

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jesus Is My Healer

Today is Sunday.  Christians are suppose to go to church.  But why?

There are so many different churches, Catholics, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran and the list goes on.  You even have Real Life Church, Church of Christ, Faith Life Church, Cowboy church, Church of God.  Anyone can start a church.  You or me can start a church, become tax exempt and welcome people in.

My question is:  If all these churches claim to believe the same thing, that Jesus died on the cross for us, then why not just one church?

If all churches would come together as one under God, think of what we could do for God and the lost souls that are out there. 
We could be become a church where we could have influence on the government and the way things are run in Congress and in our cities.

But we are human, greedy, envious, gossipy and self centered.  If we don't like what is going on with a church, we leave, go to another church or start a new church.  I don't understand.

I have been to five or six different churches in the town I live in and I can not find one that preaches the Bible, talks what the Bible says.

Example:  The Bible says Matthew 8:3

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.  "I am willing.  Be clean!"

Mathew 8:7

Jesus said.  "I will go and heal him."

It says that in the Bible.  Mathew 8:17

He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.

Jesus is our Healer.

Then why do churches say, Well, sometimes God heals us, sometimes he doesn't?

That is not what the Bible says.

People get mad at when when I tell them I do not go for yearly checkups.  I know that my blood and heart is fine.  Jesus already said that he is willing to heal me.

People don't get healed because they are listening to this world and not God's Word.

So don't believe everything you hear in church.  Look it up in the Bible and see if it is in the Bible.  Jesus won't heal you, if you do not believe it?

Jesus won't Bless you if you don't believe it.  Just because you are A Born Again Christian does not mean you can keep thinking the World's Way, and keep on Acting the World's Way.

The Bible is my final authority.  What is your final authority? 

Please leave a comment.  I would like to know what you think about the church, Jesus and the Bible.

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