

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Are You Ready To Die?


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Ask yourself This:




I am not asking you this to scare you.  I am asking you this, because, at any moment you could die.  No warning.  You could just drop dead.  You could be in a car accident or just at the wrong place at the wrong time and you are dead.  Do you know where you are going?

Jesus is the The Way, The Truth and The Light.  If you do not accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will go to Hell.  It is that simple.

But things are a bit different now.  Look at the above picture.  The Elites in this world, wants a One World Order.  This is not some Sci-Fi story.  This is in the Book of Revelations.  Some of the things listed have already happened.

In America, this past November, the election was stolen from President Donald J. Trump.  Just like what happened in Venzelua, a few years ago.  There is no more freedom in America.  There is no Free Speech in America.  There is no Right To Bear Arms.  (They haven't taken away our guns, yet we can have guns but you cannot buy bullets for your gun.)  There is no more Freedom of Religion (They have closed down churches)  America will not be what it is right now, if Biden gets in.  Biden will hand over America to China.  We will be China.

Why am I telling you all of this?  I am not telling you this to scare you, but to wake you up.

We are on the Cusp of the Rapture.  The Rapture can happen at any moment

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If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord & Savior, you will be left behind to live through the Tribulation.  Which will be worse than life is now.  The Anti-Christ will rise and if you do not follow and bow down to the Anti-Christ----You will Be---Beheaded.

You do not want to be Left Behind.  
Most churches in America no not talk about the Rapture or The Last Days or The Anti-Christ.  They are deceiving their congregation.

The year 2020 was a test for the world.  The Elites of the World released the so called "Virus" onto the World to see how the population would react.  To their surprise, people did excatly what they were told to do.
1.  People had no problem wearing a mask.
2.  People had no problem to stay home.  (even though they lost their jobs and have no income)
3.  So called Christians did not speak up, when the government closed the churches
4.  People had no problem, leaving their loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes without visiting them, letting them die alone.  
5.  People did nothing when the government cancelled Christmas and Thanksgiving
6.  People are accepting the so called "Vaccine", without question.

Christians, Believers Need To Wake Up
Pastors, Ministers, Preachers are not standing up for Jesus.  They are hiding behind closed doors.  

In the Book of Acts the Apostles were persecuted.  Steven was the first Martyr.  He was stoned to death.  They didn't stop preaching because the government told them to stop.  

Acts 5:29
Peter said: We must obey God, rather than men!

So when the time comes and the government tells you that you have to take the "Vaccine" will you take the vaccine?  
What if the government tells you to denounce your Faith in God.  Will you denounce your Faith in God?
It is going to happen sooner than you think.
Are you ready to die for the Name of Jesus?

I am ready to die.  I know where I am going.  If the police came into my house and put a gun to my head and told me to denounce my Faith in God, or die.  I would smile and tell them to pull the trigger.

The thing is that you can not wait until it happens.  YOU MUST DECIDE NOW.  Will you die in Jesus' Name.  Are you willing to be stoned, shot, thrown in jail for your belief in Jesus?  

Don't get left Behind.  The Rapture is coming sooner.  One World Order is coming.

Download my books.  Read The Bible.  Accept Jesus As Your Lord & Savior.
Before It is to late.

Pray This:
Dear Lord, 
Come into my heart.  My heart is open.  I believe that Jesus died on the Cross and that God raised Jesus from the dead.  I need you Lord.  Please come into my heart and do something with my life. Amen"

Don't wait.  Accept Jesus as Your Lord and Savior and know that you are going to Heaven

Jesus is the Way, The Truth and The Light

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