

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Jesus Is Alive.

This is the month of December.  You cannot go anywhere in the United States of America without being bombarded with Christmas ads in on TV.  Go to any store and you have sensory overload, because there is so much crap in the stores screaming "Buy Me."

It is all about money and has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. 

The Hallmark Channel has been running Christmas movies since the beginning of November.  They say that Christmas is magical.  Why?

Jesus is never mentioned in the movies or in stores or on TV. 

Christians have lost the meaning of Christmas.  Here in the States, Christmas wasn't even celebrated until the mid 1800's.  The first century Christians never celebrated.  The Catholic church combined a pagan holiday The Winter Solaces with the birth of Jesus.

Even Christians get caught up in the Pagan Holiday.  Sure they go to church, but then they go out and  go into debt just to impress family and friends. 

People say Happy Holidays, including Christians.  What does Happy Holidays mean?  What are they celebrating?  It isn't Jesus.

So this is just something to think about.

Jesus was born for us.  God came down in human flesh to save us.  Jesus didn't come so you can go into debt, have company parties to get drunk.

Your eyes should be on Jesus and remember why Jesus was born.  Not how many gifts you get or to go into debt.

Jesus is alive.  Jesus died for us.  Jesus went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan.  God rose Jesus from the dead.  Jesus is alive and seated in Heaven next to God.

That is what we should be focusing on everyday of the year.  Jesus.  Jesus is alive today and should be focusing on Jesus every hour of everyday.

Forget the tree, the crap at the stores,  Instead, get on your knees and thank Jesus today.

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