

Monday, April 8, 2013

GOD Has Changed My Life

In 2011 I wrote  My Bible--My God

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I thought my life was good backin 2011.  I realized that Satan had a hold on me and tossed me into a pit.

It is an everyday battle not to listen to Satan.  It is a choice who I listen to God or Satan. 

I make a point to get up early and spend time with God.  Do I want to get up early.  I do not.  I do it so I can hear GOD during the day, when I am busy, he will whisper something to me, that will stop me from doing something stupid.

One major thing that changed my way of thinking and how I look at others,is the fact that we are all  a Spirit.  We have a soul.  We live in a body.

So now when I see people, I don't see them as human, I see them as a Spirit who has not accepted GOD or needs to be reminded that we are all connected to GOD.

I know that I have never fit in.  I am what people call a loner.  The fact is that the only one that understands me, is GOD.  He created me.  He loves me.

It took me about 50 years to understand and accept GOD'S Love, but I think it is worth it. 

Once I put my trust in GOD.

One I stopped listening to Satan

Once I started spending Time with GOD

My Life Totally Changed for the better.

The year 2012, my life totally changed:

1.  I swtiched jobs at work.  I had 4 hours of training and then on my own.  I had no idea what I was doing.  I just told myself that I would sink or swim.  I spent time with GOD.  I prayed and I recieved a raise, when I was told that I wouldn't get a raise.  That had to be all GOD

2.  I recieved 2 royality checks from amazon.  I sold books on amazon and am now cliaming my writing on my taxes. 

3.  I took a 2 week vacation to Key West Florida.  This might not be a big deal to some, but when you are afraid to leave the house.  Have to check everything before you leave the house, which could take over 30 minutes to get out of the house.  leaving the house for two weeks in a big deal.  I give GOD all the credit.  I came up with a plan and figured out a way to leave for vacation without looking back.  I give credit to GOD.

4.  GOD gave me the knowledge to write and publish a short story every month.  That is all GOD.  My word count is up.  I use to only write 100 words a day, and that was in long hand, and then I had to type it into the computer.  The past two weeks I wrote 7,000 words in two days and the following week I wrote 6,000 words, sitting at the  computer, not in longhand.  Saving a lot of time.  It is all GOD. 

5.  The fact that my 2 week vacation is paid in full.  That is all GOD.  I charged everything on my creidt card and was able to pay off the credit card off when I got back.  GOD has blessed me.

Now it is 2013:

1.  I have published 4 episodes of Me VS Zombies

2.  I recieved a fan letter on my facebook page from a reader that likes my Me VS Zombies Series

3.  My boyfriend had a heart attack when we got back from Florida, he is fine.  GOD healed him.

4.  I have recieved another royality check last month and I am expecting to recieve a royality check every month this year.  GOD gave me this passion to write.  I have released my faith to recieve his blessings in my life

5.  I am planning my next vacation back to Florida and I am not limiting myself on the budget.  I know that if I listen to God he will supply all my wants and needs.

The year is not even half over and I am so excited to see what GOD is going to do for me. 

5 things I do everyday:

1.  I get up early everyday and spend time with God

2.  I read the Bible

3.  I confess my confessions throughout the day

4.  I pray in the Holy Spirit

5.  I no longer listen to Satan.

God has changed my life.  He can change your life also

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