

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

GOD Has A Pan for You

It does not matter where you live.  GOD has a plan for you this New Year

Ephesians 2:10

For we are GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do.

When I first read this, I probably just scanned it so I can say I read the Bible.  When I did start reading the scriptures slowly, I read this verse and the the verse spoke to me.

GOD has a plan for me.  GOD has something for me to do.  I am not a mistake.  I am not stupid.  GOD has a plan, even if I don't.

I wrote this verse down and read it over and over again.  

I look at people who  has no purpose in life, die young or are just unhappy because they do not know GOD and they have no purpose in life.

But if you are Born Again, you are a child of GOD and GOD has a purpose for you.  GOD created you for a reason.  

It does not matter where you live, how much money you have or what family you are born into .  You are now in GOD's family.  GOD created you.  GOD loves you.  GOD has a job for you to do.  So this year make it your goal to follow GOD and let him guide you this year and let GOD show you your purpose.

If you have not accepted Jesus as Your Lord and Savior.  Now is the time.  Start the year off right and Pray This:

Dear Lord.

I come to you as I am.  You know me.  I come to you with an open humble heart.  I believe that Jesus died on the Cross and took all of my sins.  I believe that Jesus went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan.  On the third day, GOD raised Jesus up from Hell and Jesus is now alive and seated in the Heavenly realms with GOD.  Lord, come into my life and do something with it.  I believe that Jesus is Lord, Lord of all.  Amen

If you prayed this  prayer, please let me know in the comment section..  You are now in GOD's Family.  You are a child of GOD.  That is something to shout about.

2019 is going to be a great year!

In the Comment Section, please tell me what part of the world you are from.  We are all one family.  GOD's family.

Happy New Year!

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