

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Where Are The Pastors & Ministers During This Biblical Plague???

I don't get it.

You go to church, and they preach that you have to come to church every Sunday, because it is Biblical.  You must gather together with other Christians and Believers.  You are looked down upon if you miss a Sunday of Church because you went to the lake or did something else.  They preach you must go to church.

You must also give every Sunday, to the church. 

Sunday, The Sabbath, is a Holy day to God.  God said to Rest on the Seventh Day.
God told us not to work, cook, but to worship the Lord thy God

Genesis 2;3
And God Blessed the seventh day and sanctified  it:  because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. 

Now today, churches are bribing people to come to church.  They give out free donuts and coffee.  So now there are tables and chairs for people to eat at.  When did the church become a cafe. 

Fine if you want to have food before the service, but the point is that someone had to go to the store and buy the donuts that morning.  So they are buying items and working on the Sabbath.  What about the workers that have to make the donuts and cookies that morning.  Is the church better than the workers?  Then the so called Christians invite the worker to come to church.  How can they come to church when they have to work so the So Called Christians can have their precious donuts. 

The church is not Being Biblical at all.  They are not treating the Sabbath as a Holy day to worship God.

Now to my point.

I realize that there is a Biblical Plague around the globe.  Jesus said that We are Healed By The Stripes of Jesus.  So, there is a Biblical Plague, then tell me why are all the churches closed???

Why are all the Pastors and Ministers?  Why are they not laying hands on the sick and casting out demons.  Where are the Tent Revivals?  Where Is the Church?

Pastors and Ministers should be out in the streets preaching the Healing Power of Jesus.  They are hiding behind the walls of there homes just like all the Pagans of this world are.

If this is not a sign of the End of Days, I have no Idea what is?

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