

Monday, October 29, 2018

GOD's People Under Attack

The Synagogue Shooting In Pittsburgh

Is another example of GOD's people being singled out.

How are you going to protect yourself?

Sit back and act like it will never happen to you?


Are your going to get your Bible out and start listening to GOD.

GOD's People need to unite as one, and separate themselves from the rest of the world.

Here Is An Example:

This Wednesday is Halloween.  In America this day is growing and people are spending more money on this day, than Christmas.  As a Christian, A child of GOD are you doing something to acknowledge this so called Holiday?

1. Are you dressing up your children for this day?  Do you think it is cute and harmless?  You are so wrong.  You are opening the door for Satan and his Demons to enter your family's life.

2.  Do you hand out candy?  You are acknowledging this Holiday and the day is open for Satan.  Handing out candy is not harmless.

3.  Do you decorate for this holiday?  A ghost, a witch? 

Ask yourself why are you embracing this Holiday? 

Is it because you do not want people to know that you are a Christian

Are you a Christian and don't care what the Bible says and wants to embrace the dark side on this Holiday?

Jesus is coming.  It is a fact whether you believe it or not. If you do not read the Bible, listen to what GOD is telling you, you will not be strong enough when persecution comes to your town or home.

There was a shooting at a synagogue and everyone is shocked.  It is not the first time, nor the last that GOD's people will be attacked. 

If you are a Christian, it will happen to you, will you be ready.

The Jewish people are strong in their faith in GOD and that is what will see them through.  They will use their faith, knowing that they are GOD's People.  They have always been persecuted.  We need to stand with the Jewish People.  They should be our example of how to live for GOD.

These are the last days.  Stop listening to this world and get into GOD's Kingdom and do what GOD tells you to do. 

No is the time to make the decision that you will never denounce your Faith in GOD, no matter what happens to you.  If you think your life is rough now, it is going to get worse.  The closer we get to the Rapture, the worse things are going to get.

Get Ready now.

World Order is coming

Cashless Society is coming.

The Implant Is Coming

The Anti Christ Is Coming

What are you doing to prepare

Don't get left behind 

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