

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Only Believe

  I was flipping through the Bible of all the scriptures that I had highlighted in the past.  I came across this scripture:
John 6:38 & 39

Then they asked him, What must we do to the works of God requires?

Jesus answered, The work of God is this:  To believe in the one he has sent.

God Is only asking us one thing:  To Believe In Jesus Christ.

It is that simple.  Church makes it so confusing and hard.

In The United States of America there are churches everywhere, They say they all believe the same thing, but then why are there so many churches.

Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, and Protestants

They all believe that God sent Jesus down to save us.  They believe that Jesus died on the Cross and on the third day, God rose Him from the dead.  Jesus is now in Heaven with God.

They all believe it, but why then is there not just one church? 

Because people want to make up their own rules.  How you should dress, to have music in the church, to pick and choose other things in the Bible.

Some churches don't believe Speaking in Tongues, even though it is in the Book of Acts

Some churches believe that God makes you sick for a reason.  That is a lie.  Jesus bore all our sickness.  He took 39 stripes.  By His stripes we are healed.

If someone does not like a church, they go off and start their own church.

How is one suppose to know what church to attend?

Should you believe what the Preacher is preaching?

It all goes back to the Bible.  Do Not Believe what anyone says, unless it is in the Bible.  Look it up yourself.

The Bible says that is to Believe in Jesus Christ.  That is it.  Sure we need to do what the rest of the Bible says to do.  It is not hard.

I have been to a few churches in the United States of America, and the more churches I go to, the more confused I have become.  They are not agreeing with the Bible.

If you want to check out a church on line  Kenneth Copland Ministries or Eagle Mountain Church

God is waiting for you.  If you haven't heard God's voice yet.  Find a quiet place, sit and listen and pray.  "Jesus come into my heart.  I believe and let me hear God's voice. 

God said.  Sit still and know that I am God.

Only Believe. 

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