

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Road To Armageddon


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One does not have to look very hard to see that the entire world is changing and not for the better.  In America, On the 16th Anniversary of Katrina, New Orleans was hit with another Hurricane on the same day, 16 years later and they were hit hard.

While the Hurricane was happening in New Orleans, in the Middle East America flew their last plane out of Aphganstein  leaving Americans behind and leaving the people of Agphanestin helpless and defenseless to the Taliban.  Biden has blood on his hand.

Around the world, the so called "Virus" is giving governments to much power and control over the people.

In America, we have lost all our Rights and Freedoms.  

1.  We lost our Freedom of Speech.  If we talk against the government, we will be arrested.

2.  We lost the right to Bear Arms (Own A Gun)  You can buy a gun, but there is no Ammo to buy.  

3.  We lost the right to have control over our bodies.  Vaccine Mandates

4.  We lost the right to Worship.  Government has clammed down on churches

5.  Citizens of the USA have lost all rights, but if you are a criminal or an illegal alien you can do whatever you want.  You can shoot someone is broad daylight and will not get arrested, and if you do get arrested there is no bond and you are let free.  You can walk into a store and take whatever you want, and nothing will happen to you.

The Taliban is in control of an entire country.  The world is no longer safe.  Bombings will happen, America will fall with a weak leader and government.  No one is in charge of the White House.  We have no leaders in the White House, only Communists who want to destroy this country.

America is not in the Book of Revelation.

So Something has to happen to American

1.  The Rapture Happens.  Jesus comes for His people

2.  America becomes a Third World Country.

Life is not going to get better.  These are the Last Days.



Look up to the sky and call out the name of JESUS.  Jesus will meet you where you are at.

Don't get left behind

The World is in a Spiritual War.  This War (the world calls it World War 3) lead down the road to Armageddon.

Life is going to get dark and scary and in some places of the world it already is, but God has a Plan.  Choose Jesus and let Jesus help you live in these last days as we wait for the Rapture.



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