

Monday, August 28, 2017

My Dream Goals

The previous post With GOD all things are possible.

Here Is My Dream List.

I am believing GOD for:

1.  Sell over million books
2.   Have my Testimony read and heard around the world.
3.  I will own a condo on the beach in Florida, Siesta Key Beach.
4.  I will have a major book signing in New York and Chicago.
5.  I am self-employed as a writer and blogger.
6.  I have a brand new 4x4 blue Chevy Pick up truck
7.  Go on an African Safari
8.  Trip to Hawaii and take my boyfriend and my cousins families for a month
9.  I will have a built in indoor swimming pool
10.  Have thousands and thousands of followers on my blog

There it is.  What I am believing GOD for.

I no people don't believe any of these will come to pass.

I live by faith and not by sight.  I believe what the Bible says.  I don't speak anything negative over my life.  I don't going around telling everyone what I am doing.  It is between me and GOD.

I listed my Dream List.  What is your Dream List.  Leave it in the comment section or e-mail me at

With GOD All Things Are Possible

If all things are possible with GOD, then why do we settle?

I have settled all my life.  My motto was "If I don't expect anything, then I will never be disappointed."

I never expected anything good to happen to me, because I was waiting to die.  Since then I have been Born Again, and Water Baptized.  You would think that my life would get better and I would be happy.  That didn't happen.

GOD can not do anything for me, if I am not expecting anything to happen.  I was not speaking GOD's Word over my life.

Words have power.  What you say will come to pass.  What you said yesterday, you will have in the future.  Think about it.

I knew when I was married, that my husband would leave me.  Guess what?  He left me.  I knew it.  I spoke it.  It came to pass.

So I am a Bible Believer.  I believe what the Bible says.  It is written that With GOD all things are possible.  So that is what I am believing.

I am a writer.  I want to live on the beach. (People think that is crazy, because I am a night checker at a grocery store.)

So today I am going to make a list.  A Dream List.  What I am believing GOD for.

What are you believing GOD for?  

Dream Big.  Think outside your comfort zone.  Doesn't matter what country you are living it.  We all have a dream, a passion.

Leave your Dream List in the comments.

I will post my Dream list when I am finished with it.

The list can be one or twenty one things. Don't limit yourself.  What is your fantasy?  World Cruise?
Starting a business.  Finding the perfect mate?  Traveling?

Looking forward to reading your lists.  I will post mine when I have it finished.

Suicidal -Suicide Does Any One Care?

I know now that Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me.

Most of my life I just wanted to die.  I had  a deep dark hole that went to the core of my being.  Nothing would fill the hole.  No amount of alcohol.  I starved myself.  I abused over the counter medicine.  I was waiting to die.

Once I started cutting myself, I discovered away to release the pain.  I had to cut myself just to leave the house.  I cut myself several times a day.  waiting to die.


Print Book

This is my latest book.  I never talked about my Suicidal thoughts or cutting myself.  So if you are dealing with Suicidal thoughts I want you to know that you are not alone.  You have never been alone. Jesus is the Answer.

I have walked in the darkness most of my life.  You don't have to .

Leave a comment.  Prayer request?  Leave it in the comment section.

GOD is Love.  Love is GOD

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Have You Read The Bible Lately?

How often do you read the Bible?

Have you even read the Bible?

I didn't read the Bible until I was in in forties.

It is never to late to start reading the Bible.

The Bible is GOD Breathed Words.

Think about that.  The words in the Bible are not man's word.  The Bible was not written by man.

The Bible is GOD Breathed Words.  The Bible is GOD talking to you.

Want to hear from GOD?  Read the Bible.

I read the Bible in three months.  At the time I had no idea what I was reading. Didn't understand the Bible at all.  I read it.  Then something started to happen, As I reread some verses, I started to understand it.  When I watched Kenneth Copeland on tv, I knew what he was talking about.  When I went to church, I knew what the preacher was talking about.

For me it was a slow process, but I was learning and my mind was changing to the Bible.

Reading the Bible is not a waste of time.

I read the Bible everyday.

If you are new to the Bible.  I would suggest to read the New Testament.

No matter what I am going through or doing. I read these verses:

Deuteronomy 28-1-14
Psalm 91
Psalm 23

Don't know how to Prayer?

Pray This Every Day

Matthew 6:9-14

This is a great way to start your day and end your day.

No matter where you live or what your lifestyle is, put GOD first before you do anything.

You will see your days start to be better and your thoughts and actions will change.

Down load a Bible App on your phone or computer.  Get a Bible.  It is the most important  book ever written.

Tomorrow is Sunday.  GO to church or watch it on online.

Hear the Word of GOD everyday.

Kenneth Copeland

Leave a comment let me know where you live.

Friday, August 25, 2017

I Am Bible Believer

I am a Born Again Christian.  Christian is a broad tern.  People claim they are Christians but don't act like Christians.

I am a Bible Believer.  I believe what the Bible says.  The Bible says I am healed by the Stripes of Jesus.  I believe that I am Blessed.  I do not borrow.  If it says it in the Bible.  I believe it.  Period.

If you go to church, people act like their lives are perfect.  They are dressed nice, happy and act like they are happy to see you.  You see the same people during the week.  They are not happy, dress like a homeless person and ignore you.

So what are you suppose to do?  Do what the Bible says.  Act like Jesus.  Smile, and be nice.

My main problem being a Christian is that everyday is a battle with Satan.  I feel like I am losing the battle.  I feel like I should be further along with my walk with GOD.

I was Born Again in 2003.  I was Baptized in 2016.  I feel that my life should be better.  Don't get me wrong.  I am in a great place.  I know that I am blessed, but I feel that I should be self employed as a writer.  Instead I am still working at my dead end job as a cashier.  My writing career has stalled,  All I have is my Faith In GOD.  I Believe what the Bible says.  I stand on the Word Of GOD.

Satan does not want us to be close to GOD, let alone full fill our purpose in life.

If you have not noticed, Christians are being persecuted in the USA and all over the world.  Prayer has been taken out of our schools.  Christians are being beheaded, and nothing is being done about it, not being reported.

2,000 years ago when Jesus was taken up to Heaven, the Followers of Jesus has been persecuted.  They were jailed, flogged and stoned.  Through it all they sang and praised The Lord.  

You need to have strong Faith so when you get persecuted, is your faith strong enough?

Everyone uses the card with the chip in it.  You are not forced to use it, but everyone uses their card with the chip.  The next is the micro chip in the hand.  Mark of the Beast.

Things are happening that are going toward Revelations.

You need to decide who side you are on.  GOD;s or Satan's side.

So this is my blog on my walk with GOD and my fight with Satan.

GOD never said life as a Christian would be easy.  GOD said he would never leave you nor forsake you.

Don't let Satan win.

Read the book of Acts and see how the followers suffered and what they endured for the name of Jesus.  Are you willing to die in the name of Jesus?

In future blogs I am going to talk about my walk with GOD and the battles that I am facing.
I do hope that you will leave a comment and let me know what your struggles are.  We all are a child of GOD, that makes us family.

You are not alone.

We are all GOD's Children

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I am Heaven Bound

I am excited to go to Heaven.  In fact, I am ready to go now.

Jesus is Lord.  Jesus went to the cross.  Jesus died for us.  Jesus went to the depths of Hell and defeated Satan.  Jesus rose from the dead and is now seated in Heaven with GOD.  If you are Born Again, you also will be in Heaven when you die.

That is something to get excited about.

I know where I am going when I die.  Do you?  If you believe what I wrote above and confess it with your mouth, you to will go to Heaven.

Once we are Born Again, we have work to do here on earth before we go to Heaven.  GOD created us all for a purpose and a destiny.

Go into the world and tell others about Jesus.  There are people out there lost and in the clutches of Satan.  It is our job to tell everyone we know about Jesus.

How do you do that?

Tell them your testimony on why you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Everyone has a testimony to tell.

Get excited about going to Heaven.  Tell your friends.  Tell your co-workers.  Tell a stranger on the streets or the cashier at the store.

You are a child of GOD, Let Jesus shine through you.

Read my Testimony Today