

Friday, November 22, 2019

Christian Writers

I am a Christian Writer.  I am proud to be a Christian Writer.

Though I strayed for a while, and wrote a Zombie Series  Me VS Zombies

I am proud of of this series and don't regret writing the series.  I have an idea for at least 2 more Zombie Novels.  So there is nothing wrong, writing in other genres if you are a Christian.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  I like Zombies,  I watch the Walking Dead every Sunday night.  I watch Zombie movies. 

If you write in horror, zombies, paranormal genres, and you are a Christian.  Nothing wrong with that.

My First book was My Bible --My God

Then I wrote  Always & Forever

I was a Christian Writer

Then I wrote Zombie Zoo

Now I am back writing Christian Romance Novels.

God gave me the gift of writing.  I have 4 rough drafts of books that I am working on.  I know that there is something missing.  God told me what it was.  God told me to make them into Christian Romance and not Focus so much on the Rapture and the End of Days and Revelations.

So that is what I am doing.  God gave me the gift to write. 

If God gave you the gift to write, sing, draw or anything to do with being creative, follow your heart and let God lead you. 

Don't let anyone judge you.  Only God knows your heart. 

So use your gift as God guides you and directs you. 

You are a child of God and God loves you.

Listen to only God and not things of this world.

Prepare Yourself For The Rapture

If you are a writer or want to be a writer follow my other Blog

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jesus Is My Hero In My Life

I was reading a short story by Karen Kingsbury If I Only Could Image.  It is a short read, but very powerful..

I read it yesterday.  The theme of the story is Make Jesus the Hero of you story, your testimony. 

It is easy that when things are going good, you can push Jesus aside and take all the credit.  Then when things go bad, you don't understand what is happening.

If you make Jesus your Hero, everyday of your life, giving all the credit and glory to Jesus, then you will remain focus on Jesus and He will guide you and show you the way. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Do You Believe?

People go to church, for many reasons. 

Just because you go to church, doesn't mean that you believe?

Ask yourself:

Do you believe?  Do you believe that Jesus died for you?

Do you believe that just rose from the dead?

Do you believe that Jesus is in Heaven with God?


You believe but....

Does your but..... get in the way?

Think about this.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  You believe no matter what.  There is no but......

So it you believe in the way, you need to get your but out of the way and be able to believe no matter what.

These are the last days, the last hours the last minutes and the last seconds before Jesus returns.

The Rapture will happen.

Believers need to alert, waiting and to be ready with Jesus comes for us.

It is up to you, if you will be Rapture up or be left behind.

Jesus died on the cross for you.
Jesus went to the pit of Hell and defeated Satan for you.
Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day.
Jesus is in Heaven with God.

God sent Jesus for you,

GOD loves you.

So do you believe?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

New Year's Resolution for 2020

At the first of every new year, I tell myself that I am going to read the Bible.  There are Reading Schedules to read the Bible in one year.  There is even a Bible published for that exact reason.

As usual, I have a good start and last about 3 months reading the Bible, and then I stop for whatever reason.  Once I stop then it is hard to start again.  I feel that I have failed and just read the same scriptures over and over again, but don't read the Bible.

So 2020 is going to be different.   Why?

God is all I have.  I have nothing without God.  I am nothing without God.

God has blessed me beyond anything I could image. 

Yesterday I walked around the house and was just amazed on God has blessed me with.

3 years ago I was living in a house that was run down.  I windows did not seal.  I could hear the wind whistling through the windows.  It was cold in the house in winter and hot in the summer.  The floors were soft because the house has been flooded.  I am sure that there was mold in the house.  I liked the house.  In fact, I planned to die in that house.  Other people thought the house was a pit. 

Now three years later, I am living in a new house on 13 acres of land.  I quit my job to write and for once in my life, I am at peace.  I have no idea why God thought to Bless me..  I thank God everyday for what he has done for me. 

So why did I stop reading the Bible?  I got comfortable.  I just thought well, things will always be like this.  Life is good.  What could possibly go wrong?

That is what Satan wants me to think, so Satan can slip back into my life, because for awhile I have taken my eyes off of Jesus and stopped living for Him.

This morning I took Communion.  I have started taking Communion every morning.  I miss a day here and there, because I don't feel like doing it.  Did Jesus feel like going to the Cross for us?  I think not. 

So I need to keep looking up when things are going well and when things are not going well.  It is a choice.Every morning when I wake up, I make a choice. 

A choice to look to Jesus or to look to Satan. 

God gave us free will.  It is your choice.

I suffer from depression.  I have good days, and I have bad days.  It is my choice.  To listen to Jesus or listen to Satan.

So 2020 is going to be my best year ever.   I have made that decision. 

What are you going to do in 2020?

The choice is yours.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Happy Holidays Or Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

I grew up with saying Merry Christmas.

 Now businesses won't say Merry Christmas.  Businesses say Happy Holidays.  They don't want to offend anyone.  It is all about Money.  Businesses don't care who you are, what you believe, all they want is your money. 

The the last president of the United States of America banned anyone saying Merry Christmas. 

I never stopped saying Merry Christmas.

Believe it or not, Christians, followers of Jesus, stopped saying Merry Christmas, because they did not want to stand up for what they believe.

Christians are doing nothing as Non-Believers take over this country. 

I am not sure what people say in other countries. 

Christmas is not Biblical.  Christmas is not in the Bible.  Christians didn't start celebrating Christmas until centuries later.  So why do we celebrate Christmas?

The church way back when, combined the Winter Solace with the birth of Jesus.  So once again, Christians bowed down to society and accepted Christmas that was combined in a Pagan holiday.

No one knows when Jesus was born.  It was not recorded in the Bible.

So this holiday, as you spend money you don't have, go into debt and try to impress people that don't matter in your life, think about the true meaning of Christmas.

What is the true meaning of Christmas to you?
What do you say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

I am on the fence over Christmas since I learned the real reason there is Christmas.

Something to think about:

Why do we put a real tree in our house?
Why do parents lie to their children about Santa, when the Bible says Thou Shall Not Lie
Why would you put your child on an old man's lap, when they don't want to?  Think Child abuse.
Why The Bible says nothing about 3 wise men.  the Bible says wise men
The wise men did not arrive the night Jesus was born. 
It took months to find Jesus.
So the nativity scene is not accurate. 

I am not saying not to celebrate Christmas.

I am asking, what are you celebrating?

Santa is a lie to your children.
Killing a tree to put in your house is absurd.
Going into debt is not Biblical

So are you celebrating the Pagan Holiday


Are you celebrating The Birth of our Savior, Jesus.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Remember What Jesus Did At The Cross/Communion

Here is a thought and a question.

How often do you think of what Jesus did at the Cross for you???

Once, not at all or throughout the day.

I have to admit that I have missed the mark many of days. 

If I wake up tired and cranky, I have to admit that I just go to the frig grab a Pepsi and go about my day, usually heading toward my office.  Then when I go to bed, only then do I realize that I haven't said a word to Jesus.

We all ignore God and Jesus, but the point is to Repent and try to do better.

So the one thing that I have been doing, just me and God is taking Communion every Morning.  I take the bread and drink the blood (I use juice).

It starts the day focusing on Jesus, before I enter my office and face the real world.

No Hope
No Jesus

No Jesus
No Hope

When you take the bread say:  This is my body, do this in remembrance of me

When you drink the juice say:  This cup is the new covenant of my blood.

Take 5 minutes and remember what Jesus did at the cross for you

GOD Ain't Leaving You

People might say they believe in GOD, but do they believe that GOD will never leave them nor forsake them?

That is the question.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that means that the Holy Spirit has come and now dwells inside of you.  You are now a new creature in Christ.

So if the Holy Spirit have come to dwell in you, why would he leave?

GOD is a permanent resident within you.

GOD is not a visitor.

You must believe this, to the depths of your soul and never forget it, no matter what is going on in your life.

People say, "I don't hear GOD anymore."  That is not God's fault, it is your fault.

So in good times and in bad times, never forget that GOD is with you.

Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

If you need Jesus, just say "Jesus, I need you." 

The Holy Spirit is inside of you.

The Power Of GOD dwells inside of you.

That is pretty awesome.

Praise The Lord

Monday, November 4, 2019

Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

I was at the store October 31, Halloween.  Employees were taking down the merchandise  from Halloween and putting up Christmas merchandise.

Society goes from one holiday to the next.  That is where the money is.  The sooner they get the merchandise, the sooner they can make money.

Holidays are only to make money.

Halloween is over.  Christmas is on the horizon.

So let me ask you this? 

What does Christmas mean to you?

Why do you celebrate Christmas?

I have been questioning this holiday in the past years.

1.  No one knows when Jesus was born.

2.  The 1st Century Christians did not celebrate Jesus's Birth.

3.  In The Book of Luke, Jesus told them to remember his Resurrection and not his birth.  Which is communion.

4.  Companies and commercials use the phrase Happy Holidays, wiping Jesus from the holiday

5.  People go into debt to impress family and friends

6.  When Christmas was created the birth of Jesus was blended with the Winter Solace.  The church blended a religious holiday that the church wanted (Which is not Bible base) with a pagan holiday.

7.  Christmas is not Bible base.

8.  Why do you put a tree in the house.  It comes from the Winter Solace.

9.  Christmas is a Pagan holiday.  Every holiday, is based on Paganism.

10. Santa is not real.  To lie is a sin, but parents lies to their children, teaching them to lie from birth.

11.  We live in a Pagan Society. 

12.  How are you going to worship God with Pagans are surround Christians

13.  We are living the Days Of Noah

Tell me what you think.

Leave a comment. 

I will be talking more about Paganism and holidays.  We are living in the last days Before The Rapture.  We need to get ready and be prepared.

Friday, November 1, 2019


The Bible states that Jesus says, Repent, the Kingdom is near.

I have been sick the past couple of days, plus I had dental work on my teeth,  Needless to say that I did not feel good and was a bit cranky and that is putting it mildly. 

I had negative thoughts.  I said negative words.  I was in the Flesh and not in the Spirit.

I knew that Satan was making me say negative words.  My mind was in a bad place.  I was tired, didn't feel good and just wanted to go to sleep. 

I knew at that moment that Satan was in control of me, my mind and my words.

So what did I do?

I did what Jesus said.  I repented.

I prayed
Dear Lord,
I repent for being in the flesh.  I repent for listening to Satan.  I repent for not listening to you.  I repent.  I forgive if I have ought against any.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Jesus died for me.  I am washed in the Blood of Jesus.

So when I mess up, (Which some days, I do it quite often.)

Once I repent, I am right with God.

Not because I am perfect, but because what Jesus did at the Cross.

Don't take what Jesus did at the Cross for granted.

Jesus' Blood was shed. 

Jesus died for us.

Next time you mess up, Repent and get on with your life and Praise the Lord as you do.

It is that simple.