

Monday, January 7, 2019

You Are Blessed

No matter where you live, how much money you have or what you think of yourself.....

You are Blessed.

There is always someone worse off than you.  If you got out of bed this morning...there is someone who is bedridden.  If you hate your body and think you are ugly, there is someone who has scars from being burned, beaten or in an accident.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior,,,,,,,,,Jesus did everything at the Cross for you.  Jesus died for you.  Jesus's last words before He died on the Cross, was "It is finished."  

Jesus died for us.  He took all our sickness, poverty at the Cross.  You have nothing to complain about,  Jesus died for you.

I have suffered with an eating disorder....starved myself for years.  Hated myself, attempted suicide a few times.  I knew nothing of what Jesus did at the Cross for me.  What didn't someone tell me about Jesus and what He did at the Cross for me?

Once I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I had to get to know Jesus.  It did not happen over night.  I had to read the Bible.  I had to spend time with Jesus.  Once I learned and accepted by faith what Jesus did for me, my life became better.

The problem is that the church does not always talk about Jesus.  The church tells you what you should and should not do.  They do not tell you that you can hear His voice and feel Jesus guiding you and warning you when you are going to do something stupid.

Once you are Born Again the Holy Spirit comes and dwells inside of you.  You have the power of GOD living on the inside of you.  WOW!  But you must believe it no matter what others say. 

The only way you will know what Jesus has done at the Cross for you or about the Holy Spirit, is to read the Bible. 

Have you heard of talking in the Spirit or talking in tongues?  Most people don't know about this or don't believe it.  So you need to read the Bible.

Download it on your phone or computer or tablet.  It is free.

Jesus healed you at the Cross.  Jesus made you rich at the Cross.  You are blessed because Jesus died for you. 

So stop feeling sorry for yourself and read what Jesus did for you at the Cross.  Jesus became poor so you can be rich.  Jesus became sick so you can be healthy.  Jesus took all your sins, even the ones you have not done yet and cleanse you of your sins.

You are a child of GOD and are Heaven bound.

Have a problem?  Look up and know that Jesus took care of it at the Cross.

Open the Bible  and find the answer in the Bible.

Jesus did it all at the Cross.

Check out:
Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Check out my other blog:
The Writer's Life


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