

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Bury Bibles

I know that I am alive for a reason.  I know that God placed me here, in this time in history for a reason.  I might never know what that reason is.  All I can do is follow my heart and do what God tells and guides me to do.

I have some ideas that I think are great, but they are not God's ideas.  They are flesh ideas.

I know that Jesus is coming back within my lifetime.  I don't care what anyone else thinks or says.  I want to be prepared for when Jesus comes back.  I want to prepare others for they will be ready when Jesus comes back. 

I don't want to be left behind and have to live through the tribulation. 

Then I was thinking, what can I live for the ones that do get left behind?  What if the Bible is banned and disappears within the next ten years.  How will anyone know about God's plans for them?

I want to leave something for people who will come after me.  I have no idea when the Rapture will happen, but I do know it is only a matter of time before the Bible is banned, churches will close and Christianity will no longer be known to man.  It is happening now and within one generation, Christianity will be lost.


That is what I heard from the Lord. 

Ten, twenty years or so, I might not be here, but others will.  Someone else will be living on this property that I now live on.  They will live in my house.  They might not know anything about God or the Bible.

I got a large glass jar, the kind of jar that pickles come in.  I put a Bible in a freezer zip lock back, and placed it in the jar.  I then duct taped the lid on to avoid moisture. 

I then buried the Bible on the property.

So when I am no longer here, the future residents will find the Bible.  I believe that God will guide them to the jar. 

This is one way of preserving God's Word for the future. 

If everyone buries Bibles anywhere and everywhere, then God's Word will never be forgotten

You can hide a Bible in a wall of your apartment, under the floor board of your house or bury it under a tree. 

Think of it this way, if you bury a Bible, hide a Bible for the future, you just might be saving a soul in the future and God used you.  You have a purpose and a reason for being here.

Bury A Bible

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