

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Day 206 Be A Giver

Day 206

Daily Bible Reading Schedule

Psalms 89
Proverbs 19:1:17

Proverbs 19:17
He that pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord;
And that which he hath given will he pay him again

Give and it should be given unto you.

You have heard this before.  It is better to give than to receive.  Why is that?

To be a giver, is to give from the heart and expect nothing in return.
If you do this, this God will send Blessing upon you.

Ever since I have started reading the Bible and living by God's Word, my life has gotten better and better.

I am divorced, and suicidal and had no idea what I was going to do.  I was totally alone and had a house and didn't know what to do.  One night, I was crying like a baby on the living room floor.  I looked up and screamed, "Tell me what you want me to do.  Just tell me and I will do it!"
The next morning I woke up at 4 in the morning and it was crystal clear.  Sell The house.  I went to work, told co-workers I was selling my house, and when the weekend was over, I sold the house. I just signed the house over to a couple and they took over the payments and paid closing costs.  I included all the furniture in the house.  I gave everything else away.  I didn't sell any of my belonging.  I gave everything away that I owned.  Why would I do that?
Why not.  People thought I was crazy.

That is what God told me to do.

What crazy was, when I moved into my new place, People gave me what I needed.  I was given a bed, couch, kitchen table, dresser.  The items were in good condition.  I didn't have to move anything.  I started over with a new place and new items that were new to me.  It was a blessing from the Lord.

I had no idea, that would happen.

If you give to others, you will be blessed.

Try it and see what happens. 

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