

Monday, March 18, 2019

Church Is Not A Physical Building

Go To church

You have probably heard this all your life.  Need to go to church

A lot of my readers are from other countries and do not have the freedom to go to church like we do in the United States of America.

Even if you can not go to a physical church, that does not matter.  We are the body of Christ. We are God's Church, not the building.

God said that if 2 or more gather in His name, He will show up.

So if you have to gather by the river, in a cave at someone's house, God will show up.

I know that I would rather stay home, than go to church.  I can now watch Eagle Mountain Church on tv or the computer or phone, but it is important to gather with other believers.


These are the last days.  Take a look a round, watch the news.  Christianity is under attack.  Christians are being persecuted throughout the world.  The United States have had it good, being able to go to church and worship in the open. 

The question is:  How long?

The average Christian only goes to church once or twice a week.  They don't support a local church.  They say they believe, they have the fish sign on their car,f but they do not gather with other believers.

What are you going to do, if you wake up and the world is totally changed.  Churches being burned, Martial Law Enforced, Who are you going to turn to?  Who you going to call?  Your friends and family who do not believe?  The church that you never went you?

These are the last days.

I moved out in the country.  There is a small church about 2 miles from the road.  I went last Sunday.  It is a Baptist Church.  I walked in, only about 30 people were there.  A few came and introduced themselves to me.  Then yesterday, I knew I should go, but was tired and didn't want to go.  I knew that it was Satan who did not want me to go.  I had no reason not to go.  I just wanted to stay home.  God does not yell at us, like Satan does.  God gave us Free Will.  It is our choice.

I got in the car and went. I am so glad I did.  3 women came up to me and talked to me.  They said they were glad that I came back.  They welcomed me.  I could feel The Love of God in this small church, of true believers.  This is where I would go if something happened and I needed prayer or someone to talk to.

So I found my church.

Do I want to go to church?  No. 

Do I need to go to church?  Yes.

The world is getting darker.  Believers need to stand together, support each other, and be there for each other when the world persecutes us.  We need someone to stand with us.

Go To church.  It does not matter if it in a building or under a tree.

2 or more gather in God's name, He will show up.

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