

Monday, November 10, 2014

Why I am a Vegetarian. It is in the Bible

I am a vegetarian  most of my life, since I was ten.  I stopped eating meat when I didn't even know there was such a word.  I became a vegetarian before the internet.  I followed my heart.  I never pushed my beliefs on anyone.

Those who do not eat meat, always would point out in the Bible that GOD gave us dominion over everything.  As this is true, that doesn't mean we have the right to destroy what GOD created.  We have no right to abuse GOD'S Creatures.

People always says that plants have feelings to and that I am still eating something that was alive.  I am not sure what why people care if I don't eat meat.

I am not here to argue the point.  I am here to bring something to light.  I was reading the Bible and this is why I am a vegetarian:

Genesis: 1:29  Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.

GOD created us to only eat seed bearing plants and every tree that has fruit with seed it in. 

Then the Flood came and changed things.

Genesis 9:3  Everything that lives and moves will be food for you.  Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

I don;t care if anyone eats meat.  I just don't understand why people are upset that I don't eat meat.  I was created by GOD to be a vegetarian.  It is in the Bible.  Read The Bible.

Just wanted to share this with you.  I discovered it and was thrilled that GOD has placed this love for animals into me. 

Twitter @dogbone61

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