

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sowing & Reaping



I thought I was a good person.  I don't swear.  I don't use the Lord's name in vain.

I don't steal.  I think I am a nice person.  So why was my life such a mess.

I didn't like myself.  I was speaking words that was cursing my life.  I was only thinking of myself and not of others. 

The Bible says Love Thy Neighbor.  (Hard to love  thy neighbor when I am self absorbed in my own life and thinking of only me)

The Bible says: Sow sparingly, Reap sparingly.  Sow Generously Reap Generously

What Are You Sowing and Reaping? 

In my book Think Before You Speak I explain how powerful your words are.  When you speak, you are cursing or blessing your life.  Words have power. Want your life to change?  Change your words.

Once I started to watch what I say, my life began to change for the better.  I realized how blessed I was.  I now look around and realize how much GOD has blessed me and now I want to bless others, to show them how good GOD is.

I am now a giver.  Me! Who was self centered and only thought of myself. 

I discovered over Christmas that my neighbor, had no food in their house.  How could I sit in my warm home, eating, knowing that next door to me was a family, looking for change to buy food.  I bought a gift card to a grocery store. 

Honestly I never thought of myself as a giver.

I am not a giver for me.  I am Born Again.  Jesus now Dwells inside of me.  I want the light of Jesus to shine through me.  I am not a giver, to make me feel better.  I am a giver to show how good GOD is. 

I know buy gift cards and give them out, when GOD prompts me to. 

We all can hear from GOD if we seek His voice.

In my Book Live Debt Free GOD's Way  On How & Why One needs to Tithe & Sow

This didn't happen to me over night.  It was baby steps, but I wanted my life to change.  We are living in the End of Days.  I want to do everything I can to bring souls into the Kingdom of GOD.  That Is the only thing that matters to me.  Nothing else matters, except GOD.

What is the most important thing in your life?

Material things?  Your Job?  Money?

You reap what you sow.  What are you sowing today?

Sow into someone's life and start living like Jesus.


Want to write your testimony or life story?  Have a story you want to write and publish?  DIY Writing Career

God created you for a purpose.  Listen to GOD and take a step of faith.  GOD will not let you down, He will catch you if you fall.

Sow into someone's life and see Jesus shine through me

Your Life Does Not Define You

Monday, January 30, 2017

Tithing & Giving



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house.  Test me on this and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough rom for it.

GOD says test me. 

Are you a giver?

Are you a tither?

I learned about tithing when I was in my forties.  I had no idea why an offering was taken up at every service.  When I was younger, I was told it was for the preacher, so he can live in that house on the hill.

The truth is The first 10% belongs to GOD.  I get to keep 90% percent.  That sounds like a good deal.

I was not that exciting when I learned about tithing.  I was not making a lot of money.  I was divorced and living paycheck to paycheck.  I started tithing, because that is what GOD says to do.

Let me make this clear.  When you tithe, you do it from your heart.  Do not do it because you have to.  Do not do it in anger.  Do it from the heart and because GOD has blessed you and you have something to tithe.  You should tithe expecting GOD to bless you.  It is like an insurance policy.  If you do not tithe, then GOD can not bless you. 


Satan does not want you to tithe.  Satan wants you to be as far from GOD as possible. 

I started to tithe.  Things were going good, then I read that you should tithe before you taxes.  I was like, What?  I barely can tithe what I get every payday, now I have to tithe before taxes?  I did.

I did not do it in anger.  I did it for the love of GOD. 

I know that tithing works in my life.

A couple of years ago, I woke up and smelled smoke.  I thought my husband was cooking,  I went  back to sleep.  I woke up again and the smell of smoke was stronger.  I opened the bedroom door and the house was filled with smoke.  The furnace was on fire.  My husband was not home.  I called him.  I had no idea where the fire was coming from.  I turned off the electric at the main breaker.

We called a furnace guy.  The furnace guy was amazed that the house did not catch on fire.  It was contained in the furnace.  I was protected by the blood of Jesus  I had tither rights and my house was protected from Satan.

A couple of months later, an electrical outlet stopped working in the kitchen.  I thought nothing of it.  I just didn't use the outlet.  I told my husband about it.  He called an electrian.  It took the guy an hour to find out the source.  The outlet behind the frig fried.  All the wires were melted together.  The guy said it was a miracle that the house did not burn down.

GOD was watching over me.  I am a tither.  I have tither rights.  Satan tried to burn my house down twice and he did not succeed. 

I am a tither and will tither, no matter what.  I am protected by GOD.

Are you a tither?  Let me know.  Let me know what GOD has done for you, since you have been tithing. 

Next blog will be about giving.

I am here  to serve GOD. 

I was saved to Change the World NOT to Survive the World

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Jesus Is Changing My Life

This is me with the only one that loves me unconditional besides GOD.  I loved Roxie more than I loved a human.  Jesus loves me unconditional.  Though I always knew that.

The song"

Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus love me
Because the Bible tells me so

I always knew that GOD loves me, but I didn't act like it.  I kept listening to Satan and his lies. 

The lies Satan told me:

I am fat
I am stupid
God will never forgive me
I will never be a published writer
No one will ever believe that you were sexually abused by your grandfather
Your husband just married you to use to
No one loves you
You are unloveable
Why don't you just kill yourself, no one will miss you
You are ugly
Fat fat fat
Stupid stupid stupid

These are just some of the lies that Satan is screaming in my head day in and day out and I believed them.


This is me when I was being sexually abused by my grandfather, which my family does not believe me.  So I was totally messed up most of my life.

I now know that Jesus loves me.  I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and GOD sees me Holy and Blameless in His sight   Ephesians 1:4

I say that out loud in front of a mirror everyday.  When I am at work, I praise GOD and I know that the light of Jesus is shining through me.  Jesus dwells inside of me and His light shines through.

I am no longer living  for myself.  I am living for Jesus.  My life is so much better.

Your past does not define you.  You receive the Mercy of GOD every morning.  So put your past behind you.  Look up and give the Lord praise.

If you put Jesus in the center of your life, your life will get better.

Whatever you do today, ask yourself, Is this what Jesus would do?

Jesus is with you.  He knows what you are doing, before you do it.  So think about it.  If you are using the Lord's name in vain, Jesus is right with you and hears your words,  If you are having sex and not married, Jesus is with you while you are having sex?
Doing drugs?  Jesus knows it and is with you.

That is why it is so easy to talk to Jesus and ask for help.

Pick up your Bible or app

Read The Bible Out Loud.  Words have power.  Let Satan hear you speak the Word of GOD

Grab a notebook and start writing everything GOD has done for you.  What you have, is all because of GOD, not yourself

Pray, talk to GOD.  You are not hiding anything from HIM.  GOD knows all

Praise GOD.  Thank GOD for the small things in life and the big things in life.

Seek GOD and put Jesus in the center of your life and your life will be so much better

What has GOD done for you?  Leave a comment and let us know.   

Monday, January 23, 2017

Jesus Died On The Cross For You

Do you go to church?  Do you pray?  Do you think about GOD throughout the day?  If not, Why???

Is your life going in the direction that you hope it will go?  Are you in debt?  Do you hate your job?

What are you doing to change your life for the better? 

Do you even know how to change your life?

JESUS is the answer.  Have a question?  Jesus has the answer.

I am not perfect.  I have issues like you.  I am not going to say that your life will change tomorrow, but what I will tell you is that if you start focusing on what Jesus did at the Cross and start making him the center of your life. Your life will change.

My Book My Bible--My GOD E-Book Print Book

Shows how the Bible changed my life.

I look to the cross, knowing that Jesus died for me.  He carried all my sins and sickness on him.  He went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan for you and me.

It does not matter where you are in your life.  It doesn't matter what part of the world you live in, Jesus knows who you are and what your needs are. 

Jesus knows what you have done and what you are going to do. It is not a surprise to Him. 

Stop listening to the world.  Stop worrying and look to Jesus and give him all your problems and let him be in charge of your life.

Pray This:

Dear Lord:

I come to you as a sinner.  I am not worthy of you.  You died on the Cross for me. You carried my pain, my sickness, my worries.  You suffered for me died for me.  You went to the pit of Hell for me.  You rose from the dead on the third day.  Come into my heart.  I accept you as my Lord and Savior.  Do something with my life.  Jesus is Lord.  Jesus is Lord over my life.  In Jesus's Name, Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, you are Born Again.

Leave a message in the comment section  so I can celebrate with you. 

Send and SASE to

Sharon Johnson
P.O. Box 486
Mountain Home, AR 72654

I will send you a FREE Bookmark

Jesus changed my life and Jesus will do the same for you.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Listen to GOD


Why must you drink and stubbornly stall?
Came the voice from the portrait of Jesus on the wall.
Why must you walk with the broken stride.
To face the world with foolish pride.
Why must you live with sorrow found in pain?  When with me, you have so much to gain!
Please my child come walk with me!
For then and only then....can I set you free!


Look To GOD

How Often Do You Think About GOD?

What is the first think you think about when you wake up?

Is it GOD?  Your Children?


The first think I think of when I wake up in the morning is GOD.  I say "Thank you GOD for Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night.  Before my feet hit the ground.

GOD is the reason you have what you have and do what you do.

Satan is the reason why you worry and are stressed all the time.

If you want this new year 2017 to change, you have to be willing to change.

Change the way you speak.  Change the way think.


My life was a mess.  I was suicidal.  I was cutting myself, and I didn't want to leave the house.  I was fearful of everything and everyone.  I was living in fear and was waiting to die.  As I read the Bible and started to listen to that quiet inner voice of GOD, my life began to change.

Satan is always talking to me, telling how stupid I am and how I will never be able to do anything, and at one time I believed Satan.  I then learned that GOD loved me before the world was created.  I learned that if I did not seek GOD first, and ask GOD for help, GOD could not help me.

GOD gave us free will.  It is our choice if we walk with GOD or ignore Him.

What have you chosen?

It is not to late.  Jesus is returning and you have to be ready.  Are you ready?  If not, pray this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I come to you as I am.  I am broken, a sinner and have gone down the wrong path.  Please forgive me.  I believe that you died on the cross for me.  I believe that GOD raised You from the dead.  Please come into my heart and do something with my life.  Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, you are Born Again.

Let me know in the comment section.  So I can rejoice with you.

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