

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Living In The Last Days Series #1 Chickens

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You don't have to be a Believer to know that the world is changing.  The world is not going back to the way it was.  The Media is getting you ready for the New Normal.

As Believers we cannot go along with the Media say, what society says or what the government says.

As Believers we have to go along with what The Bible Says and nothing else.

So how does on go about surviving in the last days?

I have a few suggestions that is in this book Prepare Yourself For The Rapture.

I would I have moved out into the country for about 3 years, the plan was to become more relying on God and nature than the local store.  Only now are we stepping up on the plan.

There is a meat shortage in America.  Go to the store and they are limiting the number of packages of meat you can buy.  The shelves are empty.

One day soon, there will be no meat on the shelves.  People will and are starting to hoard everything that is why the shelves are bare.  Who needs to buy 5 things of toliet paper?

Chickens are your answer.

Even in cities, they are allowing chickens in urban areas.  Check your city laws.

I started with 6 chickens and knew nothing about chickens.  
They are easy to take care of.  They lay eggs so you will have food everyday.  
If you also have a rooster, you will also be able to hatch your own eggs, that means buy six chickens with a rooster and you will never have to buy meat again.
Hatch some eggs every month, raise them 3-4 months and then you can kill them to eat.  You will have your regular 6 chickens for eggs and hatch some to eat.

You might think, that you don't want to kill chickens.  You can just go down the street to your local store.  Look around.  The shelves are bare  There is a meat shortage.  Jobs are loss.  
You think the government is going to let you do what you want from now on?  

You must think about survival.  Things are only going to get worse

It does not matter where you live.  Buy a Book on How to Raise Chickens, Google it.  

Chickens are so easy to take care of.  Feed and water them.  Collect the eggs.  

How are you going to feed your family if things get worse and things will get worse.

Did you expect the government to close down the country?

What else are they going to do.

I am going to write a series on Surviving in these last days.  I am not talking about being a survivalist. I am talking about practical ways to get ready when the government starts coming for Believers and law abiding citzens.

Think Chickens.  Google it.  

I have fresh eggs everyday, since the lockdown, that is basically all that I am eating because I don't want to go to town.

Another thing I want to address is the fact that I am a vegetarian and about 95 percent vegan.  I will eat meat if I have to, to survive.  If there is not food.  No stores to shop at, what are you going to do?  If you think, well I could never kill a chicken and then eat it, then you won't be able to feed your family.

The government is letting farmers produce and livestock to go to waste during the shutdown.  There is food, but the government are not helping the farmers, and they have no place to sell there food, because restraunts, are all closed.  Soon there will be no food.  What are you going to do.

Let me know what you think.  Leave a comment

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