

Thursday, March 21, 2019

You Will Be Persecuted

Matthew 5;44

But I say unto you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

This is easier said than done, but it is a command from God.

Love Your Enemies

Pray for those who persecute you.

These are the last days.  Satan is going to use people againest you.

Ephesians 6:12

Our fight is not with flesh and blood.

We are not fighting our co-workers, our neighbors or our family.  Our fight is againest Satan.

When someone makes you mad or does something at work to lose that promotion, it is not that person, it is Satan using that person.

Christians are being Persecuted around the world, getting beaten, thrown in jail and even killed, because they believe in Jesus.

The United States, might not be as bad as other countries, but things have happened.  Example.  A bakery owner did not want to make a wedding care for a gay couple, (2 men getting married)
The owner was labeled a racist because it went againest his belief.  He was sued, and the case went to the Supreme Court.  He won the case, but people are still harassing him and his business, trying to get him to close the bakery.  He is being persecuted.

It is not that he is a racist, but because he believes what the Word of God believes.

The day will come when we all me persecuted and probably be killed in Jesus's Name.

Are you ready for that?  Are you strong enough to stand on The Word of God when you have to die for what you believe in?

In the United States of America, some who are running for president in 2020, wants the United States to become a Socialist County.  They want to take all our rights away and tell us what we can and can not do.

Christianity will be the first they attack.  They will not be able to control us if we believe in Jesus.  That is how China, Iran, North Korea controls their people.  They take away their hope.

That is why you must prepare yourself, now.  These are the Last Days Before the Rapture.  Are you ready to stand on The Word of GOD and die in His Name?

If you reject GOD, you will not be going to Heaven. 

What will you do when they pass a law to get the implant to buy and sell things or get on healthcare.  Will you take the implant and go the world's way or will you stand up and refuse the implant, because the Bible warns us not to take the implant.

Be prepared to live in these last days, Before The Ratpure.

Jesus is coming back.  Are you ready for the Rapture?????

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