

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Stop Listening to Satan

I have listened to Satan all my life.  I am so sick of it. 

I am now listening to God.

It it not easy .

When things are going good.  It is easy to listen to God.  It is easy to praise God.  It is easy to Believe God.

When things take a turn for the worse, that is when your test is being tested.

My faith is being tested.

Last Sunday I found a church.  I plan to go every Sunday. 

My husband is having medical problems.  He no longer can work.  He is not getting paid.  So the stress is here.  Stress of the surgrey.  Stress of paying bills. Stress of now being a care giver.  It all changed in an instant.  My life will never be the same.

God is always the same.  Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. 

I believe that and I stand on that.  It is not easy.  God is all I have to get through this.

Before I was the one that was being taken care of.
I was the one that was driven everywhere.
I was the one that was being waited on.
I was the one that leaned on my husband.
I was the weak one.
I was the one that depended on my husband

Now I am the one driving him everywhere
Now I am the one that is waiting on him
Now I am the one that my Husband is leaning on
Now I am the strong on
Now I am the one my Husband is depending on.

I am not saying that I am not stepping up, I am saying that my life changed in an instant and now God is the only one I can depend on and lean on.

I will not listen to Satan.
I will not let Fear creep into my thoughts
I will not let the what if's creep into my thoughts.

God has a plan for me
I am here for a purpose
I will depend on God
Satan was defeated at the cross
I will praise God even when I am crying and want to give up. 
Satan is no longer has a place in my life. 
God is my answer


  1. So sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time, but turning to God is absolutely the right thing to do. I've taken a minute to pray for you and your husband. May God's True Healing find you both.

    1. Thank you so much. Just sitting in the waiting room, while he was in surgery I kept looking to Jesus on the cross, knowing that everything was finished at the cross. Not saying it was easy, but I know my faith is stronger than ever
      God bless

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that your husband has fallen ill. You two are in my prayers, and I'm believing for a full healing.

    I'm glad you're not listening to the devil and letting fear dictate your life.

    Much love!

    1. Thank you so much. I know that Satan is testing my faith, Satan is not going to win...I am going to blog here, just to show Satan that he is not going to win this time and hopefully encourage others on what God can do when we listen to him
