

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sexabuse Is Not Your Fault.

I was sexually abused as a child, before I was in grade school.. I am not sure how old I was when it started.  My grandfather abused me throughout my entire life untill his death.  My Bible--My GOD was the first book I published in print and as an e-book.  It tells my story of how GOD helped pull me out of the pit that Satan threw me into. 

I am only alive and able to tell my story by the grace of GOD.  I am alive to help others and to tell my story.  I had an eating disorder.  Problems with alochol.  Emotional problems and at the end I started cutting myself.  All because I was sexually abused.


Stop feeling guilty about what happened.  It is not your fault.  I know I hid this secret most of my life.  it is only now that I am older that I can begin to speak out, tell my story and help others. 

I learned how to forgive.  I learned how to move on with my life.  My past does not define me.


GOD loves you.  GOD is with you right now.  GOD's Spirit is with you right now.  You are not alone.

My newest book  101 Daily Bible Confessons  Might help get you started to realize how much GOD Loves You.

I Survived Sexual Abuse shows how I survived and what you can do to move forward with your life. 

I have told my story to others and always they confess that they have been sexually abused or know someone who has been sexually abused.

You are not alone.  If you don't feel like you have a voice, I am your voice.  I will speak for you

I will no longer stay quiet.  I will tell my story no matter what the cost. My family does not believe me nor do they care.  I am moving forward.  You are not alone.

E-mail me at

or write me at
 P.O. Box 486
Mountain Home, AR 72654

Dont be a victim any longer.  You life starts today and GOD Loves You

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