

Monday, December 28, 2009


Even when things are not going right...that is when to kick your faith to the next level. You need to stand on the word,,,pray and chant the Bible verses.....I pray at work, all the time, cause I need help that only God can give me. So never question your faith.

The Brasil mission team is in Brasil and going up into the mountains, where most people never go.. Please keep them in your prayers and check out their website

Monday, December 21, 2009

Trust God

The new year is coming......No one knows what the new year will bring.. God does. He knows everything, so you need to Trust God and Lean on God. Talk to God.....He is there waiting for you to turn your attention on him...So I look up and See God everywhere. I am putting my trust in God. He is the only one that you can trust. Everything thing will change, but God never changes. So as the new year comes put your trust in God and see what a great year that is ahead of you........

Sunday, December 20, 2009



I know that the holidays can be a bit hetic... Don't let it get to you. You don't have to buy gifts for everyone. You don't have to do what every one else is doing. Listen to God and do what he tells you to do.

You live in this world, but you are not in this world. Greater is he who is in you, than who in this world.

God is with you and will guide you with your decisions. Listen to God and Have a Merry Christmas.............

Friday, December 18, 2009

I walk with God

Do you feel alone? That no one "gets" you. You are living on a different planet? I do all the time. I never fit in. I never have gotten along with people. I have different ideas, and people think that I am quirky. Maybe I am. I know for one thing, though....God created me. I am not a mistake. It has taken me 49 years to realize this, but I have. I embrace my differnce from others. I like being the odd person in the group, cause I know that God is with me and he created me. So there has to be a reason, I am here and the way I am. Just remember to put God first and walk with him. God loves you

Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas is around the corner. Don't forget what the real reason is for Christmas. Jesus was born. Don't get caught up in the this world of materal things. Don't charge on your credit card, don't buy things you can not afford. Rather bake some cookies and give them to your neighbors and co-workers. Give to a charity. Adopt a family or child that is in need. There is more to do than just charge and give gifts no one will remember come spring. Think outside of the box. Pray about it and God will guide you what to do.

Remember what Christmas is about. It is about Jesus and nothing else

Sunday, December 13, 2009

God VS Satan

I read somewhere, that said if you are not thinking like God...You are thinking like Satan...Something to think about. It is either God Or Satan....For me it is a struggle everyday. I have a lot of issues that haven't been addressed and probably never will...So I totally depend on God...But Satan keeps getting in my way...And then when I am tired I get depressed and think negative thoughts. So with the thought of God or Satan I choose God. I do not get a long with people where I work. They just don't like me, could be me. Anyway, I just look at them and see the demaons that are lurking everywhere. It is a battle.

So I pray in tongues and pray all day and chant my bible verses...What else can I do????

Any advice?????????

God VS Satan

Having Problems? Talk to God

I am having problems at work. I got the sit down talk...Not a good thing....I went into the flesh and out of the spirit. I couldn't sleep that night cause I was so upset. Of course it wasn't my fault...It never is....Anyway I prayered and feel better, but still don't trust anyone. I am trying real hard to stay out of the flesh and stay in the spirit.

I know it is a struggle but I did try to control my mouth. I am now praying in tongues. I want to get as close to God as possible and if praying in tongues will do that than I am all for it. Why else are we here if not to serve God.

Life is not worth living, if there is no God. I want to be as close to him as possibe.

If you are having problems Pray stay in the spirit and stay out of the flesh. It is not easy but the only way to survive in this world

Friday, December 11, 2009

Praying in Tongues #2

I feel that I just jumped up to a new level with God. I always heard of Praying in Tongues and thought it was for others. I want to be as close to God as possibe. I don't just want to wave to God from a distance. I want to hold his hand as I walk throughout the day. I can not do this by myself. So I am now prayin g in tongues and don't care what others think or say...Not that I am going around telling everyone. I do it alone in my bedroom and I do it out loud. I also do it at work. I have a hard time being around people and getting along with them. So when this one lady was annoying me, under my breath I prayed in tongues and I made it thourgh the day without getting into a heated argument.

I have total faith in God. I believe in God. I live for God so why not pray in tongues to get closer to him???

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Read Your Bible

Have you read the Bible? I have. It took me three months and not watching tv, but it was the best thing I ever did. It changed my life. I kept reading it and was surprised what was in it. It told you what to do and what not to do. I still read the Bible everyday to start my day. Read a verse, read a chapter a day and you will find yourself wanting more. the Bible is God's word, it is like he is talking to you. Read Your Bible.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Praying in Tongues

I have heard about praying in tongues, though I am not sure excatly how to go about it, but I have been reading up on it and I think I am going to give it a try.

I know that at work, I do not get a long with one co-worker and I pray all day to avoid a confrontation with them. that seems to be working, but this week I am going to start praying in tongues cause I need all the help I can get. I believe God. My faith is strong. So why not pray in tongues..

Anyone have any advice for me?????

Friday, December 4, 2009

Trust in God

I trust no one. Not even my boyfriend. I trust him up to a pont, but we are all humans and can make mistakes. The only one I trust is God. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is always with me. I look to him to guide me through out the day. I believe God with all my heart and soul. My faith is strong. I trust God. No one can convience me other wise.

Who do you trust??? Trust God he will never leave you nor forsake you...........

Monday, November 30, 2009

Memorize those Bible verses

I can not go on with my day, if I don't quote my Bible verses. It gets me through the day. I believe God. I need to talk to him throughout the day, whether I am praying or quoting his words. The Bible is God talking to you. Are you listening. I read the Bible every day. I pray every day and I am constantly repeating Bible verses throughout the day. My Faith is stronger and things don't upset me as much, cause I know that God is walking with me and will help me get through the day.

Start repeating those Bible verses and start repeating God's word. It will change your life.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Be Grateful;

I was on the computer and it seemed that nothing was going right. I didn't get upset. I just stopped, prayed and asked for help. I kept going. I didn't get upset, cause I know that God is taking care of my problems. He is sitting next to me and he solving all my problems. And when all is said and done, Everything worked out. So why get upset. Be grateful for what you have and ask God for help as you need it. Be grateful for the small things in life. Clean water..Hot water. I am so gratful when my car starts and I make it to work. Look around. God is everywhere doing great things for you.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Be Grateful

It is Thanksgiving. Don't forget to ThankGod for what you have. God is the reason you have what you have.......So before you eat, look up and thank God..............

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

God Is For Me

God is for me. The Devil is againest me. This is what I believe and helps me get through the day. If something happens bad happens I know that it is the Devil. If something good happens, I know it is God. God is always on my mind I look up and pray and thank God through out the day. The Devil is not going to win. I live for God.................

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I Live For God

I know why I am here. It is to be a giver. I am not here for me. I am here to help others. I have found my mission in life. I am a giver. I met The Brasil Mission Team of Mountian Home. I am raising money to buy the kids cars or trucks. they will hand them out when they go to Brasil. If you are interested, please e-mail me......

This is the first time in my life that I am thinking of others and not myself. What a difference. I am a bit selfish and self centered, now I want to help others. So think about it. What can you do for someone today. Help a neighbor? A Co-Worker?

Thanksgiving is here and we all need to think about others.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thank God

I am grateful for everything and I do not forget to thank God for even the small thing. I thank God when I can pull out into traffic safely. Yesterday I splurged and went to the movies. I don't do that often. I thanked God before I went for the money to go and thanked God for keeping me safe that day. God is watching over us every minute and second of everyday. We need to stop and say Thank you. Not just when you get a promtion or something great happens, just for the small things. Your car starting. The roof isn't leaking when it is pouring out. You can afford to go out to eat.

I never take anything for granted. It is all because of God and I thank him and give him praise all day long.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Remember God

God loves you!!!! If you don't remember anything. Remember that. When you are depressed, or just feeling sorry for yourself.. As you lay in bed, remember that God is laying next to you. He is always with you and even though you think you are all alone........You are not. God loves you!!! You are God's Beloved One!!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


I believe that God wants you to suceed. I ama writer. I write. I believe that God wants me to suceed, even though I am not published, I know that one day I will be. So whatever your dreams and goals are, you need to go for it. Ignore the self doubt or what others say. God didn't give you that desire for no reason...there is a reason and I believe that.

I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.

God will never leave me nor forsake me.

I am God's Beloved One

Believe it! Recieve It!

Follow your dreams and goals. God is with you!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Repeating Bible Verses

I know I have said this before, but I feel this needs to be repeated. I quote bible verses throughout the day. while I am at work. While I drive to work, when I am break at work and before I go to bed. It can be simple like...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I repeat this often when I am at work. Thinks get to me and I repeat this and things to work out. The Lord is my shepard and I shall not want.

Write the Bible verses, on an index card, put them in your purse or back pocket and when you need some help, pull the card out and repeat the verse. I do this all day, from the moment I get out of bed.

This works. God is waiting to hear from us. The bible is alive and is God's word, so why not repeat his words and have a better day and life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Walk through the Fear

I am not an out going person. I am not a people person. I do want to help the Brasil Mission Team of Mountain Home, AR. I want to raise money, so I can buy trucks and cars for the kids. So when the mission team goes in June they will have something to give to the kids. I wrote a donation letter. Made copies, but fear kept me from sending them out. I went to the denist and wanted to give it to a couple at the office. What if they think I am stupid or don't want it? FEAR almost stopped me. The DEVIL did not want me to hand the letters out. I did hand them out at the dental office. I also mailed 12 other letters to friends. Was I scared, of what people would think and how they would react? YES. I did it anyway. It is either God or the Devil. I serve God. I listen to God and the Devil is not going to stop me. Walk through the fear. God is with you and will be with you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I love God

Everything was done at the cross. I am healed by the stripes ofJesus. The other day, I was in pain. My back and chest ached and I still had to work. The next morning it was the same, if not worse. So I started praying. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus and thanked God that I was healed. The next day, the pain was gone.
I know what you are thinking. It was a pulled muscle and it would of healed on it's own. I don't buy into that. I know that God loves me and that he healed me. He helped me get through the day at work. Today the pain is gone and I know that God healed me because God loves me. I never said anything negeative. I won't give into the Devil God loves me and God took away my pain.

Friday, November 6, 2009

God is with Me

I know that I am never alone. Although I do feel alone sometimes, I know that God is with me, even if I don't think of God all the time. Everyday God does something for me. My days are good, cause God is with me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Listen to God

You know when you are making the wrong decision. That little voice inside, saying Don't Do It. but you still do it anyway. That is God warning you and you are not listening. You need to be still. Be quiet and listen to God, before making a decision. I know it is not always easy, You need to put some time aside and spend with God, talk to him listen to him. Start your day with God. It will make your day better.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Finding Your Passion

We are all here for a reason. It took me 48 years to find out what that reason is. I write. That is what I do, though I don't get paid for it yet. I have found the Brazil Mission Team of Mountain Home,,,connected to Amazon Mission Organization Last year I bought some cars, trucks, crayons for them to take with them to pass out to the kids...this year I am raising money so I can buy more things for the kids....For only one dollar I can buy a small car or truck for a kid.

If you are interested please e-mail me at for more info. Every dollar will go to buy a car or truck for the kids. So I do believe that this is my passion and mission is to help support this mission and help the lives of people that I will never meet. How cool is that. So what is your Passion????Who do you want to help? What is it that you are good at? Trust me you have a gift and can help others. think about it Ask God what you are supose to do. A few years ago, I never would of been doing this. God changes you from the inside, I am living proof

Friday, October 30, 2009

Everyday is a good day

No matter how I feel when I wake up. I know that it is going to be a good day. How do I know??? Cause God doesn't do anything bad. Everyday is a good day. It is all how you look at it. If you think you are going to have a bad day, you will. If you think you are going to have a great day, you will. Is it easy???? No. It is an effort that you have to do every morning. I choose to me happy and not miresable. I choose to look to God and know that he makes everything good. Something to think about when you wake up. Do you want to have a good day or bad day???It is all up to you. God wants you to have a good day....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Read the Bible

I have started to read the book of Proverbs Every night before I go to bed, I read part of Proverbs. I think that it will help keep me on the right track. I believe that everyone needs to read the Bible, everyday, sometime during the day. Get up early and spend time with God. It will make your day so much better.

This is what happened to me today. I usually wear a thin jacket to work. After work, I was going to another store, so I wanted to wear another jacket. since the jacket I wear to work has my name on it and the store I work at. On my way to work, I forgot the jacket and had time to go get the jacket and when I got off work, it was pouring down rain, and hasn't stopped. I believe that God reminded me to get that jacket to shield me from the rain as I did my errands. God takes care of all my wants and needs. He is always looking out for me. So think what God has done for you today, Even if it is small, like reminding me of a jacket. God is for you. Satan is againest you..............

Monday, October 26, 2009


Does fear have a hold of you? Are you afraid to try new things, cause fear has stopped you? Join the club. I have panic attacks. I am OCD. I have to check everything, in fear of what might happen. But you just have to walk through the fear, or you will get nothing done. And before you know it, you will be old and alone, waiting to die. I know, I will be 50 in a year. Where did the time go? I lived most of my time, afraid and at home and in bed. Now I am believing God. I talk to God and Know that he is with me and even when I am afraid, I just have to do it. ,.What choice to I have. Read the Bible Talk to God and ask for help and you will see yourself doing things that you never thought you could. Walk through the fear...Not saying the fear will go away but it will get easier with God's Help God's Way is the Only Way

Friday, October 23, 2009

Have Faith

Ever wonder why people are no negetive? They don't have faith in God. I look up, no matter what is going on in my life. I have faith in God. That is all that matters. God loves me. I am God's beloved one. When no one else loves me or I feel that everyone and everything is againest me, I look up and Have faith in God. God loves me and no one will be able to sway me in another way of thinking. I stand on the fact that God loves me. I have faith in God. You have to believe and never think bad of God. My God is a good God. It is Satan that will try to get you to think other wise. Don 't let him do it. It is either God's way or Satan's way. I choose God's way. It is the only way. So have faith in God, he will never lead you in the wrong direction

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Talk To God

I know I keep saying this. I talk to God all day, before I get out of bed, while I'm driving to work. while I am at work. He wants us to talk to him. He is listening, waiting. I find that my day goes better when I start my day with God. In my past, things didn't go very well, I made some stupid decisions. I kept making the wrong chioces. Why? Cause I wasn't listening or talking to God. Since I started to God things have been better at work and when I am off. I think I am on the right track and I talk to to God before I make a decision. So far he has not led me in the wrong direction.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Found my Mission

Ever wonder why you are here? I do all the time. I know that we are all here for a reason and I found mine. To help support The Amazon Mission Organization. The Brazil Mission of Mountain Home, AR.

I met these people last year and collected money to buy cars and trucks for the kids in Brazil. I do not know if I am that sturdy to go on a mission trip. But I can help them buying them things for the kids.

What can you do for others, Either in your own home town or abroad. We are not just here to survive and wait to go to heaven. We are here to do the Lord's work. What ever it may be. So look around, How can you help others today? We are representing Jesus while we are on this earth. What would Jesus do??? Something to think about. If you want to help me, please leave a comment or check out their website. I am commited to this organization. Want to join me?? Leave a comment and together we can spread God's word and help children.................

Think Like Jesus

Live like Jesus

Walk with Jesus

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Right Thinking

Ever think how you think? Positive or Negetive? God's word or Satan's word. I just read a book that said, if you are not following God's word, you are following Satan's word. Now that is something to think about.

I get depressed and feel sorry for myself, more often than I should. That is what Satan wants. God wants us to be happy and full filled. Which are you. I read the Bible everyday to renew my mind. I know that I can not do this on my own. I need God's help. I have changed my way of thinking but it is easy to fall back into negative thinking. I like to wallow in self pity, but that helps no one. So I try to look where I can be a blessing and help others, this is not always easy, but I want to live for God and not Satan. I want to think like God and not Satan and I think you have to do this all the time and be conscience of your way of thinking. So start today. Read the Bible. Quote bible verses and see how your life will change along with your thinking.......

Friday, October 16, 2009

I believe what the Bible says

Have your read the whole BIBLE? I have. It took me three months to. I stopped watching tv and just read and it changed my life. I started thinking different. I saw things differently. I stopped listening to certain people and it changed my television watching and movie watching and what I read.

I discovered Joesph Prince. I read his book, Destined to Reign. I watch him on tv and my total way of thinking has changed. Jesus died on the cross for ME...You might want to check him out at I only believe what the BIBLE says and not what others say or what the news say. So when I am depressed or need something. I read the Bible.
I even carry the Bible with me and don't care what others think. So read the Bible and believe what it says.

The Word is Alive. God is Alive.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quiet Day

Not much is going on this morning. That doesn't mean that God isn't busy pathing the way for you. So don't just think about God when you need him. You always need him and he is always pathing the way for you, even though you may not realize it. So in your quiet time, thank God, Praise God, he is always there for you

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thanking God

I just finished working on the computer for the past five hours. I thanked God for that. My computer worked. I felt good. I had the focus to write. did I do this on my own? No. It was all God. I had no control over it. I woke up, prayed and turned the computer on and for the next five hours, I typed and it was good. God is in control. It is all God. You need to thank God for every little thing. When your car starts. When you have something to eat. When you have hot water for your shower. It is all God. So everyday is a good day. Thank God for the small things and bigger things will happen.

Praise the Lord
God is my source
God is my provider
God is in Control

Take a moment and thank God for all he has done for you today

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ask God

Before you do anything or make a decision, you should pray and ask God for advice. What can it hurt.....Prays will be answered. God is waiting and listening.....I know that I may repeat myself. I pray all the time...Before I get out of bed...Before I leave the house. Before I turn on my computer. God is my Source, My Provider and God is in Control I am God Conscience...I am Jesus Conscience....I am Cross Conscience..........I live for God or what is the point?????

Monday, October 12, 2009

Be Grateful for the little things

I went to wal-mart, since I had no food in my house....As I was at the check out, I prayed and thank God for the money to buy what I needed and wanted. I am so grateful for hot water when I take a shower and a place to live. What are you grateful? Look around cause God is everywhere.............

Friday, October 9, 2009

Live in the moment

Don't think about yesterday or worry about tomorrow. Your life can change in an instand. So you should live in the moment. God wants us to enjoy your life. Today is new and all things are possible. I do try to live now. Even when I am at work. I am grateful for the job and I can get out of bed and get to work. Try to find happiness and joy in the small things, cause there is alway someone worse off than you. I am grateful that God is in my life and because of the fact that Jesus died on the Cross, I can live bodly and freely in this life. Jesus's last words were IT IS FINISHED....So live in the moment, cause God will take care of the rest.......

Thursday, October 8, 2009

God is watching over me

I was on my way to work. It was still dark and I noticed a deer coming into the road. I slammed on the brakes and the deer stopped at the side of the road. We both stopped, and a few seconds later, the deer ran into the field. I know that God stopped that deer or I would of hit it. Why did the deer stop. It did not come onto the road. God was watching over me. I started praising God all the way to work and thanking him for watching over me.

God is watching over you. Don't ever think other wise.....

Monday, October 5, 2009

God will show you the way

I know nothing about computers....It took me over a week to figure out how to join a writer;s group at yahoo....I just clicking and trusting in God and he showed me what to do. I know that he did it, cause I have no idea what I am doing...Everyday, I have no idea what I am doing, but I do know that God is guiding me and showing me the way........Trust in God....he will show you the way....................

God Gives Me Strength

I am so tired this morning. I prayed this morning and I somehow found the energy to clean my house. I know I didn't do it by myself. I would rather lay on the couch and watch tv. God wants me to have a nice place to live and doesn't want me to live in a dirty house.. So just remember you can do all things casue Christ will strength you.

I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Don't Live Without God

I wake up every morning, and pray before I get out of bed.........I talk to God throughout the day. I will not walk or live without God. That is my choice.....What is your choice. If God is for you, who can be againest you???????Talk to God.......Listen to God and your life will improve for the better.......When you are scared, lonely depressed, Talk to God.......He will not let you down.........

Friday, October 2, 2009


I know I get depressed and don't have a good opion of myself. That is the time to read the bible or pray. I got up and I was in a bad mood. I was till tired. I couldn't figure something out on the computer and just feel so stupid.. Everyone else does this, why can't I. I read the bible, and prayed. My mood changed and my day ended up to be better than I thought it would. It is an effort to stay out of depression or feeling sorry for yourself, but God is the only way to make it through the day. You can have a good day or a bad day. It is your choice. I choose to have a good day. So I pray and read the Bible...Have a great day......

Thursday, October 1, 2009

God is with me

I have to tell you something that happened to me today. I was out doing errands after work and when i was backing up, I saw a truck come up behind me. He was talking on the cell phone. While this happened, I was praying and by the grace of God, I didn't get into an accident. Not sure who would of been in the wrong but God and his Angels were watching over me. I am protected by the blood of Jesus. Have you prayed today????

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quote Bible Verses

I repeat Bible verses, throughout the day. While I work, I will repeat a verse. The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want......I am the rightousness through Jesus Christ. Then I pray when I need to. God is always with me, and I need to talk to him and quote the Bible. The Bible is God's word and God's promises to me and I don't go anywhere with out God. So next time you are stress, upset or just feeling blah,,, qoute a verse.....Can't remember a verse....write it down and carry it with you in your pocket or in your purse.........Trust me....It will make your day so much easier......................

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pray, Pray, Pray

I pray before I get out of bed. I pray on the way to work. I pray at work. I pray before I go to bed. I talk to God all day. I know that he is next to me, everywhere I go God is with me. That is a great comfort to me. Day to day life is not always easy, but God paves the way for me and things seem to work out. So pray before a problem happens cause God and move things and solve the problem before it happens........Pray......God is waiting...................

Monday, September 28, 2009

I am not alone

Even though when I go through things, and I feel alone, I know deep down that I am not alone. God is with me. He is with all of us. I know it is easy to ignore him, but he does love us. So I look up and say hi. I know he helps me throughout the day, even though I don't talk to him. So now, I pray before I get out of bed. I want to walk with God, I want to feel him with me every minute of the day. So remember that you are not alone. God is with you.

Look Up

I know that it sounds simple. Look up. Don't look down. that is what I use to do, Walking around with my head down, feeling low, depressed up. Then when I started to look up, so did my future. God is waiting for us to talk to him. He is in the Heavens above. The Devil wants us to look down and be miserable. So today, look up and say Hello God You will be glad you did.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm here

Hey if you clicked on this one.....You found me......Hopefully this will be a better url address


I believe that God is with me, and I know that he is sitting beside me as I type this. I hope that you join me on my journey as I walk with God and I will share with you as God blesses me and that I walk with him.