

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Church Around The Word Has Bowed Down To A New God

Acts 5:29

"We must obey God and not men"

The Apostles were out preaching, healing the sick and casting out demons as Jesus told them to do, but the government didn't not like that one bit. 

So the Apostles were arrested.
An Angel came and released them,
The Apostles went out preaching again.
They were arrested again.
The government asked, "Why are you going against the law of the land?"
Their answer:
We must obey God and not men.

If the Apostles didn't care if they were arrested, why are we, 2,000 years later, bowing down to the government now?

The government does not want us to hold Church Services anymore, due to this Virus. 

Who do we serve, God or the government?

Churches have bowed down to a new god.  Churches have no Faith in God, but are now in Fear of this Virus, Satan created.

Christians around the world have bowed down to a new god.

The Bible clearly states that we are not to worship any other god.

But here we are, churches are closed.  There are a few Pastors that are standing up for God and still holding church services, but they are being Persecuted by other churches and Christians.

Christians, Pastors and Ministers should be out in the streets preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jesus told us to go ye into the world, heal the sick, cast out demons and preach the gospel.  Where are these Pastors.

They have bowed down to the government.
They have bowed down to a new god.

These are the last days.  Keep your eyes open, because the Anti-Christ will soon be rising out of Europe, then the Mark of The Beast.  Which God are you going to Worship?  God our Creator and the His Son, Jesus or the government, Satan?


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