

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Christianity Forgotten

Judges 2:10

After the whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, and another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord, nor what he had done for Israel. 

Judges 2:11

Children who served other gods and id evil in the sight of the Lord.

What will life be like without God?

We are getting closer and closer, day by day to discovering what life will be like without God.

The world is changing and not for the better. 

Church attendance is down.  Churches are watering down the Bible, to bring people in.  Christians don't even go to church every Sunday. 

Halloween is becoming bigger and more important than Christmas.  Christians celebrate Halloween.  Churches celebrate Halloween, allowing trick or treating on church grounds.  Easter egg hunts on church grounds(Easter egg hunts have nothing to do with Jesus)

Prayer is no longer in school.  Abortion is now allowed to be up until the baby is born and then after the baby is born, the baby can still be killed.  How can that be?

The Bible states:  Thou shalt not kill

Laws are being passed that are so against the Bible.  The United States of America was founded on the Bible. 

The people came to America to worship the  way they believed. 

If Christians don't start to stand up for Jesus, Christianity will be forgotten.

Christianity is one generation away from extinction.

If parents do not go to church, how will their children know to go to church?

Churches are being burned down.

Muslims are creeping into our towns and society. 

Muslims have been elected into Congress. 

One day you will wake up, and wonder what happened?

God has been forgotten. 

These are the last days before the Rapture.

Jesus is coming back.

Are you prepared?  Is your family prepared, neighbors prepared?

Jesus is the only way to Heaven. 

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

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