

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Smart Phones Are From The Pit Of Hell

I know I have been absent for about a year or so.  Life gets in the way.  It is not an excuse. Satan has been attacking me and I have been letting him beating me up.  I got up.  I brushed off the dirt, the self pity and started reading the Bible again. 

I changed the title of the blog, to I Am Living In The Last Days.

Everyone has a cell phone.  It is as if no one can live without a cell phone.  How did we survive before cell phones?  I am a checker in the grocery store.  I see how people are obsessed with their phones.

Customers will stand and text before they will even pay.  Customers will ignore their children because they are staring at their phone.  You can now pay with your phone.  We are closer to a cashless society.  Are you excited about not having to carry cash or a wallet to pay?  Do you like the idea of paying with your phone?

Think before you answer.  I don't care what country you live in.  This is about all of us. 

I believe that the next step will be the implant.  Mark of the Beast. 

Think about this.  How much time do you spend on the phone? 

How much time do you spend with GOD?  How much time do your pray?

Is your phone, your god?  Do you care more about your phone than the Bible? 

It is something to think about before it is to late.

I am not perfect.  I have a debit card with a chip.  I have a cell phone, it is a flip phone.  So I am not judging anyone.  I want people to see what the world is doing.

Smart phones are tracking you.  Smart phones  is doing exactly what Satan wants the phone to do.  The smart phone is keeping people's eyes off of Jesus and onto the phone, to see who is texting them, calling them and ignoring GOD.

I know that some preachers say that the Smart Phone is not evil, it is a tool.  They are wrong.  Satan guided people to create a phone that makes them ignore their family, children and GOD. 

So think about this today, when you carry your phone around.  Pay attention to how much time you are spending on the phone. 

Keep track of these few things.

1.  Do you ever turn the phone off?

2.  How long are you looking at your phone?

3.  Is your phone more important than your children and family?

4.  How much time have to spent with GOD today?

5.  Can you live without your phone, for a day?  Have you tried?

6.  What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?  Is it GOD?

7.  How much have you spent on your phone?

8.  How much have you spent for GOD's Kingdom?

9.  What are you going to do when we get closer to the last days and there is no electric to charge your phone.  Who are you going to depend on? 

10.  Who or what are you worshiping?

Think about it.  Put your cell phone down and start spending time with GOD.  Depend on GOD and not your phone. 

Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the Light.

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