Monday, October 19, 2015
Healed By The Stripes Of Jesus
I was sexually abused by my Grandfather and my entire family knew about it and did nothing to protect me. I had to learn to forgive if I wanted to survive. In this book I tell how you and survive your past and learn to forgive who had done you wrong
Once you are born again, you have acess to GOD through Jesus. No be a victim any more.
Being sexually abused I suffered from depression, eating disorders and wanting to die. I only survived by the Grace of GOD. Read how GOD healed me
All things are possible with GOD.
Follow me and walk with GOD everyday.
Live GOD's Way Daily Ministry
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Sexabuse Is Not Your Fault.
I was sexually abused as a child, before I was in grade school.. I am not sure how old I was when it started. My grandfather abused me throughout my entire life untill his death. My Bible--My GOD was the first book I published in print and as an e-book. It tells my story of how GOD helped pull me out of the pit that Satan threw me into.
I am only alive and able to tell my story by the grace of GOD. I am alive to help others and to tell my story. I had an eating disorder. Problems with alochol. Emotional problems and at the end I started cutting myself. All because I was sexually abused.
Stop feeling guilty about what happened. It is not your fault. I know I hid this secret most of my life. it is only now that I am older that I can begin to speak out, tell my story and help others.
I learned how to forgive. I learned how to move on with my life. My past does not define me.
GOD loves you. GOD is with you right now. GOD's Spirit is with you right now. You are not alone.
My newest book 101 Daily Bible Confessons Might help get you started to realize how much GOD Loves You.
I Survived Sexual Abuse shows how I survived and what you can do to move forward with your life.
I have told my story to others and always they confess that they have been sexually abused or know someone who has been sexually abused.
You are not alone. If you don't feel like you have a voice, I am your voice. I will speak for you
I will no longer stay quiet. I will tell my story no matter what the cost. My family does not believe me nor do they care. I am moving forward. You are not alone.
E-mail me at
or write me at
P.O. Box 486
Mountain Home, AR 72654
Dont be a victim any longer. You life starts today and GOD Loves You
Monday, July 13, 2015
Speak Truth
Welcome Guest Blogger Kelli Hughett
She has a new book out RED ZONE
She has sent me a Devotional for me to post. It goes with what I believe and that I have written about. Hope this message will bless you as it has blessed me.
I recently talked to a mother whose son witnessed and experienced some horrific events. When everything came to light, they immediately rushed him to conseling. While talking to the counslor, they expressed some fears about the lies he'd been exposed to becoming truth (read:action)in his life. The counselor told them, "Speak truth over him everyday."
I hadn't heard this phrase before, and it pricked my heart.
In a world full of lie, Christians should speak truth over each other.
After I began thinking of the lies of this world, I was overwhelmed by how much of my own life is infiltrated by lies.
How can I know if I have lies in my life?
1. Listen to your self-talk. What you say to yourself matters. Is it truth or have you said things like:
I am a failure.
I am never going to complete this task.
This is more than I can handle.
I deserve to be happy.
I have a short fuse.
This is killing me.
No one would want to hear what I have to say.
I have no friends.
I'm insignificant.
I'll never amount to anything.
Whatever I try fails.
This life isn't worth it.
I'm miserable.
I'll never change.
2. Listen to what you say to others. We're sometimes sucked into lies by sympathy. we like to acknowledge a friend's pain by saying, "You're right." Are we affirming lies?
3. Take inventory of how you FEEL at the end of the day. If you speak a lot of lies to yourself, chances are you're feeling lowm down, sad, depressed, unfulfilled, unhappy, stressed and sinful.
I could go on and on and on with the lies I've caught myself believing. I believe that Jesus conquered death and my sin on the cross. I believe that GOD's love for me is immeasurable and that I'm valuable in the kingdom.
Yet, I've allowed the ies of Satan to penetrate my life and my everday self-talk. I can't remember the last time I spoke the truth to myself.
Once we've identified the lies we've been telling ourselves, how can we change?
Begin to speak the truth to yourself:
I am failure. I am an overcomer in Christ
I am never going to complete this task. Ido everything for GOD's Glory.
This is more than I can handle. I can do more than I think I can because I serve a big GOD.
I deserve to be happy. I deserve hell and I' getting Heaven because of Christ: I will live this ttuth.
I have a short fuse. I am longsuffering.
This is killing me, This is hard, but I am determined to grow from it.
No one would want to hear what I have to say. I share the gospel every day.
I'm insignificant, I'm so important that Christ died for me.
I'll amount to anything. I am the workmanship of Christ.
Whatever I try fails. I have been given grace in all my shortcomings.
This life isn't worth it. This life is amazing.
I'm miserable. I'm unhappy, but I can still have joy.
I'll never be change. My best chance at becoming a better person today.
When you speak the truth to yourself, it becomes contagious. Truth has a way of doing that!
How can we use the truth to bless others?
1. Speak the truth over your children. "You are smary. You are exciting. You are growing into a fantastic Christian woman/man. You're going to be a wonderful husband/wife. You are gaining Bible knowledge that will help you throughout your life. You can resist temptation. You've got what it takes to be a man/woman of GOD. You're showing growth today. You love GOD with all your heart. You are beautiful. You Shine."
See what I mean? I was grinning ear-to-ear when I wrote that list. Imagine speaking those truths over your kids...even grown kids can use the truth.
2. Speak truth to your spouse. "You are a great husband/wife. You do a great job around the house. You're a great provider. You've go a great attitude. You keep your promises. You're really showing the light of Christ. You are capable. You are stunning. You are loved. You are becoming a great leader. On day, Jesus Christ is going to find you. (for non-believing spouse). You help others get to Heaven. You are a great example of Christ. You are forgiven. (try this one!)
You can use "we" phrases, too. "We're growing stronger in our marriage. We are bound together by Christ. We handle problems together. We use our money wisely. Our marriage is precious to GOD. We are growing in our faith together. GOD blesses our marriage."
3. Speak truth to your congregation. I know, it;s called encouragement in the Bible, but we've watered it down with pity and euphemisms like, "Bless your heart!" Speak the truth to those who are struggling, hurting and stressed.
Memorize a few scriptures and speak them over your family, your friends and your church members. Write them a card with a bibilical truthin the pages. Pray truth. Speak Truth.
Check out her Book RED ZONE
I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did.
Please leave a comment and let Kelli know what you thought.
Thank you Kelli. You can stop by anytime. Enjoyed having you here!
She has a new book out RED ZONE
She has sent me a Devotional for me to post. It goes with what I believe and that I have written about. Hope this message will bless you as it has blessed me.
I recently talked to a mother whose son witnessed and experienced some horrific events. When everything came to light, they immediately rushed him to conseling. While talking to the counslor, they expressed some fears about the lies he'd been exposed to becoming truth (read:action)in his life. The counselor told them, "Speak truth over him everyday."
I hadn't heard this phrase before, and it pricked my heart.
In a world full of lie, Christians should speak truth over each other.
After I began thinking of the lies of this world, I was overwhelmed by how much of my own life is infiltrated by lies.
How can I know if I have lies in my life?
1. Listen to your self-talk. What you say to yourself matters. Is it truth or have you said things like:
I am a failure.
I am never going to complete this task.
This is more than I can handle.
I deserve to be happy.
I have a short fuse.
This is killing me.
No one would want to hear what I have to say.
I have no friends.
I'm insignificant.
I'll never amount to anything.
Whatever I try fails.
This life isn't worth it.
I'm miserable.
I'll never change.
2. Listen to what you say to others. We're sometimes sucked into lies by sympathy. we like to acknowledge a friend's pain by saying, "You're right." Are we affirming lies?
3. Take inventory of how you FEEL at the end of the day. If you speak a lot of lies to yourself, chances are you're feeling lowm down, sad, depressed, unfulfilled, unhappy, stressed and sinful.
I could go on and on and on with the lies I've caught myself believing. I believe that Jesus conquered death and my sin on the cross. I believe that GOD's love for me is immeasurable and that I'm valuable in the kingdom.
Yet, I've allowed the ies of Satan to penetrate my life and my everday self-talk. I can't remember the last time I spoke the truth to myself.
Once we've identified the lies we've been telling ourselves, how can we change?
Begin to speak the truth to yourself:
I am failure. I am an overcomer in Christ
I am never going to complete this task. Ido everything for GOD's Glory.
This is more than I can handle. I can do more than I think I can because I serve a big GOD.
I deserve to be happy. I deserve hell and I' getting Heaven because of Christ: I will live this ttuth.
I have a short fuse. I am longsuffering.
This is killing me, This is hard, but I am determined to grow from it.
No one would want to hear what I have to say. I share the gospel every day.
I'm insignificant, I'm so important that Christ died for me.
I'll amount to anything. I am the workmanship of Christ.
Whatever I try fails. I have been given grace in all my shortcomings.
This life isn't worth it. This life is amazing.
I'm miserable. I'm unhappy, but I can still have joy.
I'll never be change. My best chance at becoming a better person today.
When you speak the truth to yourself, it becomes contagious. Truth has a way of doing that!
How can we use the truth to bless others?
1. Speak the truth over your children. "You are smary. You are exciting. You are growing into a fantastic Christian woman/man. You're going to be a wonderful husband/wife. You are gaining Bible knowledge that will help you throughout your life. You can resist temptation. You've got what it takes to be a man/woman of GOD. You're showing growth today. You love GOD with all your heart. You are beautiful. You Shine."
See what I mean? I was grinning ear-to-ear when I wrote that list. Imagine speaking those truths over your kids...even grown kids can use the truth.
2. Speak truth to your spouse. "You are a great husband/wife. You do a great job around the house. You're a great provider. You've go a great attitude. You keep your promises. You're really showing the light of Christ. You are capable. You are stunning. You are loved. You are becoming a great leader. On day, Jesus Christ is going to find you. (for non-believing spouse). You help others get to Heaven. You are a great example of Christ. You are forgiven. (try this one!)
You can use "we" phrases, too. "We're growing stronger in our marriage. We are bound together by Christ. We handle problems together. We use our money wisely. Our marriage is precious to GOD. We are growing in our faith together. GOD blesses our marriage."
3. Speak truth to your congregation. I know, it;s called encouragement in the Bible, but we've watered it down with pity and euphemisms like, "Bless your heart!" Speak the truth to those who are struggling, hurting and stressed.
Memorize a few scriptures and speak them over your family, your friends and your church members. Write them a card with a bibilical truthin the pages. Pray truth. Speak Truth.
Check out her Book RED ZONE
I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did.
Please leave a comment and let Kelli know what you thought.
Thank you Kelli. You can stop by anytime. Enjoyed having you here!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Fighting The Darkness of Satan
I had a bad weekend. I was not listening to GOD. Satan was talking to me and I was listening. Why? I was not looking to Jesus. I had my two days off of work. I was tired. I was lying on the couch eating chips and watching television.
I knew that I should of gotten up and read the Bible. I should of gotten up and did something, anything, but instead I laid on the couch and did nothing. Satan knew he had me and he didn't stop. He started talking to me. I didn't do anything to stop him, so he continued to tell me lies and I was listening to them.
Needless to say, my two days were gone and I had to go back to work. i was in a bad mood. I wanted to quit my job and just give up. The darkness was swallowing me up. I was going back to my old thinking that I was worthless and might as well give up.
Satan was telling me lies. My book sales are down. I will never make a living as a writer. I am nothing. Why don't you just give up? Look at you, you are fat and you will never get that new truck you are believing for. Might as well give up.
Satan was not going to shut up.
I was close to going to the dark side. I was tired. Why bother? It's not worth ite.
I made it through the work shift. I was driving home. I looked up to Jesus. I started praying. I wasn't praying in some Holy manner. I started talking to GOD, as if he was sitting next to me.
My Prayer went something like this:
Dear Lord:
I need you. I can't do this on my own. I am a mess. I have no idea what I am doing. I have no idea if I am doing what You want me to do. Tell me if I should continue to write. Tell me if I am doing what you want me to do. Hit me over the head if you have to.
Am I doing the right thing? I am so sorrry for not listening to you. I just don't know. Satan is pounding at my door and I let him in. I bind Satan. I bind his demons. I listen to you. I need you and your wisdom and understanding.
I am yours Lord. Use me. You are the only reason I am alive. Amen.
As I prayed, I just talked from my heart and what I was feeling. It was just me and GOD.
When I got home I turned on the BVOV I watch Kenneth Copeland every day. It was as if Kenneth Copeland was talking to me. I sat listening to and I know it was GOD talking to me.
I went to bed. When I got up, I was totally in a different mood. Satan was no longer talking to me. I was back on track and was listening to GOD.
Satan will attack you everyday. The closer you get to GOD, the harder Satan will attack you. You have to stand on the Word of GOD. If you ignore GOD when Satan attacks, Satan will win.
I am proof of that. I am not perfect. I am telling you this so you will know that you are not alone. We all fall prey to Satan, but GOD's Word will see you through that.
I am strong in the Lord, and in His Might.
This Ministry: Live GOD's Way Daily
Is to teach you how to live every day in GOD. It is not easy but the benifits are worth it.
I choose GOD. I will not comprise. I stand on GOD's Word.
I read the Bible every day. I listen to tapes of
So I welcome you to this ministry that GOD has called me to do.
Have a question or comment? Leave a comment and let me hear from you. We can help each other and the word of GOD is spoken and preached.
My Bible--My GOD
Always & Forever
Think Before You Speak
Live GOD's Way Daily Ministry
I knew that I should of gotten up and read the Bible. I should of gotten up and did something, anything, but instead I laid on the couch and did nothing. Satan knew he had me and he didn't stop. He started talking to me. I didn't do anything to stop him, so he continued to tell me lies and I was listening to them.
Needless to say, my two days were gone and I had to go back to work. i was in a bad mood. I wanted to quit my job and just give up. The darkness was swallowing me up. I was going back to my old thinking that I was worthless and might as well give up.
Satan was telling me lies. My book sales are down. I will never make a living as a writer. I am nothing. Why don't you just give up? Look at you, you are fat and you will never get that new truck you are believing for. Might as well give up.
Satan was not going to shut up.
I was close to going to the dark side. I was tired. Why bother? It's not worth ite.
I made it through the work shift. I was driving home. I looked up to Jesus. I started praying. I wasn't praying in some Holy manner. I started talking to GOD, as if he was sitting next to me.
My Prayer went something like this:
Dear Lord:
I need you. I can't do this on my own. I am a mess. I have no idea what I am doing. I have no idea if I am doing what You want me to do. Tell me if I should continue to write. Tell me if I am doing what you want me to do. Hit me over the head if you have to.
Am I doing the right thing? I am so sorrry for not listening to you. I just don't know. Satan is pounding at my door and I let him in. I bind Satan. I bind his demons. I listen to you. I need you and your wisdom and understanding.
I am yours Lord. Use me. You are the only reason I am alive. Amen.
As I prayed, I just talked from my heart and what I was feeling. It was just me and GOD.
When I got home I turned on the BVOV I watch Kenneth Copeland every day. It was as if Kenneth Copeland was talking to me. I sat listening to and I know it was GOD talking to me.
I went to bed. When I got up, I was totally in a different mood. Satan was no longer talking to me. I was back on track and was listening to GOD.
Satan will attack you everyday. The closer you get to GOD, the harder Satan will attack you. You have to stand on the Word of GOD. If you ignore GOD when Satan attacks, Satan will win.
I am proof of that. I am not perfect. I am telling you this so you will know that you are not alone. We all fall prey to Satan, but GOD's Word will see you through that.
I am strong in the Lord, and in His Might.
This Ministry: Live GOD's Way Daily
Is to teach you how to live every day in GOD. It is not easy but the benifits are worth it.
I choose GOD. I will not comprise. I stand on GOD's Word.
I read the Bible every day. I listen to tapes of
So I welcome you to this ministry that GOD has called me to do.
Have a question or comment? Leave a comment and let me hear from you. We can help each other and the word of GOD is spoken and preached.
My Bible--My GOD
Always & Forever
Think Before You Speak
Live GOD's Way Daily Ministry
Monday, June 29, 2015
Hear From GOD
Everyone can hear from GOD. It all depends on you.
You have to get all the clutter out of your mind.
Who are you listening to? Satan or GOD.
Most of my life I listened to Satan. I watched the wrong movies. I read the wrong books. I was listening to the world.
I was not listening to the Bible. The day I started reading the Bible, my life started to change. I found out how to live GOD's Way.
I stopped watching television for 6 months. I devoted my time to GOD. I read the Bible before I leave the house. Why? I want to be able to hear from GOD throughout the day when I go out into the world.
Here is an example:
I am a checker in a grocery store. Not very glamorous, but my drawer has to balance. The other night I put five twenty dolloar bills in the five dollar slot. GOD pointed it out to me before I gave a twenty to a customer instead of a five dollar bill.
GOD points out things during my shift so my drawer will balance. I am human, I will make mistakes, but GOD is looking out for me. If I do not spend time with GOD before I leave the house, why would GOD talk to me, if I am not talking to him?
Think about that.
When was the last time you talked to GOD?
Want to hear from GOD?
Start talking to GOD. Read the Bible. Look up and start thinking about Jesus and not your problems.
I was at work the other day. My feet hurt. My legs hurt. I had two more hours to work.
I started thanking GOD. Not out loud, under my breath. I thanked him for His love, His mercy, my health, my job. I looked up to Jesus and my feet no longer hurt. The two hours flew by and I made it through another shift.
So you can hear from GOD if you talk to GOD also.
My Bible--My GOD
Also Check out Kenneth Copland all this week, live in Dallas South West Believers Convention
It is also on the channel Daystar.
GOD Loves You Even When You Ignore Him
You have to get all the clutter out of your mind.
Who are you listening to? Satan or GOD.
Most of my life I listened to Satan. I watched the wrong movies. I read the wrong books. I was listening to the world.
I was not listening to the Bible. The day I started reading the Bible, my life started to change. I found out how to live GOD's Way.
I stopped watching television for 6 months. I devoted my time to GOD. I read the Bible before I leave the house. Why? I want to be able to hear from GOD throughout the day when I go out into the world.
Here is an example:
I am a checker in a grocery store. Not very glamorous, but my drawer has to balance. The other night I put five twenty dolloar bills in the five dollar slot. GOD pointed it out to me before I gave a twenty to a customer instead of a five dollar bill.
GOD points out things during my shift so my drawer will balance. I am human, I will make mistakes, but GOD is looking out for me. If I do not spend time with GOD before I leave the house, why would GOD talk to me, if I am not talking to him?
Think about that.
When was the last time you talked to GOD?
Want to hear from GOD?
Start talking to GOD. Read the Bible. Look up and start thinking about Jesus and not your problems.
I was at work the other day. My feet hurt. My legs hurt. I had two more hours to work.
I started thanking GOD. Not out loud, under my breath. I thanked him for His love, His mercy, my health, my job. I looked up to Jesus and my feet no longer hurt. The two hours flew by and I made it through another shift.
So you can hear from GOD if you talk to GOD also.
My Bible--My GOD
Also Check out Kenneth Copland all this week, live in Dallas South West Believers Convention
It is also on the channel Daystar.
GOD Loves You Even When You Ignore Him
Monday, June 1, 2015
GOD Healed Me
That is me at the age of 7. I was being sexually abused by my grandfather. Little did I know that my life was going to become worse. I developed an eating disorder. I suffered with depression and had a problem with alchol. I was alone. My family lived in denial. They knew. They all knew. Not one family member protected me.
Little did I know that GOD was with me even when I ignored him. GOD created me before the world was created. GOD loves me even when I ignored him.
Once I looked up and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior my life began to change for the better.
Forty years later I am healed and healthy. All because of GOD. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus.
GOD will heal anyone that accepts him as their Lord and Savior and puts Him first in their lives.
I will no longer be quiet. GOD healed me and I no longer listen to Satan. GOD will do the same for you.
Stop listening to this world. Listen to GOD.
GOD gave me a gift of writing. I don't care if you buy my books. That is not what this blog is about. this blog is to spread GOD's Word.
I am writing to let the world know that GOD is alive. GOD is waiting for you to call on him so he can heal you.
We all need GOD. Accept Him and be healed.
My Bible--My GOD
I Survived Child Sexually Abuse
Parents Guide To Eating Disorders
All E-Books are 99 Cents If you have Kindle Unlimited it is FREE
Be Healed. GOD can heal you!!1
Jesus Is Lord
Find all my books at
GOD Is With You, Even When You Ignore HIm!!!!
Little did I know that GOD was with me even when I ignored him. GOD created me before the world was created. GOD loves me even when I ignored him.
Once I looked up and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior my life began to change for the better.
Forty years later I am healed and healthy. All because of GOD. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus.
GOD will heal anyone that accepts him as their Lord and Savior and puts Him first in their lives.
I will no longer be quiet. GOD healed me and I no longer listen to Satan. GOD will do the same for you.
Stop listening to this world. Listen to GOD.
GOD gave me a gift of writing. I don't care if you buy my books. That is not what this blog is about. this blog is to spread GOD's Word.
I am writing to let the world know that GOD is alive. GOD is waiting for you to call on him so he can heal you.
We all need GOD. Accept Him and be healed.
My Bible--My GOD
I Survived Child Sexually Abuse
Parents Guide To Eating Disorders
All E-Books are 99 Cents If you have Kindle Unlimited it is FREE
Be Healed. GOD can heal you!!1
Jesus Is Lord
Find all my books at
GOD Is With You, Even When You Ignore HIm!!!!
Monday, May 25, 2015
GOD In Action
I have just realized that GOD is the head and I am his body. I have been Ephesians. GOD is revealing to me what he wants me to do.
I was at work the other day. I am a checker in a grocery store. I rang up the order, $111.07 was the total. The couple only had $40.00. I cancled the order while the couple decided what they really wanted. A lady who was next in line asked me how much they were short. I told her around $65.00. She then told me that she would pay for all of their items.
I told the couple. So I rerang up the order. I said. "This is GOD at work."
GOD was using this woman to show that GOD is alive and real.
So the wife got the lady's address and told her they would send her a check. The lady said "Don't send me any extra. I don't want interest."
The man wanted to repay her for her kindness.
The lady said. "Now you are pissing me off. You are ruining my good deed."
I knew this was all GOD. GOD uses our bodies to do his work. We are GOD's Body and he is the Head.
Think about it. You are here so GOD can use you.
When was the last thing you did something for someone else, and expected nothing in return????
It doesn't have to be huge. It could be giving someone a hug or paying for someone's coffee. We are here to do GOD's Work not to do what we want.
Each morning before you leave the house, you need to pray and ask GOD what He wants you to do today.
GOD can not move in this world without you. That is why we are here, to let people see Jesus through us.
Be a giver. GOD is Love. GOD dwells in us so we are Love.
Read the Book of Ephesians.
From The Series of Live GOD's Way Daily
My Bible--My GOD
Become Debt Free
Survive Sexual Abuse
Over Come Eating Disorders
Think Before You Speak
I Confess Jesus Is Lord
Is GOD First In Your Life
An Inspiritual Romance Always & Forever
GOD is with you even when you ignore Him
I was at work the other day. I am a checker in a grocery store. I rang up the order, $111.07 was the total. The couple only had $40.00. I cancled the order while the couple decided what they really wanted. A lady who was next in line asked me how much they were short. I told her around $65.00. She then told me that she would pay for all of their items.
I told the couple. So I rerang up the order. I said. "This is GOD at work."
GOD was using this woman to show that GOD is alive and real.
So the wife got the lady's address and told her they would send her a check. The lady said "Don't send me any extra. I don't want interest."
The man wanted to repay her for her kindness.
The lady said. "Now you are pissing me off. You are ruining my good deed."
I knew this was all GOD. GOD uses our bodies to do his work. We are GOD's Body and he is the Head.
Think about it. You are here so GOD can use you.
When was the last thing you did something for someone else, and expected nothing in return????
It doesn't have to be huge. It could be giving someone a hug or paying for someone's coffee. We are here to do GOD's Work not to do what we want.
Each morning before you leave the house, you need to pray and ask GOD what He wants you to do today.
GOD can not move in this world without you. That is why we are here, to let people see Jesus through us.
Be a giver. GOD is Love. GOD dwells in us so we are Love.
Read the Book of Ephesians.
From The Series of Live GOD's Way Daily
My Bible--My GOD
Become Debt Free
Survive Sexual Abuse
Over Come Eating Disorders
Think Before You Speak
I Confess Jesus Is Lord
Is GOD First In Your Life
An Inspiritual Romance Always & Forever
GOD is with you even when you ignore Him
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Why Read The Bible?
Have you read the Bible? Do you even know where your Bible is at?
My Bible is within reaching distance of me. I have a Bible in the bedroom and in the living room. Why? So if I need it, I can grab it without looking for it.
How much tv do you watch? How many magazines do you read? How much time are you spending on the internet? How much time do you spend reading the Bible?
Think about that for a moment.
The Bible is GOD's Word. When you read the Bible, GOD is talking to you. GOD had the Bible written so you would know him and know what to do. If you do not read the Bible, how do you know what to do?
You will do what the world tells you to do. Satan rules this world. If you are not reading the Bible and listening to GOD, then you are listening to Satan.
Ever wonder why your life is a mess? Ever wonder why you are broke, living paycheck to paycheck? Ever wonder why you can't stop smoking, drinking or overeating?
The answer is you have non idea what GOD can do for you. GOD can get you out of debt, poverty. GOD can get you to quick smoking and drinking. GOD can heal you, if you know what to do. You have to read the Bible.
I am a partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries.
I am a partner with Jesse Duplanitis Ministries
Check them out. They have their sermons on youtube and on thier website. You can sign up for their montly magazine which is priceless.
You need to get up early and read the Bible before you do anything. Even if it is just one verse. Than is a start.
When you wake up, your first thought should be of GOD. Thank you Lord for this day.
When you go to bed, your last thought should be of GOD, Thank you Lord for getting me through this day. Thank you lord for watching over me.
Throughout the day, you should pause and say Praise the Lord, Thank you Lord.
That is a start. The more you do this, the more you will want to read the Bible and find out more about GOD.
It is your choice:
Choose GOD or Choose Satan.
Choose GOD! Pray this NOW!
Dear Lord, I come to you as I am. I now longer want to live this way. Come into my life. Come into my heart. I recive you Lord. I blieve that Jesus died for me and that GOD raised him from the Dead. I beleive that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Jesus is Lord. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Do something with my LIfe. In Jesus's name, Amen
You are now born again. Start looking to GOD and not this world for answers and help.
My Bible is within reaching distance of me. I have a Bible in the bedroom and in the living room. Why? So if I need it, I can grab it without looking for it.
How much tv do you watch? How many magazines do you read? How much time are you spending on the internet? How much time do you spend reading the Bible?
Think about that for a moment.
The Bible is GOD's Word. When you read the Bible, GOD is talking to you. GOD had the Bible written so you would know him and know what to do. If you do not read the Bible, how do you know what to do?
You will do what the world tells you to do. Satan rules this world. If you are not reading the Bible and listening to GOD, then you are listening to Satan.
Ever wonder why your life is a mess? Ever wonder why you are broke, living paycheck to paycheck? Ever wonder why you can't stop smoking, drinking or overeating?
The answer is you have non idea what GOD can do for you. GOD can get you out of debt, poverty. GOD can get you to quick smoking and drinking. GOD can heal you, if you know what to do. You have to read the Bible.
I am a partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries.
I am a partner with Jesse Duplanitis Ministries
Check them out. They have their sermons on youtube and on thier website. You can sign up for their montly magazine which is priceless.
You need to get up early and read the Bible before you do anything. Even if it is just one verse. Than is a start.
When you wake up, your first thought should be of GOD. Thank you Lord for this day.
When you go to bed, your last thought should be of GOD, Thank you Lord for getting me through this day. Thank you lord for watching over me.
Throughout the day, you should pause and say Praise the Lord, Thank you Lord.
That is a start. The more you do this, the more you will want to read the Bible and find out more about GOD.
It is your choice:
Choose GOD or Choose Satan.
Choose GOD! Pray this NOW!
Dear Lord, I come to you as I am. I now longer want to live this way. Come into my life. Come into my heart. I recive you Lord. I blieve that Jesus died for me and that GOD raised him from the Dead. I beleive that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Jesus is Lord. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Do something with my LIfe. In Jesus's name, Amen
You are now born again. Start looking to GOD and not this world for answers and help.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Revelation and the End of Days
First I want to thank everyone who stops by to see what GOD has spoken to me. I am blogging cause that is what GOD told me to do. You are not stopping by this blog by chance. GOD is directing you here for a reason.
GOD created a ministry Live GOD's Way Daily Ministry. It is not easy to put GOD first everyday when the world is screaming at you, making you feel like an outcast.
You were chosen before the world was created to be alive at this time. We are at the end of times. Jesus is coming back sooner than you think.
You need to look up and focus on Jesus and not of things of this world. It is not about your job or how much money you have. It is what you can do for Jesus. Jesus needs you to do things on this earth. We are his vessel.
Jesus is the head and you are the body. Think about that. If you are born again, The Holy Spirit is inside of you. He needs to use your eyes to see. Your feet to move around, your words to speak.
I never really thought about this till I started reading the New Testament.
I now look at people differently. I see them as a spirit, not human. We are all a spirit. It is us who decides who we listen to. GOD or Satan, It is easy to get sucked into this world, watch movies we know we shouldn't, listen to music we know we shouldn't. We let our feelings get in the way.
So this blog and the Ministry is to help You live GOD's Way Daily. That is all I can do, one day at a time.
I watch Kenneth Copeland everyday Mon-Fri Believer's Voice of Victory. go to you can watch it online, subscribe to their monthly magazine which is priceless.
I am learning to put GOD first. When I get up I read the Bible and pray everyday. You need to do this. GOD should be the most important person in your life. Not your husband, not your child.
We are here now for a reason. End of Times is here. Billiye Brim is on Kenneth Copland this week. She is an expert on Israel and End of Days.
I have a couple of her Books. Check her out
I just recieved The Book of Revelation Syllabus. It is awesome. I am reading the book of Revelation and the Syllabus to understand it more.
Jesus is coming. We need to get ready. Get right with GOD. He is coming sooner than you think
If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior DO IT NOW BEFORE IT IS TO LATE YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND
Pray This:
Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am. I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for my sins and shed his blood for me. He was the final sacrifice. I believe that Jesus died and went to Hell and GOD raised him from the dead. Jesus is now in Heaven with GOD. Jesus is Lord. Come into my heart, fill me with the Holy Spirit. Let me be able to speak in tongues. I am now your vessel, use me as you will. I live for you Lord. In Jesus's Name, Amen.
If you are still not sure, get my book Jesus Is Lord Only 99 Cents
Make GOD First In Your Life Only 99 Cents
Become Dependent On GOD Only 99 Cents
Get all three
Saved By The Grace of GOD
We all fall short of the Glory of GOD. He chose us to be alive now for a reason. You are not a mistake. You are here to serve GOD. Let GOD use you to do something you never thought was possible.
I believe in GOD.
GOD created a ministry Live GOD's Way Daily Ministry. It is not easy to put GOD first everyday when the world is screaming at you, making you feel like an outcast.
You were chosen before the world was created to be alive at this time. We are at the end of times. Jesus is coming back sooner than you think.
You need to look up and focus on Jesus and not of things of this world. It is not about your job or how much money you have. It is what you can do for Jesus. Jesus needs you to do things on this earth. We are his vessel.
Jesus is the head and you are the body. Think about that. If you are born again, The Holy Spirit is inside of you. He needs to use your eyes to see. Your feet to move around, your words to speak.
I never really thought about this till I started reading the New Testament.
I now look at people differently. I see them as a spirit, not human. We are all a spirit. It is us who decides who we listen to. GOD or Satan, It is easy to get sucked into this world, watch movies we know we shouldn't, listen to music we know we shouldn't. We let our feelings get in the way.
So this blog and the Ministry is to help You live GOD's Way Daily. That is all I can do, one day at a time.
I watch Kenneth Copeland everyday Mon-Fri Believer's Voice of Victory. go to you can watch it online, subscribe to their monthly magazine which is priceless.
I am learning to put GOD first. When I get up I read the Bible and pray everyday. You need to do this. GOD should be the most important person in your life. Not your husband, not your child.
We are here now for a reason. End of Times is here. Billiye Brim is on Kenneth Copland this week. She is an expert on Israel and End of Days.
I have a couple of her Books. Check her out
I just recieved The Book of Revelation Syllabus. It is awesome. I am reading the book of Revelation and the Syllabus to understand it more.
Jesus is coming. We need to get ready. Get right with GOD. He is coming sooner than you think
If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior DO IT NOW BEFORE IT IS TO LATE YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND
Pray This:
Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am. I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for my sins and shed his blood for me. He was the final sacrifice. I believe that Jesus died and went to Hell and GOD raised him from the dead. Jesus is now in Heaven with GOD. Jesus is Lord. Come into my heart, fill me with the Holy Spirit. Let me be able to speak in tongues. I am now your vessel, use me as you will. I live for you Lord. In Jesus's Name, Amen.
If you are still not sure, get my book Jesus Is Lord Only 99 Cents
Make GOD First In Your Life Only 99 Cents
Become Dependent On GOD Only 99 Cents
Get all three
Saved By The Grace of GOD
We all fall short of the Glory of GOD. He chose us to be alive now for a reason. You are not a mistake. You are here to serve GOD. Let GOD use you to do something you never thought was possible.
I believe in GOD.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
GOD Loves You!
GOD loves you. You must get this revalation so you can move on with your walk with GOD. Jesus died for you. When he was on the Cross he was thinking of you. GOD knows what you are doing right now. He knows what you are thinking, what you need and what you want.
He is waiting on you. He is waiting for you to look up and tell Him that you can not do this on your own. GOD wants you to become dependent on Him. Only then will your life begin to change.
You were prestined before the world was created. You are here for a purpose, no matter what you have done or are doing at this moment. GOD is waiting for you. Look up. say. Jesus, Help me"
Let Him know that you need Him.
That is the first step. Accept Jesus into your life and your heart.
Pray This:
Dear Lord:
I can not do this alone. I need you in my life. I come to you as I am. I recieve you as my Savior. Come into my life and do something with it. Jesus is Lord. Amen"
It is that simple. Don't make this complicated. GOD Is Love.
If you want to know more about being Born Again go to
That will help your walk with GOD.
GOD is alive and well.
He is waiting on you. He is waiting for you to look up and tell Him that you can not do this on your own. GOD wants you to become dependent on Him. Only then will your life begin to change.
You were prestined before the world was created. You are here for a purpose, no matter what you have done or are doing at this moment. GOD is waiting for you. Look up. say. Jesus, Help me"
Let Him know that you need Him.
That is the first step. Accept Jesus into your life and your heart.
Pray This:
Dear Lord:
I can not do this alone. I need you in my life. I come to you as I am. I recieve you as my Savior. Come into my life and do something with it. Jesus is Lord. Amen"
It is that simple. Don't make this complicated. GOD Is Love.
If you want to know more about being Born Again go to
That will help your walk with GOD.
GOD is alive and well.
Born Again,
Born Again Christians,
Christians Word people,
eternal life,
god faith lo love,
Living For GOD,
self help,
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Listen to GOD
I have heard that GOD speaks to everyone, if they only listen. I have heard from GOD. GOD gave me a vision. I know what I need to do. It is easier said than done.
Example: God told me to write a new series Live GOd's Way Daily. I have done that. So I decided to ditch this blog and create a new blog Living GOD's Way Daily. That didn't work out so well, So I came back to this blog.
You are not the only one who has self doubt, fears and feels alone. I feel like I am on an island alone,
So why am I here?
I am here because I was predestined before the world was created. GOD has a plan for me. I just need to release my faith to move forward.
It is time to tell my story. To move forward in my life:
I was sexually abused by my Grandfather at an early age. I buried the memories. I have no memory of my childhood. What I do remember I am not sure what is true and what I have been told through the years.
Satan threw me in a pit. It was dark and there was no light. The emotional pain was so deep that I could not see beyond the pain.
I was sexually abused. I had an eating disorder, I cut myself, I wanted to die. What I didn't know was that GOD was with me in that pain. GOD never left me even when I ignored him.
I did everything to my body and I was still alive. GOD had a plan. It wasn't till I looked up and asked for help, that GOD pulled me out of the pit that Satan tossed me into. It didn't happen over night but everyday was better than the last.
Now I am walking in the light. I read the Bible everyday, I pray and things are better. GOD gave me a vision of what he wanted me to do.
Now comes the hard part. GOD wants me to write my story. My story of the pain and memories that I buried, he wants me to write and tell the world of what GOD has done for me.
So I started out writing the series Live For GOD Daily
Parents Guide to Eating Disorders
I Survived Child Sexual Abuse
Become Debt Free
No matter what you have been through, you are not alone. GOD is with you. I am here to tell my story to help others.
So I am going to write my story an tell the world that GOD is alive and nothing will stop me from telling the World that Jesus Is Lord, Alive and Well
Find all my books at
Example: God told me to write a new series Live GOd's Way Daily. I have done that. So I decided to ditch this blog and create a new blog Living GOD's Way Daily. That didn't work out so well, So I came back to this blog.
You are not the only one who has self doubt, fears and feels alone. I feel like I am on an island alone,
So why am I here?
I am here because I was predestined before the world was created. GOD has a plan for me. I just need to release my faith to move forward.
It is time to tell my story. To move forward in my life:
I was sexually abused by my Grandfather at an early age. I buried the memories. I have no memory of my childhood. What I do remember I am not sure what is true and what I have been told through the years.
Satan threw me in a pit. It was dark and there was no light. The emotional pain was so deep that I could not see beyond the pain.
I was sexually abused. I had an eating disorder, I cut myself, I wanted to die. What I didn't know was that GOD was with me in that pain. GOD never left me even when I ignored him.
I did everything to my body and I was still alive. GOD had a plan. It wasn't till I looked up and asked for help, that GOD pulled me out of the pit that Satan tossed me into. It didn't happen over night but everyday was better than the last.
Now I am walking in the light. I read the Bible everyday, I pray and things are better. GOD gave me a vision of what he wanted me to do.
Now comes the hard part. GOD wants me to write my story. My story of the pain and memories that I buried, he wants me to write and tell the world of what GOD has done for me.
So I started out writing the series Live For GOD Daily
Parents Guide to Eating Disorders
I Survived Child Sexual Abuse
Become Debt Free
No matter what you have been through, you are not alone. GOD is with you. I am here to tell my story to help others.
So I am going to write my story an tell the world that GOD is alive and nothing will stop me from telling the World that Jesus Is Lord, Alive and Well
Find all my books at
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Living GOD's Way Daily
I started a new series and a new blog. Living GOD's Way Daily
Please stop by and see how to Live GOD's Way Daily
Please stop by and see how to Live GOD's Way Daily
Monday, March 2, 2015
Kenneth Copeland In Branson
I just got back from the meeting in Branson. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland was speaking. It was an awesome weekend.
I arrived Thursday afternoon. The meeting was at 7:00pm. I arrived about an hour and a half early. There was a lot of people there. It was worth it.
Friday was a meeting at 9:00am Kenneth Copeland
2:00pm Gloria Copeland
7:00pm Kenneth Copeland
I arrived Friday morning around 8:00 The 9:00am meeting was the Partners Meeting on how partnering with others is so powerful. Kenneth preached for about 3 hours.
I didn't leave the church when Kenneth was finished talking. Glora Copeland was going to speak in about an hour. I walked around the lobby and looked at the products that were being sold. I bought a CD of one of the singers that was one of the worship singers Woola (Candy) Laflora
Gloria preached on Faith and how to apply it.
I then let the church around 4:00pm and went and got something to eat and then went back to church. Kenneth Copeland preached at 7:00pm
Saturday was Healing School. I was looking forward to this. It was awesome.
The weekend was perfect, except for the fact that it was snowing when I went to church Saturday Morning. I got out of church and it was snowy and icy.
I barely made it back to the Hotel.
I didn't go to the service at 7:00pm. It was snowy and icy out.
It was wonderful being around other peole that their faith was highter than mine.
What I learned was that GOD is an AWESOME GOD.
It is us to us to look to GOD and recieve who and what he is.
I feel that my Spiritual Level is higher.
go to to listen to the conferecne or you can buy the tapes and listen to them.
If you can go to any of his meetings, I suggest that you go. It is worth it.
We are all called to preach the Gospel one way or another.
Read my testimony My Bible-My GOD
I arrived Thursday afternoon. The meeting was at 7:00pm. I arrived about an hour and a half early. There was a lot of people there. It was worth it.
Friday was a meeting at 9:00am Kenneth Copeland
2:00pm Gloria Copeland
7:00pm Kenneth Copeland
I arrived Friday morning around 8:00 The 9:00am meeting was the Partners Meeting on how partnering with others is so powerful. Kenneth preached for about 3 hours.
I didn't leave the church when Kenneth was finished talking. Glora Copeland was going to speak in about an hour. I walked around the lobby and looked at the products that were being sold. I bought a CD of one of the singers that was one of the worship singers Woola (Candy) Laflora
Gloria preached on Faith and how to apply it.
I then let the church around 4:00pm and went and got something to eat and then went back to church. Kenneth Copeland preached at 7:00pm
Saturday was Healing School. I was looking forward to this. It was awesome.
The weekend was perfect, except for the fact that it was snowing when I went to church Saturday Morning. I got out of church and it was snowy and icy.
I barely made it back to the Hotel.
I didn't go to the service at 7:00pm. It was snowy and icy out.
It was wonderful being around other peole that their faith was highter than mine.
What I learned was that GOD is an AWESOME GOD.
It is us to us to look to GOD and recieve who and what he is.
I feel that my Spiritual Level is higher.
go to to listen to the conferecne or you can buy the tapes and listen to them.
If you can go to any of his meetings, I suggest that you go. It is worth it.
We are all called to preach the Gospel one way or another.
Read my testimony My Bible-My GOD
Friday, February 27, 2015
watch kenneth copeland live
Watch kenneth copeland live all day today at
Hear the word of jesus like you never heard it before.
I will be telling you about this weekend and how I have heard from the Lord
Jesus is Lord
Healing school is Saturday
Get saved get healed
Jesus saved us from the curse
Hear the word of jesus like you never heard it before.
I will be telling you about this weekend and how I have heard from the Lord
Jesus is Lord
Healing school is Saturday
Get saved get healed
Jesus saved us from the curse
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Want to hear from GOD?
This week my life has changed. I heard from GOD. I will never be the same. With this Blog I am going to share my walk with GOD.
If you have read my other posts, you can see that I am all over the place. I am totally focused now. I am a Writer. I have written non-fiction books and fiction books. It was not till recently that I started writing Non-Fiction Christian Books. Find all my books at
I was waiting for GOD to show me what to write next. I was lying in bed, half awake/half asleep and GOD showed me what he wanted me to write
Living GOD'S Way
In the coming months I will be writing a series of books on how to live GOD'S way. It is crystal clear to me.
How did I hear from GOD.
I Read The Bible
I Pray
I sit in silence and listen.
If I do not read the Bible I will never hear from GOD or know what GOD can do for me.
Jesus died on the Cross for me and for you. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and give your life to GOD, you are born a new creature. Old things have past away.
Want to hear from GOD?
Become Born Again.
Pray this:
Dear Lord. I come to you as a sinner. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I beleive that Jesus died on the cross for me. He went to Hell and GOD raised him out of the pit from Hell. GOD raised Jesus from the dead. I give my life to Jesus. Use me and change my life. I am yours to command. Jesus is Lord. Amen.
If you prayed that, you are now Born Again. Your spirit has been renewed. Now you will have to start reading the Bible to see what GOD has to say to you.
Pray throughout the day. Talk to GOD as if you were talking to your friiends. GOD wants to hear from you.
My Book I confess Jesus is Lord explains why you need to reborn
I will be blogging on how to Live GOD'S Way.
Living GOD's Way is so much better than Satan's Way.
Leave a comment if you prayed that prayer and let me celebrate with you.
GOD Loves You As Much As He Loves Jesus
If you have read my other posts, you can see that I am all over the place. I am totally focused now. I am a Writer. I have written non-fiction books and fiction books. It was not till recently that I started writing Non-Fiction Christian Books. Find all my books at
I was waiting for GOD to show me what to write next. I was lying in bed, half awake/half asleep and GOD showed me what he wanted me to write
Living GOD'S Way
In the coming months I will be writing a series of books on how to live GOD'S way. It is crystal clear to me.
How did I hear from GOD.
I Read The Bible
I Pray
I sit in silence and listen.
If I do not read the Bible I will never hear from GOD or know what GOD can do for me.
Jesus died on the Cross for me and for you. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and give your life to GOD, you are born a new creature. Old things have past away.
Want to hear from GOD?
Become Born Again.
Pray this:
Dear Lord. I come to you as a sinner. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I beleive that Jesus died on the cross for me. He went to Hell and GOD raised him out of the pit from Hell. GOD raised Jesus from the dead. I give my life to Jesus. Use me and change my life. I am yours to command. Jesus is Lord. Amen.
If you prayed that, you are now Born Again. Your spirit has been renewed. Now you will have to start reading the Bible to see what GOD has to say to you.
Pray throughout the day. Talk to GOD as if you were talking to your friiends. GOD wants to hear from you.
My Book I confess Jesus is Lord explains why you need to reborn
I will be blogging on how to Live GOD'S Way.
Living GOD's Way is so much better than Satan's Way.
Leave a comment if you prayed that prayer and let me celebrate with you.
GOD Loves You As Much As He Loves Jesus
Living With GOD
I have been spending the last few days with GOD. I have been reading the Bible. I have been listening to tapes by Kenneth Copeland. I have been waiting to hear from GOD.
I heard from GOD today.
I am a writer. I have been waiting to hear from GOD to tell me what to write.
I have a few Non-fiction Books on what GOD has done for me.
I heard from GOD today.
I am a writer. I have been waiting to hear from GOD to tell me what to write.
I have a few Non-fiction Books on what GOD has done for me.

My Bible My GOD or
Print Book
Always & Forever
Print Book
Saved By The Grace of GOD or
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Daily Confessions
I am working on a list of Daily Confessions.
My newest Confession is one that I recieved while watching Kenneth Copeland
When Jesus is with you, in your boat, all things are possible.
This is what I say when I am not sure how to start
1. GOD Loves Me
2. I am the Rightousness of GOD
3. Greater is He who is in me, than who is of this world.
4. I am blessed.
5. Jesus died for me.
6. GOD is with me right now.
7. GOD Is Love
8. With GOD, Everything is going to be Alright
9. GOD will never leave me nor forsake me
10. GOD has blessed the works of my hands
11. Praise the LORD
12. Thank You Lord
13. Jesus Is The Bread of Life
14. I am healed by the Stripes of Jesus
15. I no longer live in the darkness
16. I live in the light.
17. Don't be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows Luke 8:5
18. Seek the Kingdom of GODand these things will be added to you Luke 12:31
19. Be Holy because I , the Lord your GOD am Holy
20. Observe The Sabbeth
Hope these will Confessions will help you make your day better.
Pray before you get out of Bed.
Thank GOD and give him Praise no matter what. If you are stuck in snow or having a bad day, give GOD praise and thanks. GOD is right there with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you. Remember that. GOD Loves You. GOD is Love.
My newest Confession is one that I recieved while watching Kenneth Copeland
When Jesus is with you, in your boat, all things are possible.
This is what I say when I am not sure how to start
1. GOD Loves Me
2. I am the Rightousness of GOD
3. Greater is He who is in me, than who is of this world.
4. I am blessed.
5. Jesus died for me.
6. GOD is with me right now.
7. GOD Is Love
8. With GOD, Everything is going to be Alright
9. GOD will never leave me nor forsake me
10. GOD has blessed the works of my hands
11. Praise the LORD
12. Thank You Lord
13. Jesus Is The Bread of Life
14. I am healed by the Stripes of Jesus
15. I no longer live in the darkness
16. I live in the light.
17. Don't be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows Luke 8:5
18. Seek the Kingdom of GODand these things will be added to you Luke 12:31
19. Be Holy because I , the Lord your GOD am Holy
20. Observe The Sabbeth
Hope these will Confessions will help you make your day better.
Pray before you get out of Bed.
Thank GOD and give him Praise no matter what. If you are stuck in snow or having a bad day, give GOD praise and thanks. GOD is right there with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you. Remember that. GOD Loves You. GOD is Love.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
New Testament Belivers/Born Again Chistians
The month of January is almost gone. Where did the time go. Time is passing quickly. It is only a matter of time before Jesus comes for us. Are you ready? Do you believe that Jesus will come back for us?
I Believe.
I am a New Testament Believer. I have partnered with Kenneth Copeland Ministries It has changed my life.
This year I will be blogging on my walk with GOD. What I have learned and how I am reading the Bible, renewing my mind everyday to the world of GOD and how my life is changing. Everyday I see GOD move in my life.
I am not talking about religion. I am talking about what the Bible says. What Jesus says in the New Testament.
One thing that I have learned is that words have power. If you want to change your life, you must change how you speak. It is not easy at first, but if you pay attention to what you are saying, you can change how you speak.
In my book, Think Before you Speak I explain how I have started watching what I say. Sometimes it is best to say nothing and walk away. I bite my bottom life if I am tempting to say something I know I shouldn't say.
I am also able to hear GOD speak to me. My mind is open and my ears are open to hear him.
I have been reading the Bible everyday since the first of the year. I then heard GOD spoke to me, and told me to write down the verses that speak to me. I grabbed paper and pen and started listing the verses that spoke to me.
Everyday I am walking and listening to GOD. I no longer listen to Satan.
If you want to change your life this year, follow me here and I will post 1-2 times a week and let you know how GOD is using me to spread his word and what I am learning.
I don't have all the answers, but GOD does.
I have 5 books written about my walk with GOD:
My Bible--My GOD
I Confess Jesus Is Lord
Is GOD First In Your Life
Become Dependent of GOD
Think Before You Speak
All 5 Books Combined Into One Book:
Saved By The Grace of GOD http://getBook.atGaceofGod
Discover how GOD changed my life. GOD can change your life also.
GOD is waiting to hear from you.
This Book has all the answers.
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