

Sunday, October 11, 2020

What Does The Bible Say About Halloween?

 Halloween is becoming more popular that Christmas.  Some people in America wants to make Halloween a National Holiday.  They want to move it to a Friday or Saturday, so they won't have to work the next day.

Everything about Halloween goes against the Bible, yet churches encourage it.  Churches celebrates Halloween, saying it is an alternative for the kids to go.  They have candy, games and lets the kids dress up.  

Why don't churches discourage their people from celebrating Halloween?

Because Satan has taken over and even the churches no longer live or preach by the Bible.

No church that I know of condemns Halloween.  They don't want to lose congregation

Think about this:

Are you living your life the way God  and His Word tells you to do?

That are a lot of Scriptures about evil, mediums and sorcerers

1st Thessalonians 5:22

Abstain from everything evil

Exodus 20:3

You shall have no other god before me

Leviticus 19:31

Do not turn to mediums or necromancers 

Exodus 22:18

Do not permit a sorcerer to live

Leviticus 19:26

You shall not interpret  omens or tell fortunes

When I was young.  Halloween was all about the candy.  I went trick or treating going from house to house in the suburbs.  That was all I knew about Halloween.

Now adults have taken it over and it is all about the enjoying the flesh and is about everything the Bible is against.

This Halloween, pray.  Think twice before going to some party, where you are going to open the door to Satan.  That is what Satan wants, a way into your life.

The Bible is not for Halloween

God is not for Halloween

Halloween is Satan's Holiday.

You have been warned

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