

Friday, October 2, 2020

Day 275 Anti-Christ One Step Away

Day 275

Daily Bible Reading Schedule

Jeremiah 13-14

As I have been reading the Bible throughout this year, I am amazed that we have learned nothing from the past.

The Jewish people have seen God take them out of slavery and into the promise land,  Still they complain, and grumble.  God shielded them with clouds during the day to keep them cool.  God gave them Manna to eat.  Still they complain and when Moses went up to the mountain to spend time with God, Moses came down and they were worshiping another God.

Why do we feel we need to worship a god that is not real or alive. 

Why do we always blame God and turn our backs on God?

Why don't we ever blame things on Satan?

Satan is who is causing all the problems.

God is Love.

Love is God.

Satan wants us to turn our backs on God.

We took God out of our schools, workplace and government.

Why are we so surprised that The United States of America is now on fire.

We turned our backs on God.

So what are you going to do about it?

These are the last days.

Once the government silences the Church (Which they are doing down)  Satan will have room to move and the Anti-Christ will come.


Accept Jesus As Your Lord And Savior

Prepare Yourself For The Rapture

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