

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Stand In Faith

,are living in the last days.  Are you ready for when Jesus comes?

Trump Is in office.

ISIS is taking over the Middle East.

In the book of Revelations, USA in not mentioned. We are not part of the Revelations.  Russia, China, Iraq and Iran are in Revelations.

So what does that mean?

Either Jesus comes and gathers His people or the USA gets hit by a Nuke and we become wiped out.  Whatever happens is that people are going to die and war will reign.

The question is, will you Stand in Faith.  Are you willing to die for the name of Jesus or will you denounce your faith to live?  You better decide now.  The time is now to take a stand for Jesus.

I know for a fact that I will stand in Faith for Jesus, even if I am beheaded.  Even if my loved ones die.  Nothing is more important that Jesus and going to Heaven.

You can not get this kind of faith by listening to the world.  You must read the Bible, pray, go to church and put GOD first in your life.

You decide where you will spend the rest of your life, Heaven of Hell.

These are the last days.  Choose GOD.  Start standing in your faith Today

Become Dependent On GOD

Saved By The Grace of GOD

My Bible--My GOD

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