

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ask God

Before you do anything, you need to talk to God.  I know that I talked about this on my last post, but I strongly believe this.

Before going off to work, ask God, to keep you safe and fine the perfect parking space.

Before going to a job interview, ask God to give you the confience and words to say at the interview.

Ask God for the littlest things, like please don't let me burn dinner.  Please let me find my car keys.

I truly believe that if you aske God and put God first, you will have the best day and life.

Talk to God today and ask him for help from the smallest to the largest. 

Check out my other blog: 

God Loves You

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Reason To Believe

Ever do soemthing and it just doesn't work out????

Yesterday I was looking for something.  I spent two hours, moving around the house looking for something.  I knew that I did not throw it away.  I finally collasped on the couch, and was tired.  Then I looked up and Prayed..

"Please tell me where I put it."  I looked to my left and well, I found it.  Why didn't I ask God when I started looking?  When will I learn, to ask God first????

This is one more reason, why I beleive.  If I didn't ask God, I wouldn't of found what I am looking for.  I need to put God first in everything that I do.  I beleive in God and he answers my prayers.

Check out my other blog: 

God Loves You

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Peace Within

Do you feel unsettled?  Worry all the time?  Always wondering What If?

God can give you the peace that you need.  Your peace comes with in.  Not from others.  Nothing and no one can give you peace except God.

You can feel it within. 

So how do you find this peace within?

Trust God.  Talk to God.  Read God's Word.  The Bible.

You will make better decisions, enjoy life better.

You will only find peace within.  Talk to God today

Check out my other blog: 

God loves you!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You Can Overcome Anything With God

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and that no one will ever understand what you are going through?

God knows what you are going through.  God can help you deal with your problem and get you through it.

I am having problem and if I let it, I will sink into a deep dark depression, but I continue to read the Bible and talk to God.

I can do all things who Christ strengthens me.

That may sound simple enough, but Christ dwells inside of you.  You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

Repeat that as often as you need to, to help you get through the day.

Don't listen to the devil.  Talk to God and listen to God.

He will never leave you nor will he forsake you.

Check out my other blog: 

God loves you!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Listen To God

Peer Pressure, Co-Worker's pressure you. what are you to do?  Do you go along with the crowd, even though you know it will lead to no good OR do you listen to God?

Gossip at work is rapid.  Do you participate?  Do you gossip also?

Do you walk away and listen to God?

It is not easy to walk away and stand on what you believe in, but it is something you must do.

There is a feeling in your stomach that you know if what you are doing is right or wrong. 

Take the high road and listen to God, he is always talking to you, all you have to do is listen.

Do the right thing today, and listen to talk.  Talk to God.  Put God First in everything you do.

Check out my other blog: 

God Loves You

Monday, October 25, 2010

Memorize Bible Verses

God's word will help you get throught  the day.  You need to memorize Bible Verses, or write them on an index card, so you can read them throughout the day.

Things come up at work, with co-workers and friends and sometimes you need God's Word to get you through the day. 

Buy a notebook and write down God's Word to help you get through the day.  Say the verses to yourself if there are others around.  It will calm you down and you will be walking with God.

The Bible is God talking to you.  It is God's Word.  Read the Bible Today.

Check out my other blog: 

God Loves You!!!!

Pray For Someone

What do you do when you see an ambulance drive by with their lights and sirens on? 

What do you do when you drive by a car accident?

Do you ever pray for the people in the ambulance? 

Do you pray for the people that were in the car accident?

What do you do when you see someone who is worse off than you?

If you don't pray for them, who will?

God can not act if someone doesn't ask. 

Angels are everywhere to do God's work.  If someone doesn't ask, the angels can't do anything.

So the next time you see someone in need, pray for them.  Pray for someone you don't know.  God knows.

Pray today.

Check out my other blog: 

God loves you!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

God Is My Strength

I know that I can not do this alone.  I am not strong enough.  I rely on God for my strength and to help me get through the day. 

I can do all things who Christ strengthens me.  God dwells inside of me. 

I repeat this all the time when I need strength to get through a situation. 

You are not alone.  God is with you.  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Rely on him when you need him. 

Check out my other Blog:  

God Loves You!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Do You Believe?

Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for us?  OR do you just say you believe?  Do you believe in your heart?  Or do you just say you believe?

I think their is a diffenece.  I know for a fact that Jesus died for me.  I don't get in arguments with people or God, cause I know that I am right.  I say to people who won't listen to me, and I won't argue with them I say "I hope that works out for you." 

I know in my heart and no one can tell me otherwise.

Do you belive in your heart or can someone convience you to do something you know is wrong?

If you know in your heart then when you are confronted with something, you will know what to do and say, cause Jesus died for us and now God dwells inside of us.  God will guide you.

Jeusus died for you.  Believe it.

Check out my other Blog: 

God Loves You

Words Are Alive

What you say matters.  I know I have said this before. What you say comes to pass.  If you say I can't pay the rent, something will happen and you won't be able to pay the rent. 

If you say I am going to buy a house.  You will be able to do one day.

Your life supports what you say and think.

Stay positive.  Do not complain.  Be nice to others, even when you don't want to be nice.

The Bible is God's Word and they are alive, cause God is alive. 

Speak God's Words....It will keep you on the right path

Check out my other Blog:   

God Loves You

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Everything Changes/Except God

God doesn't change.  He is the same yesterday, tomorrow and today.  Everything will change.  Your job, your house.  Your relationshops.  Look at your car or the new car that you are wanting to buy, in a few years it will be rusty and older.  Won't last forever.

Things break down.  People will let you down..  God will never let you down.

When people disappoint you or leave you.  God will be right there for you.  When you lose your job or make a bad investment, God will still be there for you.  Everything is temporary and will not last, except for God.

Who will you depend on?  Your bank account?  Your Job?  Or God.

Something to think about.  One day the world as we know it will be totally different, but God will still be there for us.

Depend on God. He is our source, and provider.

Check out my other blog: 

God Loves You

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Live For God

Why are we here?  That is the question.

I finally discovered that the only reason I am on this earth, is for God.  It is that simple.  I gave my life to God and I will do whatever God tells me.

I know that is not an easy thing to do.  But since I made that decision, my my life became alot better. 

I have what I have because of God.  I know that I can not do anything without God.

So I have made my life simple.

I live for God.  Whatever I do, I do for God and I know that God is with me and he knows what I am doing and thinking.

So why are you here?  For yourself or for God?

Something to think about.

I Put God first in everything I do.

check out my other blog: 

God Loves You

Monday, October 18, 2010

God Dwells Inside of You

Ever get that feeling in your stomach, when you are about to do something that you know is wrong???

Ever get that calm feeling inside when you know that you are doing the right thing?

That is God talking to you. 

Think back on your past decisions, did you have that feeling?

I have.  I now know that it is God, talking to me, I just wasn't listening to him. 

Now I listen, and if I get that feeling, I think twice before doing anything.  God Dwells inside of us.  It is your choice if you are going to listen or not. 

God has given us free will.  It is up to us.  Listen to God?  OR Listen to the Devil???  It is your choice.

Check out my other Blog: 

God Loves You

Be a Giver

Find a cause that you believe in and support that cause. 

If not a charity, help your co-worker, your neighbor, a friend.

It is easy to be selfish, self centered, but to look at other's and reach out a hand, takes an inner strength that you probably don't think you have.

I support the Amazon Mission Organization

You have the strength inside to help others, all you have to do is look around.  It will enrich your life.  You will be helping others, but you will also be helping yourself.

Think about it.  Help someone today, even if you start with a smile and acknowledge that you care.

Check out my other Blog:  

God Loves You

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Be Grateful for the Little Things

I am grateful for the little things.  Hot water, my car starting, my computer works.  All these little things add up and make your day better.

It is God who is doing the little things and the larger things.  So when you have hot water or money to buy lunch, look up and thank God.

Some people don't have running water, let alone hot water.  So look up, say a prayer and thank God.

God loves you and want s to Bless you.

I am grateful for all the little things.

check out my other Blog  

God loves you.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Go To Church

It is Sunday.  Go to Church!   If you don't to go to church, watch something on tv or the internet.

I watch Joesph Prince.....Kenneth Copeland.....Jesse Duplantus.....So if you don't go to church watch one of these programs, read one of their books..............Read the Bible.............Talk to God..........

Check out my other Blog: 

God Loves You

Careful What You Say

Your words are alive.  What you say matters.

If you speak positive things, positve things will happen.

If you speak negative things, then negative things will happen.

Speak what you want.

You can not have what you speak againest.

So before you start grumbling, think again.

Your words will guide your day and life.

Check out my other blog: 

God Loves You.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What Would Jesus Do

Have you heard that saying before.  A few years ago, everyone was wearing bracelets and tee shirts with that saying on it.  We all know what Jesus would do, but when you are out with your friends and family it is hard to stand up for what you believe in.  It is easier to go along with the crowd.

I have learned that you may have to find new friends.  I don't hang out with people who swear or use the Lord's name in vain.  If they do not respect me, and still use that language, I will not hang out with them.

That said.  when you are dating someone, make sure that they share your belief.  If they do not believe that Jesus died for us.  Do not date them.  They will only lead you to something that is againest what you believe.

Don't live with someone,get married first.  That is what the Bible says.  You need to read the Bible and stand on those verses.  I wish I knew this before I started dating and got married.

Think before you do something, even if all your friends are going to do it.  What would Jesus do?

Remember that God is with you,  He will never leave nor forsake you.  So when you are doing something, right or wrong, God Knows.

Something to think about.

I would rather have no friends, and have God on my side.

I choose God.  I live for God I work for God.  I have given my life to God.

Have you?''

Romans 10:9-13

Confess with your mouth, Jesus Is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with  your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth  that you confessand are saved.  Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.  For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile the same Lord is  Lord of all richly blessesall who call on him, for Eveyone who calls on the name of the Lord, will be saved.

Check out my other Blog:  

Talk to God today..

God loves you

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Don't Worry

Do you worry all the time?  Does Fear grip you, where you can not funtion?  You are not alone.  That is the Devil talking to you and you are listening.

God will guide you, God will never leave you nor forsake you.  You need to start listening to God.

I use to worry about everything.  What If??????

No I give it to God and let God take care of it.  It is not an easy thing to do, Once you understand that the Devil will do anything for you to fail.  Stop listening to the Devil.

Listen to God.  Talk to God.  Feel the Love of God around you. 

Check out my other Blog:

God loves you

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


All you have to do is pray.

I pray all day long.  I know I have written about this before, but I believe in prayer. 

I pray before I get out of bed, before I leave the house, before I get out of the car, get the message.  I pray all day long.  I thank God and I ask for guidance and help.

I don't believe that I am in control of my life.  It is either God or the Devil.  I would rather have God on my side, watching over me.

I know people think I am bit different, but this is how God made me.  he made us all different.  So if you feel that you do not belong, remember that you are here for a reason.  God created you and need your help while you are here, on this earth. 

So why not pray today, right now.  Something like this:

Dear Lord.

I thank you for today and I ask you for guidance.  Please watch over me and my family and let me get along with the people I work with.  I give you praise and thanks.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

Simple is always better.

check out my other blog: 

Talk to God now.

God loves you

Think About This

God loved you before you were born.

God loved you before you even thought of him.

God will Always love him.

That is pretty awesome.

No one will love you like God loves you.

So look up and talk to God.  He will never leave your nor forsake you.

Trust God  He is your source.

Check out my other blog:  

God loves you

Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm Depending On God

I am depending on God for everything.  I look to God to get me through the day.  Before I get out of bed, I talk to God and ask him to help me get through the day. 

While I am at work, I will stop and talk to God, and thank him.  he is the reason that I have a job.  He is the reason that I have a dependable vehicle that took me to work.

I take nothing for granted.  God did all this for me.  So I am depending on God to make my dream come true.  I want to be a published writer.  I am writing 10 pages a day and I am depending on God for me to suceed.  It will not be my own doing.  It will be all God.  He gave me the computer, he woke me up early so I could get up and write.

God is the reason we are here, so I am depending on God.

Who are you depending on?

check out my other blog: 

Talk to God today.

God loves you

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Praying in Tongues

I try so hard to stay in the spirit and not in the flesh.  that is not an easy thing to do.

I was at work yesterday and I was in the flesh, grumbling under my breath.  I couldn't stop. so I started to pray in tongues.  It took awhile and I didn't stop and finally, about an hour later, I felt much better.  My day turned for the better, and everything turned out.

So from now on, when I am in the flesh I am going to Pray in Tongues.  I don't do it so people can hear me.  I just say it softly.  i don't really care if anyone hears me.  I am doing it for me.

The Devil is not going to beat me.

I will stay in the Spirit and not in the Flesh.

So start praying in tongues, you will be better for it.

Check out my other blog:  

God loves you!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

God Is Amazing

Look around.  God's work is everywhere.  The sky, trees, flowers.  God made this earth and everything to see.

To me that the ocean is totally amazing, how the waves keep coming in, no matter what.  I love the ocean and feel close to God when I am standing in the water. 

Sun rise, Sun set, it is God's work.

God is Everywhere

Where do you feel close to God?

Look around and see what God has done today.

Check out my other blog:  

God Lives

God Loves You


I think that you need to stay focus.  No matter what needs to get done.  God will guide you, but if your thoughts stray and you start thinking about other things, you will not get the task done at hand.

My book is half way done.  I need to stay focus and not get side track. It is easy to start thinking about other things, and getting lazy, but I am at the moment focused.

I am expecting God to help me finish this book and get it published.  he put this desire in my heart and mind, so why should I doubt that I can not do this.  I will look to God, ask for his help and stay focus.

My eyes are on God. 

I am focused on God

What are you focused on???

check out my other blog:  

God Loves You

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Walk With God

Everyday you are walking with God.  Weather you belive it or not.  God with you, weather you believe it or not..

God knows everything you do and say, think and feel, whether you believe it or not. 

That made me really think.  When I gossip or think a bad thought, God heard it.  So now I try to be a better person.  God loves me and I want to live for him and do what he put me on this earth to do.  Though it is not easy, that is what I want to do.

God loves You.  Why not walk with him, instead of trying to run from him.  You will be a better person for it.

Talk to God.  Hold out your hand and feel God holding your hand.

Walk with God.

Check out my other blog:  

God Loves You.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

God Heals

don't know about you, but I don't like getting sick.  I never say I am sick, instead, I say that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus.

Jesus died on the cross for you.  So you are healed.  Believe it.  Don't listen to others who wine and complain about every little ache and pain.  Jesus took our pain and illness.  Read your Bible and stand on the word. 

When you pray, thank God for healing you.  You are already healed.  Speak it, believe it

Check out my other blog: 

Talk to God, He will listen

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Failure Is Not an Option

I feel that the closer I get to God, the more the Devil is pounding at me, wanting me to fail. 

I now refuse to listen to the Devil.  I only listen to God.

I do know that is not always easy, but I have God with me everywhere I go.  God dwells inside with me. 

The next time you are feeling down, and wanting to quit, just yell at the Devil and then talk to God.

I have listened to the Devil way to long, No More I am listening to God. 

God wants me to suceed....

The Devil wants you to fail

Who are you going to listen to??

Check out my other blog:   

God Loves You

Monday, October 4, 2010

God Loves Me

One thing that I know, that I believe, that gets me through the day.  That is::


I am not a social person, and have had a lot of heartache in the past, but when I pick up the Bible, and read God's word, he is talking to me.  God loves me before I loved him.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.

That is awesome!!!!

So if you are depressed, feeling alone just remember that God Loves You and he is with you.

You can feel alone with a room full of friends.  Remember that God loves you

That alone gets me through the day.

The only reason I am on this earth, is because of God.

I live for God
I work for God.
God is the reason I am here.

Check out my other blog:  

I Can Do All Things, God dwells inside of me

I have been sitting in front of the computer for the past four hours.  I know I can do this, cause God is with me, giving me the strength.  I want to finish this rough draft that I am working on and the only way to do this is to sit down and do it.

God wants me to suceed.

The Devil wants me to fail

So I have a choice.  Trust God or Listen to the Devil.

I put my Trust in God and I listen to God. 

So whatever you have to do today, know that God is with you and you can do all things who Christ strengths you.

Dream big and don't listen to the Devil.

God loves you.

Check out my other blog

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Put God First

Once you let God into your life, everything will change.  You will be aware that God is with you and realizes that what you do matters.

You will change what you watch ov tv.  You might even what to change your firends, though that will not be easy at first.

I put God first.  I changed what shows I watch on tv.  What movies I watch and what I read.  I want to please God and I want to put God into first into my life. 

So you need to think what you are doing.  Who you are hanging out with.  Does your friends swear, have sex outside of marriage?  Use the Lords name in vain?  Are you living with someone?  What are their values and morals. 

One thing that I have learned and wish I knew thirty years ago....Date only people who believe in God.  If you are a couple you need to have the same value and believe in God.  

I put God first and my life is better for it.

Check out my other blog.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

God Watches Over You

God is always surprising me.  he is out in front, clearing my path for me.  I was on  buying a couple of CDs.  I bought Kristin Chenoweth CD Promises, Promises.  I wanted to buy another of her CD and didn't know which one to buy.  I sat there for awhile and thought about it.  Choose one and hit the buy button.  I just recieved them in the mail and to my surprise, it was  Christian Music.  I got chills as I listened to the CD and thought that this is what God wanted me to have.

I believe that God wanted me to have this CD and he told me which one to buy.  I have chills just thinking about this.  So when you think that God isn't listening or doing nothing  for you, you are so wrong.  God is in front of you, guiding your path.  I see it everyday

I believe God, I know that he is with me and I look up and talk to God.  So believe that you are not alone. God is watching over you

Check out my other blog:  

God Loves You

Friday, October 1, 2010

Embrace Your Differences

I know that I am different.  I don't fit in with anyone.  I know that I think differently and I don't connect with anyone.  I don't connect with people at work, and I use to hate myself.  I was totally alone.  Now I embrace my differences.

GOD does not make mistakes.  He made you.  He made me.  We are all different.  I know that this is easy to say. but I am almost 50 and it took me this long to admit that there is nothing wrong with me.  I am writing the way I want to.  I am doing what I want to do, to follow my dreams no matter what others say.

Look at yourself in the mirror and EMBRACE  who you are.

GOD loves you.  Took me 50 years and now I know that God loves me and that is all that mattes.  It is not easy, but I look to God, for support and his love to get me through and when I am feeling really low, I ask God to give me a hug and he does.

We are all different and there is nothing wrong with us.

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