

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Are You Living Like A Zombie?

I like Zombie Movies and Zombie Books I wrote a Zombie Series Me VS Zombies

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As I watch people, we are much like Zombies.  We do what is expected of us.  We go to work.  That is why there is rush hour every morning.  People get in their cars, like clock work.  Never questioning why they are going to a job they hate.  They walk into work, with no emotion or questioning why they are going to work.  Staring at their phones, looking up only to do what their boss tells them to do.  They endure getting yelled at, staring at the clock, waiting to go home. 

Do you know that God sent Moses to free His people?  Moses took God's people out of slavery  and into  the promise land?

God does not want us to be a slave to society and just go through the motions of everyday life.  God sent Jesus to free us from the curse of the Law.  Didn't we learn anything from the past?

Why are you working a job you hate?  Why are you in debt?  To impress your neighbors?  Why are you doing whatever society tells you to do?

From the moment we were born, we are expected to do certain things.

1.  Graduate from High school.  Ever wonder why we have to go 12 years?  Why isn't it all squeezed into 10 years.  After you reach sixteen, no one wants to go to school.

2.  Expect to go to college.  If you do not go to college, you will be flipping burgers for a living.  What is wrong with flipping burgers.

3.  You are then expected to get married, have kids, and find that perfect job.  Not the perfect job you want, but the perfect job that will pay for everything you think you can't live without. 

4.  So now you are in debt, with kids and a marriage that is in trouble.  You are miserable and see no way out.

5.  You finish out your life, in defeat, you die and your children fight over all your stuff you left behind.

That is the life society wants you to have.No one is happy.  We are all walking around, doing what is expected of us.  If you do decide to follow your dreams, you are considered crazy or the black sheep of the family.

Society wants you to work.  Society needs you to work.  Companies don't care about your or your life.  It is all about the money.  Politicians don't care about you, as long as you are working and they are making money and are in power.  Society does not care about you.

You are walking through life like a Zombie, waiting for the weekend or that vacation that will get you more into debt.  You are not living the life that God created you for.

You know why The Bible is banned in 52 Countries?  Control.  People in power do not want you to know what is in the Bible.  The Bible gives you hope.  The Bible gives you Answers to your Questions.  The Bible is God speaking to you.  People in power do not want you reading the Bible.

Think about that for a moment.  52 Countries have Banned The Bible.  

Here in America,
1.   California has made the Bible a Hate Book.

2.  God has been taken out of Schools

3.  Monuments have been taken down.  The 10 Commandments Monument are longer standing in court houses across America.

4.  Some cities, you can not hold a church service in public

5.  At Christmas, The Nativity Scene is not allowed to be displayed on public property


They want God gone from society.

So while you are walking around like a Zombie, God is being taking out of society so you will not know any better.

What are you going to do about it?

Jesus is coming back, sooner than you think.

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Are You Ready for The Rapture?  If not now, when?

Will Jesus be looking for you? 

Decide now before it is to late.

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