

Thursday, June 4, 2020


I can no longer watch the news.  America is under attack, by Satan and where are the Christians?  Where are all the Pastors of the Mega Churches and small churches.  Where are all the Believers?

Rioting and looting has been going on for over a week and the government has joined the rioters bending down in front of them.

The government is not standing up for American Constitutional Rights.  They are bowing down in public to the Rioters.  Even the Police kneeled in front of the Rioters.

Our fight is not with Flesh and Blood, it is with the rulers, against the authorities  and against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms.
  Ephesians 6:12

We are watching the Beginning of The Last Days

Americans are no longer standing up for Jesus.  The government has shut down the churches and arrested pastors for having church service for the past few months.
I don't see anyone preaching on the corner of streets in the city anymore.  I don't see Pastors talking about the end of times as this so called virus  shut down the country.  The government shut down the country, but let out people of prison.  
It is 2020.
Here Is a list of what has happened so far
1.  The Democrats attempted a Coo Attempt to take over the Government since Trump has taken office
2.The government shut down the country down, due to the so called virus.  China and the Democrats created the so called virus and set it loose
2.  Over 40 million people have lost their jobs and Congress won't go to Washington DC to do their jobs.  They are staying home and getting paid, while Americans have no job and no money
3.  Supply Chain is Broken.  No one is working, so the store shelves are empty, but farmers are killing livestock and destroying Milk because there is no one to buy it.  Where is the Government.  Why are they not buying the food to give to Americans?  They are giving all the money to airlines and gas companies
4.  Now there are looting and Rioting the streets in our cities and nothing is being done about it.  It doesn't matter what their reason is.  It is wrong, but soon it will be the norm.  No one is getting arrested and if they do get arrested, then they are back on the streets within hours.
5.  Society is collapsing .

What are you going to do about it?

Things are not going to get better.  Things are going to get worse and I don't care what anyone says.  THESE ARE THE LAST DAYS BEFORE THE RAPTURE

You need to get prepared so when things get really bad, you will be prepared physically and spiritually.

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