

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Pagan Traditions

I grew up not going to church.
I grew up, knowing that there was a God, but didn't meet Jesus until I was in my forties.
I grew up, celebrating Christmas, because that is just what the world did.

My question are these:

Why do parents lie to their children and tell them about Santa, knowing that Santa is not real?

Why do parents let their children sit on some dirty old man's lap when all they do is cry and want to get away?

Why do you have to decorate a tree in the house?

Why do Christians focus on the Pagan Traditions?

I was sexually abused as a child.  Now that I am older, I can not understand, why a parent would let their child sit on the lap of a man, they do not know.  That santa suit has to be filled with germs from other kids sitting on his lap. There are sexual prowlers everywhere and parents are willing to hand their children over to a man they don't know.

The Bible states, Shall Not Lie

Why do parents lie to their children about Santa?  It is a lie and is going against scripture.

Decorating a tree is a pagan holiday.

So this Christmas, think about what you are doing and why?

How does the Birth of Jesus fit into your Christmas day????

Stop listening to this world and start reading and living by the Bible. 
Christmas is not celebrated in the Bible.

Christmas was not really celebrated until the mid, 1800's

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Why do you celebrate Christmas?????

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