

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Happy Holidays Or Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

I grew up with saying Merry Christmas.

 Now businesses won't say Merry Christmas.  Businesses say Happy Holidays.  They don't want to offend anyone.  It is all about Money.  Businesses don't care who you are, what you believe, all they want is your money. 

The the last president of the United States of America banned anyone saying Merry Christmas. 

I never stopped saying Merry Christmas.

Believe it or not, Christians, followers of Jesus, stopped saying Merry Christmas, because they did not want to stand up for what they believe.

Christians are doing nothing as Non-Believers take over this country. 

I am not sure what people say in other countries. 

Christmas is not Biblical.  Christmas is not in the Bible.  Christians didn't start celebrating Christmas until centuries later.  So why do we celebrate Christmas?

The church way back when, combined the Winter Solace with the birth of Jesus.  So once again, Christians bowed down to society and accepted Christmas that was combined in a Pagan holiday.

No one knows when Jesus was born.  It was not recorded in the Bible.

So this holiday, as you spend money you don't have, go into debt and try to impress people that don't matter in your life, think about the true meaning of Christmas.

What is the true meaning of Christmas to you?
What do you say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

I am on the fence over Christmas since I learned the real reason there is Christmas.

Something to think about:

Why do we put a real tree in our house?
Why do parents lie to their children about Santa, when the Bible says Thou Shall Not Lie
Why would you put your child on an old man's lap, when they don't want to?  Think Child abuse.
Why The Bible says nothing about 3 wise men.  the Bible says wise men
The wise men did not arrive the night Jesus was born. 
It took months to find Jesus.
So the nativity scene is not accurate. 

I am not saying not to celebrate Christmas.

I am asking, what are you celebrating?

Santa is a lie to your children.
Killing a tree to put in your house is absurd.
Going into debt is not Biblical

So are you celebrating the Pagan Holiday


Are you celebrating The Birth of our Savior, Jesus.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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