

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Church Has Bowed Down To Satan

 Christianity is under attack.  This is nothing new.  Since the time of Jesus and His death, Christians have been persecuted.  Hanged, beheaded, stoned.  In some countries, people have lost their hands or arms for their belief.  This is nothing new.  Bibles have been banned in countries.  People arrested for having a Bible.

This is nothing new.  What is new, is it is happening in America, now more than ever.  The states and local government have used the so called "virus" to scare people into a lockdown.  To stay home and not go to church.  You can go to a casino, or go shopping where there are a lot of people, but The government declares, no church, not even outside.

Then something amazing happened.  The pastors of small, large and megachurches followed the government and stopped following the Bible.

After Jesus's Death, The disciplies started to preach the gospel that Jesus told them to do.  They were arrested.  After they got out of jail and while they were in jail, they preached the gospel.  That were flogged, beaten and put in stocks, but they never stopped preaching the gospel.  All of Jesus's original Deciplies were kill.  They were Martyr.

So 2,000 years later here we are.  Christians, under attack.  What are we doing?  We are hiding behind closed doors.

The Bible says that we are Healed By The Stripes of Jesus.  If Christians believe this, then why are they wearing masks to church.  Why is it that the so called Preachers not preaching about Healing.

The church no longer has a back bone.  Most of the churches are closed or having drive in services.

That is not what the Bible says.  The Bible says that we should gather and worship together.

Not keep 6 feet from each other.

That is what Satan wants.

Where are these Mega Church Pastors, Ministers or Preachers. They went on line, because they are raking in more money.

In my view there is no church I would go to.  I read the Bible at home.  I listen to what the Word has to tell me.

These are the Last Days.  Stop looking to the church that is Hiding behind the doors.  Look to Jesus and let Jesus guide you as you wait for the Rapture

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