

Monday, June 14, 2021

Any One Can Raise Chickens


We all know that we are living in the Last Days.  I look to the Skies every morning and say, "Hasten the day of the day our Lord Jesus will return.  2nd Peter 3:12

The one thing that I did and did not want to do was to move to the country.  I like the city, suburban life.  I hate the outdoors.  I don't like bugs, spiders, insects that fly and bug bites.  I have a can of RAID in every  room of the house.  I have sticky pads to trap insects under my bed and in closets.  

So why did I move to the country?  God told me to.  I believe that we are in the last days and that in the city or suburbs is not the place to be when society breaks down.

I moved in 2017, I started stocking up on items like Toliet Paper, water, first aid supplies and rice.  Then in 2018 I got six chickens and learned how to take care of them, which is simple.  

1.  Need a coop.  A secure coop, to keep other critters out that might want to eat the chickens.

2,  Feed and water them daily

3.  Collect the eggs.

Of course you have to lock them up at night and then let them out at sunrise, which is early and not very much fun.

2018 We got 12 baby chicks and raised them,  Then that makes 18 chickens, so we have plenty of eggs.

2019  I quit my job.  God placed it on my heart to quit and to raise chickens

2020 The Virus hit.  I knew God was right and placed me out in the country to raise chickens.  We give away the extra eggs.  The shortages at the stores had no effect on me, because God told me to start stocking up in 2017 when I move out into the country

2021 The chickens are getting older 2-3 years older and they will slowly stop laying eggs.  We need to replenish the flock.  We need a rooster.  God blessed up with roosters.  Now I am able to raise chickens for meat and eggs and it will only cost me the feed.  

Inflation is going up.  Food shortage is already here.

Things are not going to get better.  There is no going back to normal.  The Mark of The Beast is here.  The Anti-Christ is here.  

The Rapture can happen at any second, minute or hour.

So you need to prepare yourself.  If possible, raise a couple of chickens least you will have eggs to eat.  get a rooster if possible and zoning laws allow it.  Then it will cost you nothing but feed to raise chicks.

I did not plan on being a chicken farmer.  I am a writer and that is what I want to do.  I listened to God.  I am suppose to raise chickens and give to the neighbors eggs and or baby chicks so when times get bad my neighbors will have a food source.

If I can deal with chickens----Anyone can deal with chickens.  

It takes a bit of work but it is worth it.  You will be able to feed yourself and others.

The Rapture can happen at anytime.  Are you Prepared for the Rapture????

Jesus is coming.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Are You Watching For The Rapture?


The Bible says in:

Matthew 24:42

Therefore keep Watch, because you do not know  on what day or Lord will come.


Prepare Yourself

The Rapture could happen any minute, any second, any hour of any day.  

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, what are you waiting for?

The is changing everyday. The world has turned their back on God.

God is no longer in the Government of the United States

God is no longer in our schools in the United States 

The United States has turned their back on Israel

The Bible clearly states that if you don't support Israel, God's People you will be cursed.

Inflation, mandatory shots MARK OF THE BEAST


It does not matter what is going on this planet.  This is not our home.

Our home is in Heaven.  Jesus is coming back for us to take us to Heaven?

Do You want to be left behind.

Start reading the Bible.  Renew your mind to God's Way.  Not listening to the news and what the world says.  The world is wrong.  The Bible is the Truth  Jesus is the Way, The Truth and The Light.

People will think you are one of those crazy people.  I am crazy.  I am crazy for Jesus.

Jesus is my Everything.

What is Jesus to You?




Free June 9-14 2021

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Write Your Testimony

 Revelation 12:11

They overcame him by the blood of the lamb

and by the Word of their Testimony

They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from Death

This is the first book I Self-Published.  This is my Testimony of how I accepted Jesus and what I did to stay focus on Jesus

Buy Now

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you have a Testimony to tell others

Buy Now

It is important to write your Testimony, so when you want to tell someone about Jesus, you already have it written down and in your head.  You will know what to say.

You might only have a few seconds to tell someone about Jesus.

Example if standing in line at the grocery store.  "God has blessed me the other day.  Have your met Jesus?"

Then you will want to write a longer version in a pargraph

Then you may want to write a 2-3 page testimony.

The Rapture is going to happen.  We need to tell as many people as we can about Jesus.

You have a Testimony.  Start telling your testimony to anyone and everyone you see

Monday, June 7, 2021

Water Baptism

 This was the 2nd best decision I in my life, when I was Baptized.

The first important decision I made in my life was when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  

Jesus was Baptized by John the Baptist.  Jesus was fully emerged in the Jordan river, as Jesus came out of the water, Jesus saw Heaven opening and the Spirit upon him in a form of a dove.  A voice came down from Heaven and God said to Jesus:

You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.  Mark 1:11

Jesus was fully emerged in water when He was Baptized.  The Bible says coming up from out of the water. (KJV)  

The Bible does not say, John the Baptist sprinkled water on Jesus' head, Jesus was fully emerged underwater and then then came out of the water and heard God's voice.  I am well pleased.

Don't you want to hear God say to you "I am well pleased."

I always believed in God.  There was no doubt in my mind about that.  God was alive and real.  I believed.  So, I never understood why I had to get Born Again and accept Jesus as My Lord and Savior.

 I always Believed.  I didn't know Jesus.  I never met Jesus.  I Believed in God and thought that was good enough.  Then I met Jesus and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and are Born Again your are Heaven Bound

If you do not get Water Baptized you will still go to Heaven because you have already Accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

So why get Water Baptized in front of everyone and look like an idiot when you come out of the water?  

I refused to get Water Baptized.  I am already going to Heaven, so what is the point?

For me, it was because my life was not getting any better.  Yes I was Born Again.  I was Saved.  I was Heaven Bound, but my life still sucked.  I still had the same problems I had before.  I didn't get it.  I still was starving myself, I still wanted to die, even though my Spirit wouldn't die.  I was still miserable.

I read the Bible.  I confessed Scriptures daily, My life still sucked.  I even had a pastor of a small church saying that he would take me to the lake, just the two of us and he would Baptized.  I said know.  (My mind was still being controlled by Satan.)

Years went by, and something was stirring inside of me.  I knew I had to be Baptized but FEAR was stopping me.  I did not want to get up in front of everyone and look like an idiot.  

Then I found Mark 1:11

I went to a new church one Sunday and they announced that they would be Baptizing in Cotter Springs next Sunday.  If this was not a sign from God, I don't know what is.

I signed up to be Water Baptized the next Sunday.

Mark 1:11 Says:

A voice from Heaven said. Thou art my beloved Son, whom I am well pleased.

God was well pleased with Jesus for being Baptized.

I want God to say that to me.

I read and reread Mark 1:11 like a hundred times that week.

The day I got Baptized it was like 100 degrees outside. It was hot and people were sitting on rocks waiting to get Baptized, but no one was standing up and taking the steps.  I was hot.  I stood up, and walked toward the Pastor and I was Baptized.  When I came out of the water...I heard God's voice.  God said to me, Daughter, whom I am well pleased.

From that day on, my life started to get better.  I defeated Satan.  Satan did not want me to get Baptized and Fear was the only thing that was holding me back.

By life is 1000 times better, more than I ever hoped for.

What is holding you back from being Baptized in water?  

Satan does not want you to be like Jesus.

Jesus got Baptized, so should you.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

I Am Healed From Macular Degenertion


I went to the eye doctor the other day.  I haven't been to the eye doctor for about ten years.  I can see fine, so why go.  I did.  Then the doctor told me that I have Macular Degenertion  disease.
  Hemmorging of the eye.
Sounds very scary and I could lose my eye sight.  I did not say a word.  I did not get up set.
I went home and picked up my Bible.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
I went through the Bible and wrote down Scriptures on Jesus.
I started Declaring I Am Healed By The Stripes of Jesus
Jesus is my Healer.  
I told no one.  Nor am I saying anything negative that would go against what Jesus says
Mark 5:34
Jesus said:  Daughter, your faith has healed you.  Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.
Luke 8:50
Don't be Afraid, just Believe an You Will Be Healed

I then started declaring:
I am healed by the stipes of Jesus
My eye is healed.
I will have my eye sight until I leave this body

Jesus healed many while He walked this earth.  Although the church will say, If it is God's Will.  It is God's will for you to be healed, but you must believe that you are already healed.  You must Believe in your heart and act like you are healed and not going around complaining about it telling everyone who will listen what is wrong with you.
This morning:  This is what I did:
I was praying:
Dear Lord:
As of today Lord, 7:20AM Sunday June 6th 2021 
I Declare, I Believe and I receive that I am 
Healed By The Stripes of Jesus
The Hemmorraging in my eye has stopped
I will have my eye sight until I leave this body.
I Believe it and I receive it, I forgive if I have 
ought against any, Amen.

From this moment on:
I will never say one negative thing about my eyes.  I will only speak the words of Jesus.  I will not talk about this to anyone.  I am already healed so there is nothing to talk about.

I do not like doctors.  There is no cure for this.  Jesus  is my cure.  The only treatment of this eye disease is to put shots in your eye, and they say it may take a few shots to get use to it.  Side effects are
Retinal detachment
Burning of eyes
Eye infection
I don't think I will get that treatment.  Not saying I won't but I don't want my Retinal detached from my eye.
You have all seen those commercials that advertise pills and they all have major side effects.  I choose Jesus.
Jesus is my healer.
I have to go back to the eye doctor in 6 months.
He gave me a chart of squares.  I am suppose to look at this chart with my right eye covered.  If I see any change in the squares like squilly lines or wavy lines or blurred lines I am suppose to call him.
He wants me to do this every week.  
So I am healed by the Stripes of Jesus.
I Believe it.  I Receive it.  Amen
You need Healing?  Pray. Use your Faith.
Leave me a comment and I will pray with you.
You are not alone.  Jesus is with you.
Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Why Read The Bible?

 Everyone needs to read the Bible.  Believers and Non-Believers.  Why read the Bible?  That is the only way you are going to discover who God is and what God has done.  Genesis 1:1 says In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth.  Non-Believers call this the Big Bang Theory.  I am sure there was a Big Bang when God said Let there be light.

Noah built the Ark, and the Great Flood Came,  Non-Believers don't believe that happen.

You can go to church and not everything the Pastor says is going to be Biblical.  Everyone has their own ideas and opinions about the Bible.  People go to school to become a Minister or Pastor.  That does not mean that they know everything.

The Bible says that in the Last Days people are going to be deceived.  Do not be Deceived the Bible says.

How do you know if you are being Deceived?  By Reading The Bible.

I know people who have gone to church their entire lives and have never read the Bible.  They just believe whatever is said in church.

The Bible is God talking to you.  The more you read the Bible, the more you will understand God and the more you will hear from God.

The Rapture is going to Happen.  Jesus is going to come down from Heaven and in the twinkling of an eye Believers will be taken up and meet Jesus in the clouds.  It is going to happen.

A lot of people do not believe this.  They will get left behind.

My Books

You must read the Bible.  You can download the Bible Free.  Google it.  If you are reading this, then you can download a Bible for Free.  

You are a Spirit, You have a Soul and you live in a Body.

One day you are going to leave your body.  You will either go to Heaven or Hell.

If you haven't read the Bible, then you are being deceived.  

The Bible says Do not be Deceived.

The Bible is your lifeline to God.  

If you have Questions, The Bible has the Answer.

I didn't read the Bible until I was in my 40's.  It is never to late to read the Bible.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Our Only Hope Is Jesus

 All My Books are on Amazon

1st Thessalonians 5:23

My God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it. 

We are living in the last days.  Jesus is coming.  If you don't believe it, doesn't mean it is not true.

The world is crumbling around us.  In America, Inflation is up, crime is up and Satan is in control of the White House.  If America keeps going on this path, there will be no America.  America will be a communist country.  


There will be another virus let loose on the world, there will be food shortages, money will have no value.

The world looks bleak and the ONLY HOPE IS JESUS

It is as easy as A B C

A.  Accept that you are a Sinner

B.  Believe with your heart that Jesus died on the Cross & God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day

C.  Confess the Name of Jesus

Easy as A B C