

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Satan Is Trying To Kill Me

Satan come to kill, steal and destroy.  It is that simple.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I come that they may have life and have it to the full.

Last week, I had a sinus infection, due to ragweed.  (Whatever it is)  I went to the doctor got medicine and took 2 days off work.  Went back to work, felt terrible.  Two days later I was at work, became dizzy, sick to my stomach.  I went back to the doctor, got more medicine.  Took three more days off.  So not only did Satan try to make me sicker, Satan also stole my money.  Kill, steal and destroy.

I went back to work.  I feel better.   Life is back to normal.

I was coming home from work, and a huge buck ran right in front of my car.  I swerved, and missed the buck.  I realized that Satan once again tried to kill me.

I started thinking, What if?  What if I hit the buck.  My car would of slammed into the Buck, I would of totally ruined my car, I would of been taken to the hospital and missed more work and might not of even went back to work.  I was shaken and trembling as I continued down the road.

Then I thought, I must be getting closer to my breakthrough. 

Satan is mad at me.  I have turned my back on Satan and am focusing on Jesus.

So this revelation I got while driving home.

Now is not the time to give up.  I need to press on toward the mark, and not look back.

So since I know we are living in the last days before Jesus comes back, (the Rapture)  Satan knows that his time is limited.

No time to quit now.  This makes me more determined than ever.

Think about this:  What would you do if you knew Jesus would be here in five minutes to get you?

Would you text about stupid things?  Would you ignore the fact that Jesus is coming?  Do you even care?

Watch the news.  Look around and notice how the people have changed in the past year.  What have you been doing for Jesus.  Are you doing what Jesus told you to do?

Time is limited to the world as we know it.  Focus on Jesus, because Satan is after you, to kill you, steal from you and destroy you. 

Stay alert.

Matthew 24:36 & 37

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels of Heaven, nor the Son of Man, but only the Father.  For in the days before the flood, people were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the Ark.     

Our Time is limited here.  What are you going to do with your last days here on earth?

Read how Satan held me a prisoner in my own home and how Jesus broke me out,My Bible--My GOD Kindle 99 Cents and Free on Kindle Unlimited. 

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