

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Vision From GOD

GOD created each and everyone of us for a purpose.  You could be living under a bridge, GOD has a purpose for you.  You could be living in any country, you could be hungry, you could have no money, you could be digging in garbage for food.


I never knew this until I was in my fifties.  It is never to late, to do the work of the Lord.

I had a home, but my home became my prison.  Fear controlled my life.  I just wanted to die.  I was waiting to die.  Until I the night I met Jesus.  Jesus met me where I was at, in bed, I cut myself and was bleeding.  I felt the bed sink, like someone was just sat next to me.  I knew it was Jesus, I felt his love. 

The more time I spent with Jesus, the more I discovered my purpose, not like I was looking for a purpose.  GOD gave me a vision

To tell my testimony  My Bible--My Bible E-book 99 Cents or paperback 4.99.

GOD didn't give me just one vision.  That would be great if GOD said, do this and then you are done and go and do whatever.  That didn't happen.

GOD has given me a list of things to do.  I am not getting any younger, so I have to get busy.

GOD moved me out to the country. I have lived out in the country for a year now.  I said from the moment I moved out into the country,

"GOD moved me out here for a reason."

Now I know, took me a year to figure it out.  GOD moved me out into the country and out of the city for one simple reason, We are living days before the Rapture. 

GOD wants to keep me safe because GOD has other things for me to do.

I now have chickens and planning a garden.  I grew up in the suburbs.  For the past ten years, I was a prisoner in my own home.  I never left the house except to go to work.  I did my shopping at two in the morning so I didn't have to be around people.  I hate spiders.  I hate being outside.  If I never left the house, I would be happy.

Now I am out in the middle of the woods, raising chickens and planning a garden.  I am telling my testimony and my story, because we are living in the last days, before The Rapture.

We need to stand on the Word of GOD and stay alert.  Jesus is coming back for us. Are you ready?  If not, then get ready.  The Rapture Real.  Jesus is coming.  GLORY TO GOD

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