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